Chapter 6: Books and Boyfriends

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It was only the first week of September so the windows of Gryffindor Tower were open, letting the cool breeze inside. All throughout the common room students were laying around, relaxing, and playing games with their friends.

A door banged open effectively silencing and distracting everyone as they looked towards the source of the noise: the boys dorms.

Everyone was confused when Oliver Wood came running down the stairs, a grin etched on his face and a book clutched in his hands. However what shocked everyone more was when an enraged Percy Weasley came into view, chasing after the other boy, a scowl on his face. They all watched in shocked silence as the prefect ran down the stairs, practically jumping off half way through, shouting the other boy's name as they both disappeared out the common room door.

The students sat there for another moment, staring at the door, before collectively shrugging and turning back to what they were doing. They all collectively agreed that Oliver and Percy had simply gotten into another quarrel so Oliver stole Percy's book in retaliation and ran off. Nothing new there.


Percy chased after his best mate, demanding that Oliver give his book back. He had been reading Olde and Forgotten Bewitchment and Charms by E. Limus when Oliver had ripped it out of his hands-he claimed that it was because Percy always had his nose in his books and Oliver didn't want Percy's nose to end up squashed-and ran from their dorm room.

The two fifth years had surprised some of the other Gryffindors in the common room as Oliver ran down the stairs and practically flew out of the common room. They had been even more startled to see Percy Weasley run out after him.

The boys ran past Fred and George-they were talking to a young Hufflepuff about their (the twins) newest prank-who looked a bit shocked to see their 'Perfect Prefect' older brother running down the hall like their was a hippogriff chasing after him.

Oliver laughed and continued running, hugging the book to his chest. He was a bit surprised that Percy was still chasing after him; he didn't think Percy had that much stamina.

Oliver turned down a hallway and ducked into an alcove. He set the book down on one of the ledges before turning to wait for his best mate. He could hear Percy's shoes hitting the stone floor, getting louder as he approached.


Percy was running down the hallway that he saw Oliver go into when arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him into an alcove. He was about to demand to know who had dared to grab him when he was swung around to face Oliver, who was grinning as if Christmas had come early.

Oliver was well built and burly, whereas Percy was tall and thin, so he had no problem swinging his best mate around. Oliver's arms were around Percy's waist, while one of Percy's arms was wrapped around the back of Oliver's neck.

'If he drops me-' Percy thought, although he knew that Oliver would sooner forfeit a Quidditch game than hurt him (whether it was intentional or not).

Percy's heart was racing with adrenaline, and his breaths were coming out in short pants.

"Hi," Percy whispered, a bit breathless from the exertion. He wasn't sure if his ears were ringing from the hearing charm or from all the sudden running. "Hi," Oliver whispered back, his voice sounding a bit rough.

"Can I give you a kiss?" Oliver asked, grinning down at Percy, who was still holding on for dear life as if Oliver was going to drop him any second.

'As if,' Oliver thought. He would sooner forfeit a Quidditch game and hand the snitch over to the opposing team than hurt his Percy.

"Of course, you can, sugar," Percy said as he leaned up to press his lips to Oliver's. Oliver's strong arms tightened around Percy's waist as he brought Percy up to him.

Even though it was a soft kiss that only lasted a moment or so, it still felt like pixies were running amok in both of their stomachs.

Once they separated from the kiss — Percy now standing up, although neither boy removed their arms from the other — Percy patted Oliver's chest with a silly little grin. To anyone else the grin would have looked unfamiliar on the otherwise emotionless face.

"Now hand me my book, you berk."

"Hmm, how about no?" Oliver pressed a kiss to Percy's cheek before taking off again, his loud laughter trailing behind him.

Percy stood there for a moment longer, giddy with love, and thought, 'I'm truly gone for that boy.'

With a shout of Oliver's name, he took off after him.

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