Mind Games

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3rd person POV
Elena had cried herself to sleep and stayed that way for the next few hours. She only began to come back to consciousness when she heard a voice talking "Lyla, subjects vital signs please". Elena tried her best to ignore the noise and keep sleeping, she shut her eyes tightly and tuned out the voices. The plan failed when a hand gently shook her by the arm "Mija, it's time to wake up". She knew who it was by the nickname they used, it was Miguel. When she had refused to get up she felt herself slowly being lifted into his arms and cradled like a small child. "She's had a rough time of it" Miguel told someone nearby "I'll carry her to the observation room so she can get a bit more rest on the way there". It seemed like the other person agreed because the next thing Elena knew she was being placed in a soft arm chair and left alone with the cold air marking the lack of anyone's presence around her. Although there was the subtle nagging feeling she was being watched.

Elena pried her eyes open to find a large holographic projection hovering around her displaying all her vitals. "Lyla!" She shouted indignantly but the AI did not appear. "Hello Ms. O'Hara" a man with light brown hair and glasses greeted her, he was wearing a white lab coat and looked to be about 35 years old. Elena thought he looked like someone who'd give out oatmeal raisin cookies at Halloween. "Who are you?" she remarked without any care about how rude she sounded. "My name is Dr. Laden, I'm a psychiatrist and I'm going to be conducting your psychiatric evaluation" "ya whatever". Elena rolled her eyes and scanned the room, obviously not interested in what Dr. Laden had to say. There wasn't much to the room as it was mostly white with no windows or furniture except the two chairs she and the doctor sat in. Where had Miguel gone? She wondered and then noticed that one of the walls was almost completely covered by a massive mirror. Immediately she realized what was going on. "Miguel is behind that mirror isn't he? It's a one way glass?" She demanded of the doctor "well.... Um... no" he stuttered trying not to give himself away.

"Don't lie to me" Elena warned leaning forward in her seat slightly, hoping to appear more menacing. "You know what I can do" she mocked, even though she still had no idea how to control her abilities or even what exactly she was capable of. However, her fib seemed to accomplish her goal as the doctor began to look nervous and glanced towards the mirror. "Come on, tell the truth" Elena persisted with her intimidation tactic. She stood up from her chair and loomed over the doctor with an icy stare. She wasn't her father's biologically but she had picked up his demeanor and body language after being raised by him for so long. She used it to her advantage now creating an atmosphere where he had no choice but to feel weak and powerless compared to her. Just then a door by Dr. Laden opened and in stepped Miguel. Elena looked up at him in surprise, she hadn't expected to see him today even though he had carried her here. In an instant her power was gone and the master had come to take charge. Now it was her turn to feel small and powerless beneath Miguel's unwavering gaze, "Alright Elena that's enough with the mind games, answer the doctor's questions" he told her sternly. Elena couldn't help herself and was on the verge of tears. There were so many emotions bubbling up inside her, threatening to rip her heart apart if they weren't released.

Not the least of which of these emotions was guilt. It rose up inside her throat and threatened to choke her. Her eyes stung and it became hard to breathe. "Papa!!" She managed to yell out in desperation before the power of speech left her entirely and the tears finally began to fall from her eyes. Immediately Miguel's strict demeanor was dropped and replaced with fear and concern. "What's wrong Mija?" He asked urgently and kneeled down next to her placing a hand on her back. Elena couldn't answer, she was still too caught up in all the emotion surrounding her. She fell out of the chair and onto the ground shaking and gasping for air, the tears still running down from her cheeks onto the ground.

Now Dr. Laden and Miguel were both at her side trying to figure out how to help her. "Just breathe Mija, in and out, big breaths" Miguel instructed while Dr. Laden paged the medical team. They could both see the hologram vital monitors fluctuating wildly in the blood oxygen levels as well as the bpm. And still, Elena showed no signs of letting up. The panic, hurt, and guilt all combined together and gripped her from the inside causing her body to constrict to a painful degree. She was in the throws of an intense panic attack and there was very little that anyone could do about it at the moment besides wait.

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