Not Alone Anymore

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It was just Sam and Preslee now; Dean went out for a little while and Sam was in the kitchen filling up a cold bottle of water for Preslee to take her painkillers with a protein bar since she needs to take them with food. She also requested some ice for her head, so he got that too along with a protein bar and another soda for himself then started to head upstairs.

When he gets to Preslee's room, she's leaning against the pillow again and shivering. "Are you cold kiddo?" He asks and she replies, "yeah a little." He pulls the blanket over her. "Thank you." Sam said, "you're welcome" as he pulled the desk chair closer to the bed and sat down then handed her the protein bar and water. "I love these", she says opening the protein bar and taking a bite. "Me too", Sam opens his own and starts eating it.

After she's eaten a few bites, Sam gives her the painkillers and she takes one. He asks, "how often do you have to take them?" as he hands her the ice for her head and she puts it on the spot where it hurts the most, holding it there. "Every four hours, I can also take Aspirin as needed. Hey by the way when's Dean coming back?" He says, "I'm not sure, but speaking of that can I see your phone for a second so I can put both our numbers in?" "Yeah of course, and I'll put mine in yours and you can just send it to Dean if you want." They hand each other their phones, both putting their numbers in and taking pictures of themselves. After handing Preslee her phone he sends her a picture of Dean.

"Sam, can I ask you a question?" "Yeah of course sis, you can ask me anything", Sam replies

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"Sam, can I ask you a question?" "Yeah of course sis, you can ask me anything", Sam replies. "If you and Dean knew about me before, would you have come to find me?" "Yes, we would've come as fast as we could." "Well I'm glad you found me now and I'm happy that I'm not alone anymore." "Me too kiddo, me too."
A few seconds later Sam's phone rings with a call from Dean and he answers it. "Hey, what's up?" "Hey, I was wondering if Preslee wanted to stay at the house or the motel tonight? I was thinking about it and I doubt that she'll want to stay in the house so soon after being attacked."  "Okay I'll ask her, hold on just a second."

He moves the phone away from his ear and then says to Preslee, "Dean wants to know if you would rather stay here or at the motel with us tonight?" "The motel definitely, I would feel so much safer there." "Okay."

"Dean, she said the motel." "Okay, I'm actually there right now so I'll move us to a room with three beds and then come pick you guys up." "Okay sounds good, see you soon."

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