Mystery & Burgers Night Inn

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"So, what should we do?" Dean says when they get to the motel room. "Oh, we should watch a movie and order in some burgers, ice cream and soda!" Preslee suggests and Sam and Dean say "that sounds good to me" at the same time. "What type of movie should we watch?" Sam asks as Dean orders the food. "A mystery movie." "Oh, like one of those thriller movies?" "Yeah." "Those are my favorite!" Sam sits on the bed with Preslee. "Mine too", she replies.

"Hey sis, what do you want?" Dean asks, already have put in his and Sam's orders but not hers yet. "I want a bacon cheeseburger, fries and a soda please Dean?" "Okay, and what flavor of ice cream do you want? They have chocolate, cookie dough, strawberry, mint chocolate chip, rocky road, vanilla...." "How about we get both chocolate and cookie dough?" "You got it." "Thanks Dean." "You're welcome." She turns the tv on so they can pick a movie and they end up looking on Netflix. "Oh, this movie sounds good", she says clicking on a movie called Chloe.

Catherine and David Stewart (Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson) are a well-to-do couple living in a posh area of Toronto, but all is not well in paradise

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Catherine and David Stewart (Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson) are a well-to-do couple living in a posh area of Toronto, but all is not well in paradise. Catherine suspects that David, a music professor, is cheating on her with his students. She hires a prostitute named Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) to meet David and see if he gives into temptation, but events spin out of control when Chloe spills the details of her torrid encounters.

"Yeah, let's watch that one", Sam says and Dean agrees. The food comes and they eat and start the movie, Preslee and Sam sitting on her bed together and Dean on one of the other beds. "Sam, can I please have some ice cream now?" Preslee asks after they've all finished eating, resting her arm on a pillow. "Yeah of course kiddo, I'll go get it for you", he replies getting up.

"Are you enjoying the movie so far San?" "Yeah. Are you?" He says, getting her ice cream ready. "Yeah I am. Are you Dean?" "Yes, it's so good." A little bit later Sam comes back with Preslee's ice cream, three scoops of chocolate and three of cookie dough.

" A little bit later Sam comes back with Preslee's ice cream, three scoops of chocolate and three of cookie dough

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"Thank you Sam

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"Thank you Sam." "You're welcome Pres, I'm going to go get some for Dean and I, I'll be right back." "Okay", she pauses the movie for him. "Aww thank you for pausing it sis, you didn't have to." "You're welcome, I didn't want you to miss anything."

"How was your burger kid?" Dean asks Preslee. "It was good Dean, how was yours?" She replies in between bites of her ice cream. "It was good too."

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