2. Leave Me Alone

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Please leave me alone
I will only bring hurt
Leave me on my own
Sobbing into my shirt

I am made this way
I will make your life like mine, cliche
My world of darkness can't be driven away
By oh sunshine, your single ray
So, please go without delay
With you, I am not selfish enough to stay

Please leave me alone with my inner ghosts
They are pretty hungry for more hosts
Seeing me weeping, they raise their toasts
I can't hide from them and dodge all their outposts
They won't let me come out of this ocean, guarding all coasts

I have accepted the inevitable, please you do too
Oh soft heart, please leave me alone to suffer through and through
From my ashes, you can make yourself a tattoo
But till then, leave me alone, my survival chances are few
Please, you don't have any idea of what you are getting yourself into

Here, the darkness engulfs every single hope
This race won't give you any time to think or cope
It displays a billion bad things, it's doom's kaleidoscope
When you think you have seen all, dread greets you with a 'nope'
Life is a passionate greedy hunter and you a hopeless antelope

So, please leave me alone
Cause my love is true
A million cuts to the bone 
I will choose over hurting you


Hey there, depressed souls! DrishKing008 is back with another poem to depress you this Saturday. 

This poem was kind of experimental as for the first time, I had tried mixing love poetry and dark poetry(the one I am an expert of) and I think it turned out pretty well. 

Tell me in the comments whether to call this experiment a success or not 👇.

This poem was from the POV of a person who is suffering a lot and is trapped in his own mind. He is telling his loved ones who are trying to help him to leave him alone for their own sake as he knows that his eternal dread-filled night can't be ended by a single ray of hope. He is just making sure that his loved ones don't get hurt because of his issues and is trying his best to protect them from himself and his dark thoughts, which I personally think is the best example of pure love and is adorable.

Now, vote if you liked the poem and found it worth your time. Comment your favorite part or any topic or scenario upon which you would like me to write a poem. Share this poem to help me grow as a poet. 

See you Soon!!!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now