Part 1/ "Care to share?"

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"Ah, you look so hot mads!" My best friend Kellie exclaimed as she saw me my outfit for the party. "Thankyouu! You look so beautiful!!" I complimented her as she finished her makeup. We put on our heels to finish our outfits. I was wearing a simple short black dress with black heels. "Shots?" Kellie said holding a bottle and shot glasses. I smirked. "Obviously." i replied. The party was supposed to have started five minutes ago so now we were just killing time waiting for people to arrive.
After an hour tons of people had already arrived. Kelly and I were dancing when her girlfriend, Miley had grabbed us both by the arms and dragged us into the main living room. Miley, Kelly, Me, Adam, Kit, Alana, some random girl and a boy i had seen in school before and saw pictures of him on my friends instagram but never spoke to him before. The three of us sat down on the floor with the group. "Guys i found them!" Miley shouted over the music to the group. They greeted us both, the two ones i'd never spoken to hesitantly greeted us. Kit stood up and walked into the kitchen along with the blonde haired boy who was friends with Kelly and them.
When Kit and the boy returned, Kit handed me a red solo cup of vodka and what smelt of lime. I smiled and thanked them as them and there blonde friend sat beside me. Kelly was talking to her girlfriend and Adam so i turned my attention to the two. "You two look amazing!" I complimented the duo. "Aw thankyou!" Kit smiled. "This is Maddie, Mads this is Danny." They introduced us. "Hey danny!" I greeted him, speaking to him for the first time with a smile. "Hey, you look good." He smirked at me. "Oh shit, there's polly! I'll be back in a bit." Kit stood up and walked off towards there cousin polly who i had met a few times. "So you're friends with Kit and Kellie huh?" I asked him. "Yeah i guess. We met earlier this year." He said. "Wha you drinking?" I questioned Danny. "Just strawberry cider, you?" Danny returned the question. "Not my choice because Kit just brought it to me but vodka and lime. No complaints from me though." I replied. Suddenly one of my favourite songs came on the loud speakers playing throughout the large house. "Oh my god, this is one of my all time favourite songs. Dance with me?" I asked the boy. "Sure!" He smiled and stood up with me, leading me into the crowd of teens dancing. It was the sped up version of white noise by disclosure, AlunaGeorge.( the song at the song at the top of the chapter.) Danny held me close by my waist dancing to the rhythm of the song with me. I held my arms up and swayed to the beat.

