First Mission Failed

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Miguel's POV
We walked into a lab full of different mechanical parts. The mad scientist we had come to stop was busy tinkering on his machine. "Alright let's get this done" I nodded at Hobie. He tipped his head in understanding and we ran towards the lab man. I glanced behind me when I heard the squeaking of sneakers following. Elena was right on our heals. "Elena no stay there!" I shouted causing Hobie to pause as well. Her shoes caused her to slip and she went tumbling towards the machine. I also ended up catching the attention of the scientist. "Oh you've come to stop me have you?" He chimed in his stereotypical off brand villain accent "well it's too late!" He crowed flipping on his machine. "I've already finished it!" A beam of color and light shot in between two conductors on each end. The laser reflecting in his goggles completing his crazed look. I ran to grab Elena away from him and his lunacy but it was too late. He yanked her up off the floor and held her so she couldn't move. "Not another step" he threatened as Hobie and I both took a step back with our hands in the air. "Take it easy bruv she's just a kid" Hobie tried to reason. Unfortunately Ell made it more difficult by also piping up "I'm 15!" She protested struggling against the lab coat man's grip. "Elena don't do anything! I mean it" I warned her, hoping she'd listen this time. "Actually She is going to do something though! She is going to test my machine since I'm not sure if it's safe for me to use yet." The scientist gloated. My face turned into horror. "If you want her back unharmed you will leave me and my machine alone. As well as give me your watches, after you've entered the portal I'll close it and smash them effectively trapping you inside" he grinned maniacally. "Fine you have a deal" I agreed taking the watch off my wrist and reaching it out to him. I looked over at Hobie and he did the same. "No! Don't let him do that!" Elena shouted.

Elena's POV
"Baby girl It's the only way" dad said his voice breaking a little. "No it's not!" I screamed throwing my full force down onto the scientists arms forcing him to release me. "Elena no!" I heard my dad yell as I felt myself plunge into the beam in front of us. After a moment I opened my eyes to see I was floating in darkness with billions of tiny stars surrounding me. They floated towards me and slowly one landed on my nose. I laughed "that tickles" then another one stuck to me, followed by another, and another. "Ok it's starting to burn" I chuckled nervously as more stars stuck onto my skin. "Ow, OW, OW!!" I shrieked unable to bare the pain anymore. The stars began to glow emitting a blinding light I lifted my arms shielding my eyes from it. The next thing I heard was a loud explosion and a fire alarm ringing followed by sirens. I felt myself hit the ground, falling onto debris of some sort. I squinted trying to see what was going on. I saw the reactor thing the scientist had made was in shambles and he was nowhere to be found. I tried to lift myself up but found I couldn't. The buzzing in my head made me to disoriented and there was a loud ringing in my ears that I couldn't get rid of. I turned my head a bit and saw Dad and Hobie running around saving people. "Ok the station is cleared" dad yelled "I've got these last ones, now grab Elena and let's go! This building could collapse at any moment". Hobie nodded walking over to me. I winced as he lifted me up. He looked down at me with a scowl in his face. "Look at me" he demanded "For the record this is not how I wanted your first mission to go" he remarked as he carried me over to an open portal. "I'm sorry" I whimpered "don't sweat it it's not your fault the guy was a lunatic". I felt a bit better for a moment before the buzzing in my head got worse. I felt myself losing consciousness. "Hey! Hey Spider Bite! You gotta stay awake you hear me?!" Hobie said when he saw my head dip backwards. "Come on you can't do this to me" he pleaded jostling me to try and keep me alert. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Dads voice said "she's not moving man!" "No time! We'll deal with it later GO!" The words faded as he shoved us through the portal and I blacked out.

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