Chapter 4: Desserts and Dormitories

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"Welcome to Gryffindor, firsties." An upper year with short dark hair and dark eyes was grinning at them. "My name's Clara. I have a twin brother in Hufflepuff," They paused to point at another student sat at the Hufflepuff table who looked identical, "his name's Raymond. If you need anything, I'd be happy to help!"

Percy supposed it would be good to have help from an upper year other than his older brothers should he need it and they weren't around. He thanked her politely, never one to forget his manners.

"My name is Percival, you may call me Percy if you wish. This is Oliver. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Clara smiled, bewildered, and shook the hand he held out.


"Roast beef, Percy?"

Startled, Percy looked at Charlie who was looking back at him.

"Pardon?" Percy asked.

"Roast beef? Would you like some?" Charlie asked again, unbothered by Percys confusion.


The thought was cut off as Percy noticed the previously empty platters were now labeled and full of food. Pitchers of drink and boats of gravy sat every few feet down the table. On the platters sat roast meats (chicken and beef), sausages, all sorts of potatoes, miniature dinner pies (steak, cheese and onion, meat and potato, chestnut and bean, mushroom and tomato, shepherds pie, and even stargazy pie), sandwiches, an assortment of vegetables (roast parsnips, Brussels sprouts, peas, carrots, beans, and broccoli), and what Percy was now sure was an entire heaping bowl of Yorkshire puddings.

"Percy?" Oh, right, Charlie still needed an answer.

"I apologize, no thank you, Charlie."

"Suit yourself," his brother replied, turning back to his own plate that was filled with mashed potatoes and gravy, a few of the dinner pies, as well as a scoop of Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Percy grabbed a few Yorkshire puddings and a scoop of shepherds pie, loading them onto his plate. While he ate, he listened to the mindless chatter of his fellow Gryffindors and tried to ignore the increasing headache from the charm.

When everyone had eaten as much as they could, the remains of the food faded from the plates, leaving them sparkling clean as before. Percy couldn't help wondering wear all the leftover food went, hoping it wasn't all going to waste.

A moment later the desserts appeared: pies and treacle tarts, chocolate eclairs and jam doughnuts, tiramisu and bread pudding, shortbreads and scones and platters of cookies; all sorts of desserts covered the table. Percy reached for some tiramisu and a snicker doodle cookie, not feeling all that hungry but wanting some anyway. Who knew when the next time he'd be able to have them was? Tiramisu was his favorite dessert and he only got to have it once a year on Christmas because his Aunt Muriel brought it for Christmas dinner.

Oliver was eating bread pudding, shortbread, and what looked to be some sort of cake filled with raisins.

"Dundee cake," Oliver said in response to Percy's stare.

"What is it?" Percy asked curiously. It looked sort of like his mothers fruit cake.

"It's a fruit cake that you fill with raisins 'n' citrus peels 'n' then top with almonds. When my Mam makes it, she puts whiskey in it, but I suppose since it's a school, thay can't do that 'ere," Oliver explained. "You wanna try some?"

"No," Percy declined. "Thank you, Oliver."

"No problem, Percy."

At last, the desserts too disappeared, and Headmaster Dumbledore got to his feet again.

The hall fell silent.

The Headmaster stood at the podium in front of the teachers table, his arms again spread wide as he spoke. "Ahem, just a few more words now that we have all been fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you: First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors." A hunched over man with scraggly gray hair, clutching a cat, scowled at them all. It wasn't heard to determine that he must be Mr. Filch.

"Quidditch trials will be held in the third week of term. Anyone interested — that is in second year and above — in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch." He gestured to a tall woman with spiky white hair and wide yellowish eyes as he spoke. She must be Madam Hooch.

"Your schedules will be handed out first thing at breakfast tomorrow by your heads of house so don't be late! And now, bedtime. Off you trot! First years, follow your Prefects, they will show you to your common room."

The Gryffindor Prefects this year were Bill and a dark-skinned girl named Angelica. Percy and Oliver followed them through the chattering crowds, out of the Great Hall, and up the marble staircases they'd previously seen. There were portraits along the corridor walls that whispered and pointed as they passed.

They climbed more staircases, yawning and dragging their feet, as they were led through doorways hidden behind sliding panels and hanging tapestries.

Percy was just wondering how much farther they had to go when they came to a sudden halt. At the very end of the corridor hung a portrait of a very fat woman in a pink silk dress. She looked as if she was moments away from attending a ball, had she not been stuck in a portrait that is.

"Password?" she said.

"Incipienta," said Angelica, and the portrait swung forward to reveal a round hole in the wall. New beginnings, Percy thought, a fitting word choice.

"Welcome to Gryffindor Tower," Bill said as the four of them stepped through. They found themselves in the Gryffindor common room: a cozy, round room full of soft-looking armchairs. There were two sets of stairs leading to two different doors, Bill led them to the one on the left. They waved goodbye to Angelica, who couldn't come up the boys staircase, and climbed up.

Percy was fascinated by the spellwork on the staircases. If a girl tried to come up the boys staircase, it'd turn into a slide. The same would happen if a boy tried to go up the girls staircase.

"Since there are only two of you, you'll be the only ones you share your room with. Decorate it however you wish. First, second, and third years are required to be in their beds by 9 o'clock, unless you have a class like Astronomy that is during the nighttime," Bill said as he opened the door to their room.

Two four-poster beds sat in their own corners of the large room, deep red curtains hung from them. Their trunks (and Scabbers) had already been brought up and were sitting in the middle of the room. A huge wooden armoire stood off to one side and a nightstand sat next to each bed. There were bookshelves and two desks lining the wall across from them.

Bill wished them a good night, pressing a kiss to Percy's head and ruffling Olivers hair, closing the door behind him as he left.

Too tired to talk, they boys each claimed a bed and changed into their pajamas. Oliver climbed into bed and was asleep almost immediately. Percy checked on Scabbers, making sure he was comfortable, before he too crawled into bed and fell asleep.

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