Doing Time With an AI

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Elena POV
I sat in a cell as Laila projected herself into the corner as a video surveillance system. "Don't you have anything better to do?" I grumble glaring at her "I can be in multiple places at once so technically I am doing something better right now". "Like what?" I ask genuinely interested because at this point I'm dying from boredom, it's been two days since I was put here and nobody and has come to visit me except the guards who bring me my food. "Well right now I'm helping your father track an anomaly" I perk up at the mention of my dad "how is he?" I ask hopefully. "Honestly, not great, since you did what you did he's been in a really bad mood, he snapped at Lego Peter the other day and you know how close those two are" I don't answer and just roll my eyes sliding into a different corner of the cell.

I'm really not in the mood to be scolded by a smart ass AI. "I still can't believe you did that, are you sure there's not something seriously wrong with you? Because normal people aren't able to just pull off that level of betrayal". I glare at her again and put my head on my knees "don't look at me like that Laila" "well I'm your security surveillance to make sure you don't act out so technically it's my job to watch you". "Ughhh" I groan getting more annoyed "nobody else has you as a security camera! They all get regular cameras why do I get you?". I watch as she fakes offense "well Miguel thought you needed some extra supervision so... you get me" she smiles sarcastically "and considering you've had like 2 breakdowns since you got here I'd say it was warranted" . "Come on, I'm not that bad right kid?" "You're literally the most irritating thing about my time here" I growl at her. "Wow, maybe there really is something wrong with you, it's a good thing you've got that psych evaluation in a few hours". "I'm sorry what did you say?" I demand quickly making my way over to the AI "hm? Oh you didn't know did you, your dad ordered a psychological evaluation of you to make sure you're not mentally disturbed or something". "He. Did. WHAT!!" I shout at her earning a warning from the noise monitor in my cell that if I get any louder a guard will be dispatched to me cell.

"Hmm, better quiet down kid" Laila implies slyly "but seriously, just relax, they'll come get you for it in a bit and they'll get you all figured out". "There's nothing to figure out!" She gives me a condescending look meaning she doesn't believe me "well when you get your oppositional defiance disorder diagnosis let me know how 'fine' you are the ok babe?". I scoff and roll my eyes at her then wave my hand through her hoping to get her to dissipate but she just glitches into pixels for a little bit then rematerializes. "Nice try kid" she remarks sarcastically with her hands on her hips, I don't reply and start to quietly sob while curling myself into a ball in the corner of the cell. "Hey, hey hey come on, it's gonna be ok kid" she says softly, appearing over by me. "No it's not! I'm being treated like a criminal! Locked in a cell! And nobody who said they care about me has even come to visit me!" "well, no, but that doesn't mean they aren't worried about you" she tries to comfort me "oh yeah how's that?" I ask through tears "well Hobie is always asking your dad for updates on your condition and your dad himself is watching your feed every spare minute he has". "He is?" I sniff pitifully wiping my tears away "ya he is, so I promise they haven't forgotten about you ok?". I nod at her "thanks Laila".

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