Shadows & Secrets

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Sam and Dean were in their motel room in Jericho looking for a case, Dean's on the phone and Sam is leafing through John's journal. A few minutes later Dean came in.

"Who was on the phone?" Sam asked when he saw Dean. Dean sat on the bed across from Sam. "It was dad's friend Caleb. Have you found anything yet?"

Sam was about to say 'no', that he hadn't found anything yet when he started to feel a very bad headache coming on and fell to the ground. "Sam!!" Dean said rushing over to him, worry in his eyes. "Sammy what's going on?"

A girl who looked like she was in her teens no older than sixteen was in her room listening to music and doing her homework when a shadowy figure appeared in the room.

She didn't notice it until the room suddenly started to get dark, so dark that she couldn't see anything and she was being flung around the room which she was well aware of.

She screamed and cried as she begged the figure not to hurt her, it was like Sam could feel her pain.

When it was all over Dean was there standing over Sam with a cold glass of water in his hand which Sam happily took and drank. "Thanks." He says setting it down. "Sammy what happened?" Dean asks. "I had a a vision." Sam replies. "A-A vision?" Dean asks. Sam nods. "Dean, I know it sounds crazy but—" Dean cuts him off. "What did you see?" He grabs his laptop. "It's hard to explain hold on." "Okay."

"Alright Dean come here, look at this." Dean goes over to Sam and he shows him an article from the paper on his laptop. "That's the girl I saw", Sam explains as Dean starts to read.

'Preslee Winchester (16) was left with minor injuries yesterday after what appeared to be a shadowy figure attacked her in her bedroom at around 1 Pm. Following the attack she was taken to the nearest hospital and discharged three hours later with a minor concussion and a broken arm.'

"Yesterday Dean, yesterday. We have to go." Sam says. "Okay, find the address and we'll go." Sam picks up his phone and makes the call, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. "Hi, can you please give me the address for Preslee Winchester in Jericho California?" The guy on the on the phone gave him the address right away. "Thank you l." Sam says before hanging up.

"Did you get it?" Dean asks. "Yeah, it's about thirty minutes away from here, if we leave now, we should get there by noon." He says, grabbing the paper and putting his shoes on quickly. Dean puts his shoes on too and they leave.

"Dean, her last name is Winchester. You don't think that could mean anything do you?" "I don't know Sammy, right now we just have to figure out what the thing was that attacked her and what we can do about it and then we can take care of the rest." "Yeah, I know, hey turn left here."

Twenty minutes later they turn onto the street. "What do I do now Sam?" Dean asks. "Just keep going straight, I'll tell you when we're there." "Okay." Five more minutes pass and they start to approach the house. "Dean this is the one." Sam says as Dean pulls into the driveway.

They rang the doorbell and Preslee answered right away. She had brown hair that was kinda like Sam's and green eyes. She also had cuts and bruises on her face along with a cast on her left arm and she looked sad.

"Hi, are you Preslee?" Sam asked. "Yes I am." She replied. "Hi, I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean. We read about what happened yesterday and we were wondering.... Would you mind if we came in?" Sam's tone became sympathetic when he mentioned yesterday.

"Yeah, you can come in." She moves over so they can walk in and they decide to sit in the kitchen. "Before we get started can I offer you both something to drink?" "I'll have a soda please?" Sam replies. "Okay. And you Dean?" "I'll have a coffee black please?" She grabs Sam's soda first and hands it to him. "Thank you." "You're welcome." She starts making Dean's coffee.

Soon after Preslee grabs a coffee cup from the cabinet and pours some coffee for Dean. She brings it to him. "Thank you", Dean says with a smile. "You're welcome", she replies getting a soda for herself before sitting at the table.

"Can you please tell us what happened in your perspective? You don't have to answer anything you don't want to we just need to know." Dean says. "Well, I was just in my room listening to music and doing homework, and suddenly I couldn't see anything. And I felt something flinging me across the room and suddenly I was up against the wall, and I could feel everything."

She started to cry and Sam put a hand on her shoulder which seemed to comfort her, even if it was only a little bit. "It's okay", he said his voice calm and sympathetic. "And then I kept begging it not to hurt me but it didn't like that. Maybe I shouldn't have done it but I was just so scared."

"Hey, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." "Yeah, Dean's right. How long did it last?" She  puts a hand on her head. "Uh I don't really remember.... probably about an hour or two? I really don't know Sam I....." "Hey it's okay, I know it's hard to remember. That's normal. Do you remember what happened next?"

"I just remember waking up in the hospital and the doctor telling me what was going on, that I had a minor concussion and this (she gestured to her arm), but he couldn't explain what attacked me and they discharged me three hours later, prescribed me some painkillers and sent me back here to get some rest. And I've been feeling so sick and weak ever since."

They both looked at her as she still had her hand on her head. "Preslee, would you mind if we looked around your room for a little bit to try and see what we're dealing with?" Dean asks. "No, I don't mind at all, but can I come with you?" "Of course, you can." "Okay, I'll show you where it is."

Sam and Dean follow Preslee down the hallway and into her room. She sits on the bed while they look around, but before they can even see anything relating to the case something else catches Dean's eye. It's a picture of Preslee and John. "Sam look." He says quietly.

Sam looks at the picture and his eyes widened in shock. "What?" "We got to ask her Sammy." Dean whispers. "Alright Dean, but go easy on her, okay? She doesn't look so good." "Okay, I know."

They both turned around to face Preslee. "Preslee um.... Who is that in the picture with you right there?" Sam asked her. "That's my dad... why?" She asked, confused. "That's our dad", they replied at the same time. Her eyes widen just like Sam's did a few seconds before. "Wait, does that mean......?" "Yeah", Dean replies. She leaned against her pillow trying to remain calm, and it seemed like Sam was doing the same thing. "Why didn't dad tell me?" At that moment Sam and Dean don't know what to say so it's silent for a little while. 

"Ow my head!!" Preslee says, breaking the silence. They both looked over at her, concerned. "Do you need your painkillers?" Sam asked. "Yeah", her voice broke and she sobbed softly. "Okay I'll go get them."

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