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I would like to first start by stating that I am not deaf and I am not hard of hearing. I personally hc Percy as HOH and I wanted to include that in my fic. I've relentlessly researched and found advice from actual deaf/HOH people about how to write these characters, so I feel like I've done a pretty good job. If you are HOH or deaf, please tell me if I've messed up in any way so that I can fix it. I do not want to portray these characters the wrong way.

Secondly, I tried to write Oliver as authentically as I could. Originally for the first seven chapters I wrote his accent, I won't be doing that anymore as its incredibly difficult to read. If you're Scottish and I mess his character or anything up, please please tell me so I can fix it.

And lastly, this fic does get heavy at times. Its written in the primary POV of someone with depression. Any chapters that need warnings will have them all listed at the beginning. If I've missed a warning that you think should be included, tell me so that I can add it.

Remember to take care of yourself and do not read this fic if you don't think you can handle it.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy :)

P.S. updates will be sporadic, I'm real bad at staying on a schedule, so bare with me

Author is very much projecting

I've Got You // PerciverWhere stories live. Discover now