Dark mark - comfrot, angst - R:yes

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Words: 712Warnings: crying, arguing, torture and starving mentioned

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Words: 712
Warnings: crying, arguing, torture and starving mentioned

I apologise. I haven't felt like writing all that much recently. I have just READ and read and read and read... You get the point. And I've also worked with the podcast a lot recently sooo

Btw I tried to ask if the person wanted jegulus comfort or no but they never answered soo I just decided myself

Sirius was walking through the hallway, on his way back to the dorm after detenttion. He was alone, and everytime he was alone, he liked to listen to people, as they spoke. He found it fun to listen to random bits of different conversitations. He listened to a couple of hufflepuffs whining about their homework essay. He listened to a gryffindor and a ravenclaw talk about quidditch. But what caught his atenttion the most was what a couple of slytherins were talking.

"Black has the mark, did you know?"

"No way! Finally!"

Sirius knew that he definently didn't have the dark mark, so that left only one other option, but it was no better. Sirius turned around and instead headed to the slytherin commonroom's entrance. He banged on the door, until some random slytherin opened it for him. He didn't let the slytherin say anything, until he ran past him to find Regulus.

"Get out Black!"

Oh, so apparently the random slytherin was in fact Severus Snape. Well, Sirius couldn't give a fuck about that, so he just ran to Regulus' dormitory that he shared with Evan and Barty and ran in. Regulus was sitting on his bed, reading. Evan and Barty were making out, ut stopped when Sirius came in.

"Leave, I want to talk to Regulus alone" Sirius growled. Barty nodded and dragged Evan out. "What is it Sirius?" Regulus asked, putting his book away. Sirius didn't say anything. He just grabbed Regulus' arm and pulled up the sleeve.

"So it's true" Sirius muttered, letting go of him and sitting next to him on the bed. He felt betrayed. He knew Regulus wasn't an angel and that he didn't like how much Sirius worried over him, but he would've never guessed Regulus would go as far as getting the mark. Regulus bit his lip and pulled his sleeve back down. He glaned over at Sirius, neither of them saying anything for a few seconds.

To Regulus the silence was even more scary than Sirius yelling at him. Yelling was what he was used to, it was familiar. "Sorry..." Regulus whispered, "I'm sorry."

"And you better fucking be. What were you thinking? Are you really now one of them? One of the people, who have tortured us, starved us, hurt us... Are you really going to be best friends with them?"

"No! I'm sorry. I didn't have any other option. It was either death or the mark." "Yet I don't have the mark but I'm alive!" "You don't understand! They wanted to get rid of you!" "But why the fuck would you get the stupid mark?! Are you now going to also torture innocent people because they don't have the information you want?!" "I don't have any other options Sirius!!"

"Yes you do! You said it yourself! I'd rather have you dead than one of them! Die brave rather than die as a coward!!!"

Regulus started crying, "I'm sorry!"

"Sure you are. I see now why you didn't have any worries wathching me getting tortured if you are willing to be the one torturing others" he muttered and stood up. "I trusted you, really" he turned to look at him, "I really did trust you Regulus, but I see now I shouldn't have."

Regulus cried harder, unable to speak anymore. Sirius walked out of the room.

Evan and Barty walked back to the room when they saw Sirius leave and found Regulus crying on his bed. They quickly walked over and hugged him. "Hey hey, shh, shh. What's wrong?" "He- he hates me!"

"He doesn't. He never will. He loves you. He is just mad at the moment. You both need to calm down and then chat propely" Evan said softly, while Barty got them some sweets, "It's okay"

Regulus nodded, slowly starting to calm down as the three of them ate sweets and Evan told him soft words.

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