Finding Answers

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The Next Day:

Today, Sam, Dean and Preslee are going to do some research so they can figure out what attacked her. They both know that it's going to be a long, emotional day for her, so they decided to give her a few minutes alone to get ready.

Sam and Dean are talking when Preslee comes out. "Hey kiddo. Are you ready?" Sam says. "As ready as I'll ever be." "Can you sit down for a second please sis? We have something to tell you before we go." "Yeah... sure Dean." She sits down on the bed. "What's going on?"

"Well sis, we know it's going to be a hard day for you... and we wanted you to know that if it all gets to be too much and you need us to take over then we will", Sam says with his hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, all you have to do is say the word", Dean says.

Preslee's silent for a few seconds before hugging them both. "Thank you." "You're welcome", they say at the same time.

She's quiet during the drive to the library, but Sam and Dean don't say anything about it. She doesn't feel like talking right now and that's okay, they understand.

"So, what are we looking for?", Preslee asks when they arrive at the library. "I was thinking we could find some recent, similar attacks, talk to the victims and see what we can figure out", Sam explains. "That sounds like a great idea to me", she replies, turning the computer on.

About twenty minutes later Sam and Dean are looking through books about shadows when Preslee finds something. "Sam, Dean... I found something", she says. They close the books and turn their attention to Preslee and what she found.

"Blue Springs, Missouri... a whole string of attacks over two weeks... twenty victims, three didn't survive and the rest were left with injuries similar to mine." "Woah... great find sis", Dean says gaining a small smile from Preslee but nothing more. Sam stares at the names and articles on the computer.

"Kiddo, do you have a piece of paper and a pen?", Sam asks. "No... why?" "Hold on", he says getting up then returning shortly after with a piece of paper and pen. "I need you to write down all these names that you found then we'll go, okay?" She nods, writing down the names.

In the Impala when they start driving Sam's looking over the list of names and trying to decide what to do next. He also has John's journal in his hands. "Does dad's journal say anything about shadows?", Preslee asks.

Sam then turns his attention away from the list of names and to John's journal. "Um... I'm not sure sis, let me look." He looks for about thirty minutes without finding anything. "No, there's nothing... looks like we'll just have to figure this one out on our own." "Okay Sam... thank you for looking." "You're welcome."

Two hours later they stop in Chicago to get something to eat and figure out a plan for when they get to Blue Springs. "What do you think we should do kiddo?", Sam asks Preslee while they're eating. "Well, the whole drive here I was thinking about what my mom would do, and I remembered how she would do research before talking to the victims just like you and Dean do Sam... so I think that's what should do, find a motel, research then talk to the victims in the morning." "I think that's a great idea", Sam says. "Me too sis", Dean says. Then they finish eating and get back on the road.

It's about 7pm when they arrive at Blue Springs and find a motel. They immediately start researching. Sam's on his laptop, Dean's reading the local paper and Preslee is looking through John's journal to see if anything he wrote about matches up with what attacked her.

They research until it starts to get late and then they decide to get some sleep.

Preslee's Nightmare:
The shadowy figure was in the motel room, and it was going after Sam and Dean since she was already hurt. "No... please don't hurt them?... leave them alone.", she had said, starting to cry. The figure wouldn't listen, it caused Sam to fall to the ground and flung Dean across the room.

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