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"Damian! What the hell is going on? You don't hear me talking to you?" I asked as I walked toward him.

There was a body on the floor that looked like the clerk who was at the counter earlier. I held my hand to my mouth as I gagged at the sight of clerk lying in a pool of blood.

"What the hell happened? Damian, baby, what's going on?" I asked.

Damian still didn't say anything or even act like he was paying me any attention. I watched as he walked around and went inside the clerk's booth. He raised his gun and shot at the camera that hung in the corner near the ceiling, then grabbed a laptop off the counter as well. After he did whatever he had to do, Damian stepped over the dead body and walked past me like I was a brown oak tree.

"Are you fucking serious? You gonna ignore me like that? Damian, talk to me! Do you have any idea what the hell I just did for you, and you still ignore me?" I cried.

"Look, man, get the fuck away from my car!" He looked at me with a straight face after he hopped into his car.

"Oh, hell no! You ain't gon' talk to me like that, and I've had yo' damn back! Damian, talk to me!" I beat my hands on the driver's window.

Before I could get another word out, he sped off and left me standing in the parking lot like a lost child.

It didn't take me long to hop in my car and haul ass, knowing there was a dead body inside that store that I didn't want to be held accountable for. I had no clue what the fuck was going on, but I sure as hell was about to find out. I knew exactly where Damian was going because I still had a tracker on his car.

After riding on the freeway for a minute, I opened the app on my phone to track where Damian was headed. He was headed to Southwest Atlanta, which I was familiar with. Sometimes, Damian would take me to a condo he owned that way, so I knew exactly where I was going. I figured he wouldn't go back to the house I pulled up to earlier.

While I followed Damian, I damn near broke down. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face. There was way too much going on in my life behind a nigga who didn't love me. Within the last few hours, I had witnessed him get into a shootout, kill someone, and I even took someone's life for that nigga. On top of everything, I had a homemade pad between my legs, bleeding like a hog, and praying I didn't have a miscarriage. I had not only put my life in jeopardy, but I had also put my child's life in danger.

The sad part about it all was that I was still chasing this nigga. I wasn't going to stop until I got the answers I needed. Damian damn sure had some explaining to do, and if he thought he was gonna walk away from me after I done shot a bitch for him, he was smoking crack. As much as I wanted to turn my car around and leave Damian to deal with his twelve pack of drama, I couldn't because I was in too deep.

My family damn near ran the city of Atlanta, from lawyers all the way to a judge. I knew I would be okay, even if someone witnessed me shooting the girl who shot at my child's father. My family was powerful, and there was no way my ass would be sitting in prison. I had no remorse for doing what I had to do. That bitch would have been the cause of me being a single parent out here in these streets had one of the bullets she fired hit my man. In my head, it was self-defense.

I also wanted to know why in the hell the same bitch from the hospital was running for her life from my man. What could she possibly want with my brother while fighting with my baby dad? Some shit just wasn't adding up, but I knew that I would get to the bottom of things.

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