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"Look at you, ready to act all innocent! The sad thing about it, Mama gonna be right there to tell you it ain't your fault! Just like she's always done with you and Daddy! You won't stop until it's you we are burying! And why are you here? Who are you?" she looked at me and said.

"She's with me. Mama, this is Nia. Nia, this is my mama, Carol," Bean said.

"Nice to meet you, sweetheart. I'm sorry you gotta witness all this chaos," she said, shaking her head with disappointment.

"Why is she here in the first place? Inside my little sister's hospital room at that! Why you got some hoe up in here during a time like this? See what I mean, Mama?" his sister spat, then smacked her teeth.

"Okay, that's enough! Come on out of here, Lanette. Until you calm down, you don't need to be in here. Come on, take a walk with me," Bean's mom said and grabbed her by the hand.

"I don't wanna take a walk! I just want my sister back! I want her back, Mama! Oh, my god! Lay, please get uppppp!" she ran near her sister's bedside and cried.

"I know, baby. We all do. We all gonna miss her so much. Please, Lanette, you gotta calm down, baby. We are all hurting. I'm the mama," her mom said while rubbing her back.

Bean looked so stressed while he watched his family mourn. I stood by the door, not knowing if I should just walk out or what. I wanted to leave; I had heard enough.

Before I could move a leg, Bean walked my way, heading toward the door.

"Now you know me," he said before walking out of the room.

"Hey, wait a minute. Bean, this is not your fault!" I ran behind him and said.

"You don't know me, ma. That's why you saying that. My sister was right. I got my family into this shit, and it's my job to handle it."

When he said that last sentence, I felt like my stomach was about to drop out of my ass. I knew if he found out I had something to do with his sister getting killed, my ass was grass. Although I really wasn't involved in the shooting, with Damian being my boyfriend, both of our asses would be dead. I wanted to yell Damian's name so bad to cover my own ass, but I just couldn't throw him under the bus. I didn't want to see anything happen to him just as much as I didn't want anything to happen to me.

"Well, I guess I'll let you do what you gotta do. I hope you and your family get through this in the most peaceful way. Take care," I told him before walking off.

Before he could even reply, a man who I assumed was his daddy called his name. I felt relieved because I finally had a chance to get my ass out of there. I walked down the hall, quickly bent the corner, and headed straight to the elevators.


The whole ride back to my house was silent. I didn't play music or anything because I just wanted to drive and think about what I was gonna do next. What if Bean finds out Damian shot his sister? That question taunted me. Then I kept thinking about getting rid of my child. Was I really gonna end my own child's life? Could I be that heartless and selfish? I had to get my thoughts together and think of something quick. It wouldn't hurt to just pack my shit while Damian was still gone and leave his ass right there with all this fucking drama.

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