Part 8/ "Fuck!"

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I entered the shop. At this time it was about 6:38pm so i had like over twenty minutes till i had to meet Danny outside. I searched the shelves and picked out a small bottle of Smirnoff vodka, rolling papers and a packet of extra strawberry chewing gum. I sat in the empty dimly litten car park, meerly giving enough light to see from the lampposts. I opened my bottle and took a gulp down and pulled out a small bag of weed and my lighter. I rolled myself a spliff with my new rolling papers as i sat alone waiting for this boy to arrive. I lit the paper and took a long drag before exhaling. After about 7 minutes i saw Danny beginning to get closer to me. I put everything in my bag except from my spliff and vodka. "Hey Madz." Dan greeted me. "Hey Dan." I replied as i blew the smoke out of the side of my mouth. "Can i sit with you?" He asked pointing to the concrete beside me with his head. I nodded and took another inhale from my joint. "So...what's up Maddy?" Danny asked me hoping for the real answer. "This morning." I said bluntly as i exhaled and took a sip from my glass bottle. "What about it?" He asked, practically begging me with his eyes for more detail, more words. I looked at him as i took a bigger gulp from the vodka and then taking a drag from the smoke. I watched him think for a moment. "If it's about me leaving so soon, i'm sorry. My mum called and was wondering wher-." I cut him off. "It's not just that. You called me that night as a fucking rebound because you were mad about your ex fucking girlfriend chatting shit about you. You used me as payback or something and then left without a word, not even a text!" I blurted out at him growing more frustrated. "Maddie i'm so sorry, i didn't use you as a rebound. It wasn't like that. I like you, i wouldn't do that to you Madz. I'm not that big of an asshole." He gave me a weak smile. I returned it. "Wanna go to the park and maybe share your joint and vodka with me?" Danny gave me a sweet smile. "Yeah whatever." I laughed as i stood up with him and we crossed the road to the park.

We sat down on the swings. The park was even darker than the car park g hdue to the lack of street lights. Danny and I passed the clear glass bottle back and forth, gulping the liquid down our throats. "Are you going to Alana's thing tomorrow night?" Danny asked me. I brought the blunt to my lips and breathed in the destructive smoke. "Uhmm maybe. I don't know, it's a Thursday." I replied passing him the joint and taking the glass bottle from him. "Yeah." Dan agreed. "I'll most likely end up going anyways. I always do." I laughed. "You're really pretty Maddie." Danny looked at me. "Aw, thanks Dan!" I kissed his cheek and flicked the end of the spliff into the grass. I drank the last bit of the hhhvodka and got up. "Let's go to the slide." I ran over and climbed the ladder that led to the heavily graffitied roofed tower. Danny followed behind me and we sat in the slide. We sat and talked for nearly two hours before we got up and began walking home. I lit a cigarette as we walked the cold dark streets of our town. "I'll see you tomorrow in school Madz, see you!" Danny hugged me. "Bye dan!" I called to him as he walked into his building. Danny turned around and smiled at me before the elevator doors shut closed and i could no longer see him. I put in my earphones and continued my walk to my apartment building. I hoped my sisters had put them selves to bed like i told them too. Mum would be home at 11. A whole hour after me.

I unlocked the door and sighed as i walking in and shut it behind me. "Girls!" I called out to see if they were awake. It was silent. I checked their room. They weren't there and so i checked my room. They weren't there so i checked the bathroom and mums room. They weren't here. "Fuck!" I yelled and ran out the door and down the stairs eventually reaching the lobby and i ran straight out the door towards my Mums work.
I opened the diner doors and walked up to the counter. "Hi Maddy! Everything okay?" Sharon, my mum's coworker asked me. "Hi, i'm okay. Uh is my Mum here?" I questioned her. "No sorry sweetie. She left early today. Said she was too tired." Sharon replied sweetly. "Do you know where she could be?" I began to worry. "She could be at Eli's house or at that bar on Lower main street. Freddy's i think it's called." I thought for a moment. "Thankyou Sharon!" I gave her a weak smile and headed to the bar first.

I secretly hoped she was there. Anything than Eli's house. Eli is my Mum's ex boyfriend and well her current drug dealer. I remember the time when i was four years old. I met him for the first time. Mum had left me on the couch for an hour as she went off with him somewhere. The house stunk of weed. It was am unforgettable stink. His house is always filled with random people. Eli obviously knows them but it's still not very comfortable being left in a room of random druggies you've never met or seen before. I hoped my sisters weren't there alone sitting on the same couch as i sat when i was there age.

Once i arrived at the bar i went up to the bartender. "Is Lexie Thompson here?" I asked him. "She was earlier but she's gone now." He told me. "Was she alone?" I asked again. "No uh. She had two young kids with her probably both of them under 10." He replied. "Okay thanks." I left and i felt dreadful. Mum wasn't there which left me with only one place left. Eli's house.

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