Yes She Does!

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Now it was Elena's turn to pace back and forth worriedly while Hobie was being examined by the doctors. Nurses kept coming over and urging her to go lay back down insisting she still was in poor condition but she continued to brush them off. "You're up!" A familiar voice exclaimed, Miguel had returned and was shocked to find his daughter up and walking about. He immediately ran over and wrapped her in a big hug. "Dad! Somethings wrong with Hobie!" She cried pushing out of his embrace and turning her head to keep Hobie in view. Miguel reluctantly let his daughter go and sighed running his hand through his hair as she walked back over to Hobie's bedside. "Any news on what's going on with him?" He asked a nurse coming over and putting his hands on Elena's shoulders. "He appears to be catatonic, his readings are completely normal he is just frozen" the nurse explained "but there's more" she continued pulling up a holographic screen "when we were conducting testing we detected a very distinct signature overlapping Hobie's. Running it through the database revealed it's actually.....Elena's" "WHAT?!" Father and daughter both shouted in unison.

"Yes it's similar to the signature we find on powered individuals, almost like the DNA of their abilities, it's unique to each person and coincides with their genetics." "But Elena doesn't have powers!" Miguel protested. "Well clearly now she does" the nurse stated sarcastically crossing her arms and glaring at Miguel. "Anyway, if it's her power then she should be able to undo it" "but she doesn't. Have. POWERS!!" Miguel shouted once again at the nurse "look Miguel you are not a doctor and you are not medical professional, you are her father. YOU DO NOT GET TO MAKE THIS CALL" "hmph" the Nueva York Spider-Man fumed walking off into the corner of the room upset after being told off by someone he considered lower in command than him. The nurse then turned to Elena "look I'm gonna run a test on you to see if you do in fact have a signature.... Mostly to please YOUR FATHER" she shouted the last part glaring at Miguel in the corner "Shut up" he retorted. Rolling her eyes the nurse went on speaking more gently to Elena then her father "I'm gonna need a piece of your hair to do the test" "ok" Elena agreed and the nurse snipped a strand of her locks off. "but while I'm doing this I want you to focus and try and see if you can feel your abilities, once you can do that you will be able to undo whatever magic is holding Hobie alright?" "Alright" Elena nodded softly. "Ok good" the nurse affirmed patting Elena on the shoulder and walking off. "She doesn't have powers!!" Miguel hissed earning him a middle finger and a severe look as the nurse breezed by.
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