Where It All Began

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Three months had passed, and Preslee was finally going to get her cast off. That would be the only good part of the day though, because right after they're going to Preslee's house to decide what she wants to keep or not so they can sell it. She didn't want to do it, but she knows she has to, it's time to move on, and the comforting part about it all is she has Sam and Dean.

They had been driving all night in order to get to Jericho on time for Preslee's appointment, which is at 9:00. It was currently 7:15, Preslee was asleep in the back of the car and Sam had been awake since 5:00, softly talking to Dean about the plans for today. They decided that they were going to ask Preslee first before they stayed in Jericho for the night or not. By 7:45 they were almost to Jericho, and Preslee was still asleep, so Sam just decided to wake her up when they arrive at a diner to get breakfast before her appointment since they'll have time.

They get to the diner at 8 then Sam gets out of the car first to wake Preslee up. He opens the door and gently shakes her awake. "Hey Preslee... we're in Jericho kiddo, it's time to wake up and eat breakfast before we go get your cast off." She wakes up right away." "Good morning." "Good morning kiddo", he hugs her and then all three of them get out of the car and head inside. Preslee and Dean both get eggs and bacon, and Sam just gets coffee. They leave the diner at 8:15 and make it to the appointment right on time. "Are you excited kid?" Dean asks. "Yeah... I am Dean." "I bet."

In the room while they're waiting for the Doctor Preslee is feeling both happy and sad at the same time, happy because she can finally put the pain of the last three months behind her, but sad because of what they have to do after. But even though she's sad, she smiles while the cast is being removed and so do Sam and Dean. They drive to Preslee's house in silence because none of them know what to say.

"Do you want to start with your room?", Sam asks once they get inside. "Yeah... I'm not ready to go in my mom's room just yet." She can already feel the tears welling up. "Okay kiddo", he replies as they head to her room. They start with pictures and books; Dean and Preslee sit on her bed together looking through the pictures while Sam goes through the books. "You were so cute as a little kid", Dean says, holding a picture of Preslee and John from when she was six years old. "Thanks Dean", she replies, tears streaming down her face. Dean's still looking at pictures when Preslee gets up. "Hey... where are you going?", Sam and Dean say at the same time. "I'm just going to get a soda really quick. I'll be right back." "Call if you need anything?", Sam replies. "Of course, "Preslee says, beginning to sob softly as she leaves the room.

Sam was already finished with the books, since Preslee already told him which ones she wanted to keep and which ones she didn't. At that point he decided to sit down on the bed and wait for Preslee before doing anything else.

When Preslee reaches the end of the hallway something catches her eye. Lore books on the shelf in the living room that she had forgotten about, four of them in total. By the time she gets her soda and the books, she's calmed down a little bit and stopped crying for now. "Sam... Dean... look what I found.", she says as she walks back into the room and sets the books on the bed, then sits down across from Sam and Dean and takes a drink of her soda. "Woah.", Sam says, moving to sit next to her and so does Dean. "I forgot we even had them, can we... can we take them?" "Yeah", Sam says before getting up and setting them in the box with the other books.

Once Sam gets back to the bed both him and Dean can tell how sad she is. She lays her head on Sam's shoulder and Dean wraps his arm around her, holding her close. They stay there for a few minutes before Sam looks at her and says, "Do you want to go through the rest of your stuff together... all three of us?" "Yeah", Preslee replies. The first thing they do is finish looking through the pictures. They're going to end up taking all of them for sure, but they still want to look through them together. Preslee even lets Sam and Dean have some of them.

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