Blackwater Ridge

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The week passed by with a lot of talking, hunting, reading and thinking. Sam told Preslee about Jessica and more about their mom and how they both died, while Preslee opened up to them more about her mom Lily's death and missing her. Sam also bought her the books that she had checked out from the library, A Flicker in The Dark by Stacy Willingham and The Haunting of Blackwood House by Darcy Coates because she hadn't had a chance to finish them and explained to her what the coordinates mean. "They lead to places where dad might be or might've been", he had said." "So, if we follow them, we'll find dad?" "Yeah, exactly."

They were in the car now on the way to Blackwater Ridge. Preslee was reading, Sam was sleeping, and Dean was listening to the radio. It had been a rough week for Sam, since they had been in Palo Alto looking for Jessica's killer. They hadn't found anything, and Preslee and Dean were a little worried about him.

Suddenly Sam woke up after a nightmare about Jessica as Foreigner's "Hot Blooded" was playing on the radio. "Are you okay?" Dean asks. "Yeah, I'm fine", Sam replies before looking over at Preslee.

"How are you doing kiddo?" "Better than I have been Sam, that's for sure. I'm starting to get another headache though I think." "Do you need an Aspirin?" "Yes please?" He hands her one. "Thank you." "You're welcome."

"Another nightmare, huh?" Sam just tries to shrug it off. "Do you want to drive?" "No Dean, you've never asked me that... I'm okay." They keep going, stopping to look at maps in order to find the coordinates.

" They keep going, stopping to look at maps in order to find the coordinates

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It's around noon when they arrive in Colorado, Lost Creek to be exact.

At the Ranger station they get mistaken for being related to this girl named Hailey whose brother Tommy is missing along with a lot of other young men and they get an address

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At the Ranger station they get mistaken for being related to this girl named Hailey whose brother Tommy is missing along with a lot of other young men and they get an address. Dean's ready for the hunt, but Sam isn't. He's just determined to find John and Jessica's killer.

"Why even talk to this girl anyway?", Sam asks in the car. Dean replies, "since when do you shoot first and ask questions later?" Sam frowns, "since now Dean." Hailey lets them in after asking to see some ID and admiring the Impala.

"It's just my brothers and I, we keep pretty close tabs on each other." "I know that feeling", Dean tells Hailey. "Dean, I don't think she should go looking for her brother." "Sam, her brother is missing, I don't think she can sit this out." Hailey plays them the last video that Tommy sent her, and Sam notices the shadow behind the tent moving super fast. Preslee notices it too, unable to keep her eyes off of it.

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