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"Bullseye again!" He punched his fish in the air. "Yeah baby!" He hugged her lifting her into the air as he spun her round.

"Beginner's luck," her opponent grumbled slamming the money she won on the snooker table before marching off.

"Or she had a great teacher," he place her down. "Woo! I'm great!" He popped open a bottle.

"Hmm, your not half bad," she leaned on the snooker table.

"Is that so?" He rose his his brow placing the bottle down. "Get cocky now are we?"

"Well I'm only following my mentor," she shrugged.

"Mmm, funny," he took a sip of his drink. "Then let's play a game, winner gets three wishes."

" three wishes," she stared into the distance for a bit. "Deal." She grinned.

"Get ready to lose," he let out a cocky laugh. "Cause sugar, I'm not going easy."

"I never expected you to," she grabbed a dart. Biting his lip, he smiled pointing his finger at her.

"You better keep your word, no backing out," his gaze burned into her.

"Don't worry, darling," she smiled.




"Another round!"Trevor yelled, slamming his arms down on the snooker table.

"Nuh uh," she smiled proudly arms crossed. "A win is a win and I've won fair and square."

"You must've cheated somehow," he paced around.

"I guess it wouldn't be fair if I kept you completely blind," she giggled. "But I must admit I'm no beginner."

"I knew it!" He pointed at her pausing. "I thought I was insane when you soundly was shooting sharply."

She shrugged smiling. "What can I say it's one of my tactics to winning." Straightening up, she pushed off the snooker table and stepped towards Trevor. "Now if I remember correctly I was promised three wishes."

"Just letting you know there's only so much I can do," Trevor put his hands up. "After all I kinda have to stay low."

Raising her brow, she stared at him then leaned back onto the snooker table and looked him up and down.

"I mean if you rub me those three times maybe I'll risk it, but sugar-"

"Let's go to the truck," she smirked.

"Ok...?"he followed her. "Where'd you want to go?" He asked once buckled in.

"My first wish is something simple, I want some ice cream," she smiled.

"Easy peasy!" He sped to the nearest store that sold ice-cream.

"What now?" He asked as they leaned on the truck with their ice-creams. Trevor had bought a box of cones with a tub and scoop. Gen had hers neatly in the cone, whereas Trevor's had broken and was not part of a makeshift ice cream/ cone mixture in the tub.

"I'm not gonna use all my wishes up all at once," she giggled.

"Well it's best you get them out all at once before you regret it," he hummed.

Silently, she finished the cone and then turned to Trevor. "You mean before I leave you, don't you?" She looked at the store closing down.

"Yeah," he scratched his neck sighing.

"So today was..."she hung her head low.

"...yeah," he crossed his arms.

"Trevor, do you want me to stay?" She turned to him.

"I do...but."

"No, I asked if you want me to stay," she turned her body toward him. "Because I want to."

"Gen, I know how things like this go,"he scratched his neck. "I've gone through this too many times not too, it's fun for a while then it gets to the point they get tired of me." He sighed, looking up at the falling sun. "I-I'm not a good person."he chuckled. "There's a certain someone who could probably lecture you a whole essays worth why you shouldn't even spare me a chance to talk."

"Trevor,"she called.

"I love you, truly. You're a nice gal, but I can't see myself harm you. I don't want to harm you."

"Trevor," she repeated.

"I've done a lot of things, I've been through a lot and seen a lot. And I don't want to drag you into this lifestyle. This life isn't good for you. I know I saved you and all but you shouldn't move douche bag to douche bag."

"Trevor."She said sternly. He froze.


"The only person harming yourself is you, you hurt yourself by harming others but you can't stop," she shook her head. "Because it's your nature, to be chaotic, a douche, an asshole. Because that's your label. It's just you." She smiled weakly. "I'm right aren't I?"

"Gen, I'll drive you to a motel," he sighed. Pulling a couple bucks out his pocket he began counting them.

"You planned this from the beginning didn't you?"her eyes were practically piercing through him. As he glanced up at her guilt filled his eyes, quickly liking away from her as he stuffed it back in his pocket.

"It's fun being wild, acting like a animal, not giving a fuck because you're not like those other 'losers'. You can't be walked all over," she crossed her arms. "Drinking yourself away, drugging yourself until your piss stained." She shook her head.

"It's all I know," he muttered his voice was soft almost a whisper.

"You hate it but you embrace because that's all you know. A stupid fucking excuse." She scoffed pushing off the trunk. "You're just too comfortable in your chaos."

Trevor seemed to have braced himself for yelling, slapping anything, but she stood there starring at him silently. Her body seemed to be emitting heat in the cold, as if she was a brewing kettle with smoke emitting from the top. However, with a couple deep breaths she entered the car.

"Take me to the trailer, I'll grab my stuff," she sighed as he entered the truck. With a nod, Trevor began to drive in the direction, the radio was low and the lyrics of the song was definitely not helping the situation. Tears began to sting her eyes threatening to break her stone like image.

Tear the petals off of you,
Make you tell the truth

Tear the petals off o-

She switched the song to another.

Half life wastes before it goes,
It's funny how your bee sting touch never leaves me whole,
It's not enough to stay here almost trying,
You keep your last laugh watch this dying,
It's just half time vertigo,
And if you want an answer I don't know,

She switched the song once again.

And if you save yourself,
You will make him happy,
He'll keep you in a jar,
And you'll think you're happy,
He'll give you breathing holes,
And you'll think you're happy,

She desperately pressed, switching song to song until giving up. The tears had already fallen and there was no more point in holding image. So she cried.



Thanks for reading 💕💕

Lyrics taken form songs :

Petals - Hole

Half life - sneaker pimps

Sappy- Nirvana

P.s unedited

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