Woman In White

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"Where are we going Sam?" Preslee asks. They're driving to the first place where they're going to look for John. "Jericho", Sam replies. "How far?" "We're about three miles away." "Okay."

"Hey, check it out", Dean says as they approach Sylvania Bridge, and he parks the Impala. He grabs the FBI badges, and everything then says, "let's go." Preslee, Sam and Dean get out of the car.

"So, what's the theory?", Sam asks the police officer. Preslee's standing to his left and Dean's on his right. "Honestly we're not sure." "Well, that is exactly the type of police work I expect out of you guys.", Dean says as Sam steps on his foot for saying that. Sam says, thank you for your time then they walk away. Dean slaps Sam in the back of the head. "Dean...", Preslee says. "Ow!... What did you do that for?" "Why did you have to step on my foot?" "Why do you have to talk to the cops like that?" 

While they're still at the bridge they overhear a conversation about a missing person, a man named Troy Squire. "How's Amy doing?", the first man says. "She's hanging up missing flyers downtown", the other man replies. The next place they go is a diner called Highland's. "I bet you that's her", Dean says as they walk towards the diner. "Yeah", Sam replies. "You must be Amy." "Yeah", Amy replies, still hanging up the missing posters. "Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles, I'm Dean this is Sammy, and this is our sister Preslee." "He never mentioned you to me." "Well, that's Troy I guess, we're not around much we're up in Modesto so...." "We're looking for him too and we're kind of asking around", Sam says as another girl, Rachel appears and asks Amy, "hey, are you okay?" "Yeah", Amy says as Sam asks, you mind if we ask you a couple questions?" They go inside.

"I was on the phone with Troy he was driving home, he said he would call me right back... and he never did", Amy explains. "He didn't say anything strange or out of the ordinary, did he?" Sam asks. "No... nothing I can remember." "I like your necklace." "Troy gave it to me, mostly to scare my parents with all that devil stuff." "Actually, it means the opposite, a pentagram is protection against evil and it's really powerful... I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing." "Okay, thank you unsolved mysteries. Here's the deal ladies, the way Troy disappeared something's not right. So, if you've heard anything...", Dean says, and Amy gives him a look like she has something to say. 

"What is it?" "Well, it's just... with all these guys going missing people talk." "What do they talk about?", Sam and Dean say in unison. "It's kind of this local legend, this girl got murdered out on Centennial like decades ago. Well supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes and whoever picks her up... they disappear forever."

They go to the library next to do research. "Sam, can I go look at books?", Preslee asks her brother as Dean starts searching up things on the computer. "Yeah, of course kiddo just don't go too far and don't take too long, okay?" "Okay, I won't. See you in a bit." "Okay." The first thing that Dean searches up is 'Female Murder Hitchhiking.'  '(0) Results found', it says. Next, he tries 'Female Murder Centennial Highway.'  and gets the same result. 

"Let me try", Sam says, setting his hand on the keyboard. "I got it", Dean replies, and Sam pushes the chair he's sitting in out of the way and gets on the computer. "Dude... such a control freak." "So, angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?" "Yeah", Dean says. "Well, maybe it's not murder then." Sam then types in 'Female Suicide Centennial Highway.', which brings up the result, 'Suicide on Centennial.'  He clicks on it and starts to read: "This was 1981, Constance Welch, 24 years old jumps off Sylvania Bridge drowns in the river." "Does she say why she did it?" "Yeah." "What?" "An hour before they found her, she calls 911, her two little kids are in the bathtub, she leaves them alone for a minute and when she comes back, they aren't breathing- they both die. He continues to read: 'Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it.', says husband Joseph Welch." "That bridge look familiar to you?"

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