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Exiting the trailer, Genevieve silently watched as Trevor sat on the truck. Aimlessly chucking rocks in the ground, he'd occasionally sigh and look up to the sky shaking his head.

"Trevor,"she called for him from the porch. His head turned to face her, his brown eyes softening for a moment before looking away back to the ground.

"I'm sorry," her brows knitted together. "I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be with you."

"How far along are you?" He refused to face her, his eyes glued to the ground. His voice was so quiet that it got lost in her ramble of apologies.

"I never meant to hurt you. I just knew you'd send me home if you knew. I wanted to be with you Trevor. I-"

"How far along are you?" He repeated a little louder.

"I really like being here. I feel comfortable being her. I feel safe. I feel loved. I feel appreciated."

"How. Far. Along, are you?" He finally glanced at her his eyes met hers demanding an answer.

" Three months and a bit," she answered, her eyes wandering downwards.

"So when you-"

"No. I didn't know then," she shook her head.

"Then when did you?" 

"I found out a few movie nights ago," she answered fiddling with her fingers. He seemed to be taking the information in, nodding at her answer.

"How were you planning to tell me?Were you gonna surpris me with the bump? Runaway and give birth? Drop the child on my doorstep?" His eyes narrowed at her.

"I hadn't figured it out yet," she mumbled.

Covering his face, he sighed and facing up at the sky. "You really know how to drive a man mad," taking a deep breath he faced her. "Come here."

Silently, taking a seat beside him, he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Before things went awry I wanted to tell you about a little thing going on."
He scratched the back of his head. "Michael's having a little barbecue. I was wondering if you'd want to go."

She stared at him sceptically.

"Well I was invited by the kids but still, the offer stands," he smiled softly. Gen nodded returning a warm smile.

The two stayed out slowly returning to their usual selves before entering the trailer. Ron had fallen asleep, the remote loosely in his hand as he sprawled on the couch. The tv was still running and his snores filled the room. Gen shut the tv as Trevor kicked Ron's leg out the way.

Gen had settled in the bed awaiting for Trevor to enter, when he kissed her in the forehead and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked sitting up from the bed.

"I have to make a few calls," he smiled. "Don't wait for me, rest. You need it."

Despite his words of reassurance  she still couldn't shake the unnerving feeling. Peeking from the window he seemed to be having a serious conversation. There was no sign of playfulness or foul mouth behaviour. He seemed completely dead serious.


Driving down the desert road, soon the car view of cacti and dry land turned to large sky scrapers and palm trees. The streets filled with chatter as cars zoomed by, the muffled sound of music blasting accompanied by bird squeals and obnoxious laughter.

"Back in Barbie's city," he sniffed the air sighing. "You can smell the plastic." He entered the gates, slightly bumping into the end. 

The house wasn't exactly foreign to Gen as this was where she'd met Amanda and Michael. Trevor had left the truck on the side by the bushes hopping out of the truck.

Immediately, as if it was sixth sense, Michael walked out the house confronting Trevor. "What the hell are you doing here Trevor?!" He marched over.

"Coming over for the barbecue," he shrugged. "What else does it look like?"

"That'd require an invite," Michael stuffed his hands in his pocket hiding his clenched fists.

"I happen to have been invite by none other than-"

"Uncle T!" A blonde haired woman ran out of the house hugging Trevor. "You came!"

Michal sighed and placed a hand on his head attempting to soothe the growing headache. "Tracey did you invite Trevor ?" He asked his voice already drained of all energy.

"Yeah!" She smiled. "Uncle T's like family."

Michael shook his head in defeat. "There's food in the back, it's a pleasure to have both of you," he forced a smile.

"Oh Mikey, the pleasure is ours," Trevor shone a smug smile as he entered the house.

"You better behave yourself," Michael whispered to him before walking away.

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