Part 3/"She seems...sweet."

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"Hey Madz!" Kelly yelled to me as i began to get closer to the group of friends. "Heyy Kel." I greeted her giving her a side hug. I put out my cigarette on the floor, stepping it into the concrete. "Hi Maddie." Sadie(Mileys younger sister) and Alana said to me. "Hey you two!" I hugged them too. "I feel like i haven't seen you in ages." Adam said patting my shoulder. "I saw you yesterday Adam." I laughed. Along with those four there was also Kit, Miley and Avery. "Is this all that's coming today?"I asked Kit as the others began to walk into the park. "Uhm i think Danny's coming later with some girl he's going out with." Kit replied while texting on their phone. "Okay. You bring drink?" I asked them. Kit looked up at me from his phone. "Of course Madz." They smiled. "Thank fuck!" I sighed and resumed my walk with the group. "So we just gonna hang in the park today and drink or go off somewhere?" Miley asked the group. "I don't know. What do you guys want?" Alana asked the group. "Well if we get bored in the park we can always go off to a shop or something." Kelly suggested while holding hands with Miley. "Yess." I agreed with Kelly. "Okay." Alana said with a smile.
2 hours later

We spent two hours just hanging out in the run down park till we heard some people come up to us. "Hey guys!" I heard Danny address to the group. They all sent scattered greeting. I turned around to see Danny standing there with his arm around some girl. I smiled at him. "Uh this is Ella." He pointed to the blonde haired girl he was with. "Hey!" We all said to her sweetly. "Uh hey." Ella said with a certain look that if a stranger in town was giving you, you wouldn't want to associate with them. Like as if she were disgusted and up to something sinister. "Fuck i need a drink." I whispered to Kelly. "Same. I haven't drank in 13 hours." Kelly said as if it was a very long time. "'re a fucking alcoholic." I laughed. "Shits been hard recently at home. Dads been in such a shitty mood." She rolled her eyes at the mention of her father. I sighed. "Want some vodka?" Kelly offered me. J gave her a 'duh' look. She giggled at my response and handed me a water bottle. "Is this filled with vodka?" I asked her. "Shsh." She laughed and shushed me. "I don't wanna share." Kelly finished. We walked over to the play equipment and sat at the top of the slide. The equipment was covered in colourful graffiti and well dicks. Kelly and i drank from our bottle. After a few minutes the whole group come over and sat with us. Danny and his girl sat beside me. Miley, Adam and Sadie sat across from me. The rest of the group were actually in the plastic slide. I turned to Danny. "Thanks for dropping me home this morning Dan." I thanked him and took out my pack of cigs and a lighter. He smiled at me. "No problem Madz!" Danny put his hand on my thing for a minute before taking it away. I put my cigarette between my lips and lit it. Kelly passed me the bottle of vodka as i put away my packet of cigarettes and lighter in my pocket. "Thanks." I smirked and took a drag of the Marlboro branded cigarette. I blew the smoke out and opened the bottle, talking a swig of the alcohol. "Can i have some water?" Danny asked me. "Uhh." I turned to Kelly and she giggled and nodded her head at me. I smiled and handed it to him. "Sure!" I replied to the boy, waiting for his reaction. Immediately as it hit his mouth his eyes widened. He took a gulp and handed it back to me. "Good?" I asked him. He nodded and laughed. "Ugh your breath reeks of vodka babe!" Ella whined as she tugged on his arm. I looked to Kelly and she gave me a look like 'Wtf she doing?' I gave the look back and put my cigarette between my lips again. "We should play sardines." Kit suggested. "That's so childish!" Ella commented. "That's so unnecessary Ella!" Adam mocked her voice. " excuse me?" Ella stared daggers into Adam. "You heard me. Now shush." Adam said clearly so annoyed from Ella due to his VERY short temper. "I'll hide." Danny volunteered. "Alright. We'll count to 200 while you hide. That should give you enough time to hide." Kit said as Danny got up and ran away. "Close your eyes guys." Alana said. "Wait fuck, what's going on?" Sadie asked clearly out of it. I laughed. "We're playing sardines, Dans gone off to hide." I told her. "Aw i wanna hide." She sighed and layed back, closing her eyes after taking a hit from her vape. "We'll dans gone off to hide already." I giggled at the girl due to her words. Sadie was usually always out of it, she sells weed to me but i can tell she smoked more than she sells. "Dan doesn't need you to defend him bitch. Only i call him Dan okay? he's MY boyfriend not yours!" Ella yelled at me. "Calm yourself Ella, i'll call him what i want." I blew the smoke out of my mouth into her face. "Bitch." I muttered under my breath. "Say it to my face you fat slut. Go on a fucking diet slag!" Ella jumped to her feet and began speed walking away in anger. "Fucks her problem." I laughed and stood up to go find Danny. "Let's go find him. He's had enough time." Adam said. I put my bag on my back and took a drag of my cig and walked towards the green area of trees and bushes. I always hid in their so i assumed someone else would hide there. I sighed at the fact i'd have to walk for a minute. As soon as i had arrived at the area i heard taking. I stayed still for a second trying to listen. "Ella. What do you mean? Calm the fuck down! I didn't cheat on you!! We aren't even official. We went out on two dates okay? I brought you with me today because you begged me too. No, fuck you! Don't say shit about Maddie! She didn't do anything you're just an obsessed asshole. Good!" I heard Danny's voice yell into his phone. I took a long drag from my cigarette and put it out. I continued to follow the noise of him. I blew out the smoke. As he came into my eye line i sped up. "Hey Dan." I whispered and sat beside him on the floor. He sniffled and lifted his head. "Fuck, Hey maddie." He smiled at me. "You okay Danny?" I asked the bleached haired boy. "Uh yeah. I guess." He sighed. "Ella uh. She seems...sweet." I looked at him. "Yeah uh, We broke up like last week, i thought we could work it out today but nah i guess not."
"It's okay Dan. Fuck her anyways, you deserve better than that." I hugged him. Dan put his head in the crook of my neck. He sniffled. "She was kinda my distraction from home." Dan admitted. "I felt the same for my last boyfriend. I think i just needed other problems to distract myself from my home problems." I put my head down. "You got any sibling?" Dan lifted his head and asked me. "Yeah uh, two little sisters. You?" I replied. "Same." He smiled weakly. "You live with you're parents?" I asked. "Just my mum, Dad left a little while ago, bout the time i met Ella." Dan answered. "So, you?" Dan returned the question. "Dad left like fucking three years ago, just me, my sisters and my excuse of a Mother." I admitted. "I imagine that's hard Madz. If you ever need to talk to someone you can always talk to me." Danny side hugged me. "Thanks." I hugged him back.

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