II know you're smart.
You spin me round like a knot
You know the pieces, pieces of my heart.
Sometimes its fun, you pull my strings one by one.
Until you get me, get me, onto one.
Lately I've been thinking if you wanna get tough, then let's play rough.
Lately I've been thinking if you wanna get tough, then let's play rough.
I don't need you, giving it straight to me, giving it straight to me
Played throughout the house, echoing. I finished my cup of vodka and lime, now drinking from Danny's cup. "You okay?" Danny asked me as i nearly fell over. "Yeah i'm fine, i think i just need to sit down a minute." I replied as Danny walked me to the coaches where we met. We sat on the coach as the song finished. He put his arm over my shoulders. "I'll be back!" I smiled at him, standing up on my feet and heading toward the kitchen filled with alcohol. "Hey Mads." I heard a voice behind me say. "For fucks sake.." i muttered under my breath turning around slowly. "Heyy J!" I greeted my ex. I haven't seen J since last week. I found out he was hooking up with Theo Parker's older sister. He denied it at first when i told him i knew. Eventually he gave in and admitted the lie, he broke my heart and now he's acting like it's nothing? J's not even supposed to be here. He's strictly not not invited. "So what are you getting to drink?" He smirked at me. "just a beer, i drank enough already tonight. Wha you doing here J? You definitely weren't invited." I said to him coldly while grabbing a beer from the fridge opening it with the corner of the marble counter. "Thought i might see you here Mads." J replied. "Don't call me Mads, i don't want to fucking talk to you!" I snapped at him. "Alright calm your tits! Nice tits by the way. Your dress is hot!" He said at this point just trying to get under my skin. All of a sudden that's slut of a gal Phoebe Parker. The girl he slept with. "Oh hey...fuck sorry i forgot your name." She said to me pretending. "Hey phoebe." I greeted her. "Let's go babe." She pulled on J's shoulder dragging him away with her. "See ya later Madelyn." He winked at me. I turned around to the alcohol and poured myself 4 shots. I slung them to the back of my throat and grabbed my beer. I headed back to Danny seeing him with a half of a bottle of vodka in his hand. "Wow jesus. The whole bottle?" I laughed. "I think i need it tonight." He looked up at me. I took a swig of my beer and sat down on his lap. We talked for an hour until he asked "Maddie. Wanna go somewhere more private?" He suggested pointing upstairs with his free hand. "Yes." I said and walked ahead of him leading him towards the stairs. On my way up the stair case i caught eyes with J. Phoebe was grinding on his lap whiel he looked uninterested away from her and instead looking up at me. I stuck the finger up at him and quickly dragged Danny upstairs with me. We went into Kellys parents room and he shut the door behind him, locking it tightly. There was no light in the room other than the open window lighting the room up from the street light. I placed my handbag on the floor, carefully not to smash my phone inside my bag. Danny held my waist and walked me backwards against the door. I was pinned against the door with him towering over me. Danny placed his lips roughly on mine and pulled me as close as possible, thrusting my hips into his. The blonde boy lightly and slowly moved his hand down from my waist to my thighs. He rubbed my outer thigh and slowly moved it inward. My breath hitched as he moved his hand up my skirt and too my thong, pushing it aside.
-4 hours later-
I woke up in Kellys parents bed, no dress and beside Danny, the boy i had met hours before. I sighed and got out of the bed. i put on my thong and put my bra on aswell. i was wearing a matching hot pink victoria secret set. I picked up my handbag and opened it up taking out my phone and placing it in the waist band of my thong. I took out a small bag of weed, rolling papers and a black lighter. Looking out the window i placed my items on the vanity and began to roll a cig. I put it between my lips and walked over to the balcony door opening it wide and stepping onto the balcony because i knew if Mary Ann came home to discover her bedroom smelt of weed Kelly would never leave the house again. Lighting the cig i took out my phone and checked my notifications. I had been tagged in posts on instagram, tiktok and snapchat stories, jsut a few missed messages. Two voicemails and one missed call. I took a long drag and exhaled the smoke into the cold, dark summer night air. I checked my voicemails.
Hey mads, wanna hook up? just once?
I scrunched my nose in disgust and disbelief listening to the voicemail from my ex boyfriend. At that point i didn't want to listen to another one so i deleted the last unopened one from him. Suddenly i felt two arms snake around my waist as i inhaled the smoke feeling more relaxed from the drug. "Hey." Danny said to me sleepily. "Hey dan." I smiled at him and put away my phone so i could put all my attention on the boy in-front of me. "You look good in that set you know." He smirked and stepped away from me. "Shush shush." I laughed a bit taking another long drag from the rolled cig. "Care to share?" He asked. "Hmm, okay." I passed him the cigarette and shivered a bit. I watched him as he took a drag. I could tell he was experienced. He exhaled into the night sky and smiled, looking down. "Can i get your number? You know just incase." He smirked. "Yeah put it in my phone ." I handed him my phone and took the cigarette back from him and put it out on the balcony wall, dropping it to the floor. I watched it as it dropped down the 2 story house. "Here you go. I put my name on as Dan because i heard you call me that earlier." I smiled at the boy and took my phone. I checked the time and it read as 6:02am. I sighed and looked up at him. "I gotta go home." I said sadly. "Need a ride?" Danny asked me. I smiled.
"Just here." I said pointing to an old ugly looking apartment building. "Okay." Danny replied pulling up outside of it. "Thankyou!" I kissed his cheek and gave him a side hug. "Ill call you!" Dan hugged me back and watched me as i picked up my hand bag and left the car. I waved to him and walked in the front door to the building and boarded the elevator. I sighed as the doors opened at my floor. I never wanted to come home. My mother worked hard but when she wasn't working she sat on the coach complaining and insulting everyone and everything with a glass of box wine in her hand. She didn't even take care of her kids often. I dressed my sisters and fed them and did everything for them. It was exhausting really. As i took the house key out of my bag i dreaded arriving home. I opened the door and locked it behind me. Thank god it was a Sunday morning and i didn't have to go to school or take care of the girls till later. Quickly i ran into my room and immediately fell fast asleep on my bed.

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