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Elena's POV
I focused all my energy on Hobie, I repeated the action of unfreezing him over and over again in my mind until it became slurred and unintelligible. Still nothing happened, why wasn't this working? It was supposed to work! I was so confused. Tears started to form in my eyes and I covered my face with my hands to keep anyone from seeing. It wasn't really much help the sniffles and occasional shaky inhales I took were enough proof of the tears presence. I stood there trying to pull myself together when I heard a faint whimpering coming from Dad's corner of the room. I cautiously approached him. Was he actually crying? Dad never cries! And especially not about Hobie, I thought to myself sarcastically. "Dad?" I wavered, he turned around with the most pitiful puppy dog pout I've ever seen that I couldn't help but smile a little bit. "Why are you crying?" I giggled as he pulled the bottom of his eyes down with his hands and made an over exaggerated frown. This accompanied with his hysterical wailing broke me and I burst into laughter. "There's my little girl" he cooed wrapping his arms around me. I sniffed laughing a little as I wiped the tears from my eyes "what was that?" I asked. "Don't you remember? That's how I always used to make you stop crying when you were little" he replied. Oh yeah! I'd totally forgotten he used to do that, whenever I'd get upset about something like my ice cream melting or my favorite toy being in the wash for the foreseeable future he'd pretend to cry with me. Somehow it felt weird to be crying with someone else so I'd always stop, that and his funny faces. "Thanks papi" I breathed leaning into his hug. "Of course mi chica" he stroked my hair as I released the last bit of sadness that was left in me. "Hey remember when you were little and you used to try to climb up walls like all the other spider people and end up falling onto the floor? That was so cute!" He gushed. "Dad please" I pleaded through clenched teeth feeling my cheeks flush red with embarrassment. "Oh come on Mija! It was so sweet! You always had bruises all over your legs and arms and you'd come to me and ask me for 'super hero bandaids' because normal bandaids weren't strong enough". "Dad what if someone hears you!" I hissed trying to get him to be quiet. "Nobody will hear me, the only person in here is Hobie and he's asleep" "actually I've been awake for a while now" a British voice remarked. We both turned around to see Hobie smirking at us with his feet propped up on the foot board of the hospital bed. "Just thought it was fascinating to hear your childhood stories spider bite!" He teased me draping an arm over my shoulder and squeezing me in a quick hug. "Quit it!" I snapped shoving him off me and folding my arms over my chest to assume optimal pouting position while dad ruffled my hair laughing. Hobie wasn't even paying attention to me anymore "YO! Who let them put me in this manky hospital gown?" He complained eyeing the clothing. "Oh hey you got one too" he noticed looking up at me "twwwwwinss" he grinned squishing his face up as much as he could. "Ok Ms. O'Hara the results are in and they confirm for sure definite you have powers" the nurse walking into the room declared. "Powers?" Hobie questioned, I could tell he was caught really off guard. The nurse looked up from her clipboard hearing his voice "oh, you got him awake, good" she sighed "there's someone here to see you all". She stepped to the side to reveal a figure behind her holding what looked like a super charged weapon "so we meet again".

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