Glass Houses

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Elena POV
A portal opened and I turned my back on my former allies, former family. I stepped one foot through the portal when I heard the familiar sound of a gun being cocked behind me. I whipped my head around to see Miguel pointing a fire arm directly at me. "What are you doing?" I questioned him in a solemn tone, I'd thought he would still have too much care for me to attempt to stop me. His face was full of pain and anguish and his hands shook clutching the gun. "I'm sorry Mija but I have to protect all the other dimensions" his voice wavered and his eyes were misty with the warning signs of tears. "Are you seriously going to shoot me?" I threatened in a sarcastic tone "you don't have the guts". "Baby girl I love you more than words can describe but if you are going to stand in the way of what you know is right I have no choice but to fight you. It hurts me to do this but I will not hold back". A moment of guilt flashed through me, was I seriously ready to sacrifice the whole multiverse because I was mad at Miguel? More importantly was he really willing to sacrifice me for the multiverse? I made eye contact with Doc Oc who looked at me suspiciously. "Are you planning on running back to daddy? Or are you ready to play with the big boys?" He asked stepping behind me into the still open swirling portal. It seemed as if it was waiting for me, beckoning me to see what it's outcomes would bring. I stood for second, thinking, then made up my mind. I turned to Miguel "that's the problem with heros, they'll sacrifice you for the world but the villains will let the world burn to save you". Miguel sighed "Then you leave me no choice". There was what felt like a long pause in my mind, but in reality it was probably only a few seconds. The whole scene around me seemed to start moving in slow motion. I couldn't tell if it was my powers acting of their own volition or just happening in my head but regardless I was frozen in place. I stayed rooted to the ground as the shot of the gun rang out, resonating within the walls around us. My breathe also came slowly as if I couldn't inhale a large amount of air at one time. A terrible choking feeling rose up in my throat. I really was alone in this world, no not only in this world but all the worlds, wasn't I? The bullet soared through the air towards me slowly spiraling through the air. As it came closer I shut my eyes and braced for impact. I waited to finally be put out of this awful misery I couldn't ever seem to escape no matter how hard I tried. I waited for the man I called Father's bullet to pierce my chest.

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