Dogs Gone Wild

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They were in the Impala now driving to the nearest motel. Preslee isn't having flashbacks anymore, but the headache is still there. She's laying down in the back of the car thinking about what Sam said earlier. "What do you think it could be Sam?", she asks. "I don't know kiddo... but when we get to the motel, we'll figure it out."

When they get to the motel they start researching right away and it isn't long before Sam finds something. "It's a Skinwalker", he says. "A what?!!!", Preslee replies, shocked and confused. "Okay let's do this... How do we gank it?", Dean asks. "I think we should look through dad's journal and see what we can figure out about them", Preslee replies. "That's a great idea kid, here", Dean hands her the journal and she begins to leaf through it silently, looking closely at each page. "Yeah, just like I thought... there's a lot of information about Skinwalkers in here."

"What did you find?", Sam asks, his voice soft and comforting. "They're vicious monsters... basically cousins to werewolves and they change into dogs... they can change anywhere and at any time. Silver will kill them just like werewolves", she explains. "Does it say if they have any other weaknesses, and what about their abilities?", Dean replies. "Um... no they don't have another weakness, but as for the abilities there's enhanced strength, super speed, accelerated healing, invulnerability, super senses and an infectious bite."

Sam and Dean both stand up then Dean says, "okay, let's go gank that evil SOB... it hurt our sister and now it's going to pay!" "Yeah, let's go!", Preslee replies. Sam and Dean look at each other then they look at her. "No, you're staying here", they say in unison. "No...", she says sadly. "Yes kiddo... we can't have you anywhere near the thing that attacked you.", Sam replies. "Yeah, you're right", she sits on the bed fighting back tears. "Hey kid, I'm going to go to the store really quick and get you some stuff that you're going to need for when we're gone. Is there anything specific that you want?", Dean says, putting his shoes on. Preslee thinks for a second before saying, "chips, beef jerky, soda, stuff to make burgers and spaghetti and things like that, something sweet and that's pretty much it." "You got it", he replies. "Thanks Dean." "Yeah... Sammy you stay here and get everything ready, and I'll be back." "Alright", Sam replies.

Preslee watches while Sam gets the silver bullets ready. "Are you worried about the hunt?", she asks as Sam puts another bullet in the gun. "No, I'm not. It's nothing I haven't done before." "You're right, just come back to me... and don't let Dean do anything stupid." Sam laughs and says, "okay, I won't."

All of a sudden, she starts thinking about John, just like she has been for a while. She looks down at her cast then back up again. "Dad is not going to be happy when he hears about the attack", she looks at Sam as he puts another silver bullet in the gun then sets it down. He moves closer to his sister and puts an arm around her. "Hey... don't you worry about that. Yeah, he won't be happy, and he'll probably be mad, but at the Skinwalker not at you. I know that there's a lot of things you don't know about dad kiddo and I'm sorry, I really am... just know that dad loves you, same as Dean and I and he's going to be happy to see you when we find him no matter what." She hugs him and says, "thank you Sam." "You're welcome sis", he replies.

That's when Dean walks in with a bunch of grocery bags in each hand. "Oh, I'll help you Dean", Preslee says, starting to get up. "No, it's okay I got it, you just stay there." He starts putting everything in the fridge and cabinets as Sam puts the last bullet in the gun and puts his shoes on.

Preslee walks Sam and Dean to the door and they both look at her. "Just take it easy while we're gone, get some rest... we'll call you as soon as we track this thing down and we'll be back as soon as we gank it", Dean says. "Okay Dean, I will... please be careful and please keep in touch?", Preslee replies. "Of course, we will kiddo. And you know and we shouldn't have to tell you not to leave the motel, right?" Sam asks. "You're right Sam... I understand why I can't leave, and I promise that I won't." "Good", he says then they both hug her. "We love you, call if you need anything," Sam says. "I love you too, good luck," Preslee replies. "Thanks sis," they say in unison right before they leave.

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