Lost, Confused & Scared

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The next morning when Dean wakes up Preslee and Sam are still asleep. He doesn't want to wake them up, so he lets them sleep and goes to get breakfast to surprise them with when they wake up.

When Sam and Preslee wake up an hour later, they wonder to themselves where Dean is. "Good morning", Sam says. "Good morning", Preslee replies. He gets up and sits next to her on the bed. "How are you feeling?" She replies by saying, "confused... lost, scared." Sam looks at her with a sympathetic look in his eyes and says, "I know, me too. It's okay to feel whatever you feel about this whole thing. And as for the attack I think we could be dealing with a vengeful spirit here, something whose goal is to hurt and scare the victims leaving them lost and confused just like you are, but I promise you we'll figure it out and as long as Dean and I are here we won't let anything like this happen to you again."

She hugs him and says, "thank you Sam." Sam hugs her back, "you're welcome sis, I love you" he replies. "I love you too." They pull away then Dean walks in with three cups of coffee. "Oh, thanks Dean", Sam says as him and Preslee both get out of bed. "Yeah, thank you. Why didn't you wake us up?" "Uh you looked peaceful, I wanted to let you sleep." "Aww Dean thank you, oh and by the way I don't drink coffee." "Oh okay, I'll remember that." "I'm just going to go get a soda." She replies, walking towards the door and Dean follows her. "Hey kid, I better come with you, make sure nothing happens out there." "Okay Dean, we'll be back Sam." "Okay." They leave the room.

"Are you feeling alright sis?" Dean asks when they get to the soda machine. "Not really", she replies getting her soda. After she gets it, they start heading back to the room. When they get back the three of them eat their food- eggs and bacon.

"It's good right?", Dean asks Preslee who seems to be enjoying her food. "Yeah, so good." They finish their food in silence. "How do you know so much about this stuff and the thing that attacked me?", she asks both of them. Sam says, "because we're hunters... we hunt that kind of stuff and so does dad." She's silent for a second before saying, "I do too." "Wait... you're a hunter too?!!" Dean says shocked and Sam is too. "Yes, but I haven't hunted in a while, I guess that's why I didn't know what to do when the attack happened."

"How did you become a hunter?", Sam asks. "My mom raised me as a hunter when I was young, it was all I ever knew... but a few years ago she died in a car crash on the way home from a hunt and I didn't know how to hunt without her, so I stopped for a while and just focused on school." She starts to feel sad when she mentions her mom, but she doesn't want to cry, not right now. Sam rubs her back and says, "I'm sorry about your mom, we lost our mom too and I actually took a step back from hunting too."

"Really?" "Yeah." "Why... what happened?", she asks. "I was nineteen, I wanted to go to college and be a lawyer. Dad and I got into a heated argument; he said if I was going to go then I should stay gone... so I left." "By the way... where is dad?" Preslee asks both Sam and Dean. "Dad's missing", Dean replied. "What... missing??.... how?" Preslee asks, clearly getting upset and more confused. Dean puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, don't worry we'll find him. He was just on a hunting trip and hadn't been home in a few days."

"When do we start looking?... I mean I might not be able to hunt, but I want to help you find dad." "How about right now?" And when you're ready we'll teach you how to hunt again." "Okay, sounds good to me." They get ready and leave.

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