Part 2/ Sober up!

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Sunday, 11:23am, Maddies apartment.

"Goodmorning Maddie!" Olivia greeted me cheerfully as i entered the sitting room. "Heyy olive, you okay? get anything to eat yet?" I asked her. "No, not yet. Mommy's asleep on her floor by the way." She told me. "Oh." I sighed and turned around to my Mums room. To the least of my surprise olivia was right. My mum was blacked out asleep on the floor with a spilled beer bottle on her hand. I closed her bedroom door and went to the girls bedroom to check up on Izzy. As i opened the door i saw Isabella fast asleep on her bed covered in her unicorn bedcovers. I smiled and then walked to my room. I changed into denim shorts and a tube top.
"What do you want for breakfast Olivia?" I asked the young girl. "Hmm cheerios?" She asked. "Of course!" I smiled and made her a bowl of cereal. After Olivia had been given her food Izzy came out of her room. "Hey Izzy. Sleep in?" I smiled at the girl. "Shush i'm tired." She replied sleepily. "Wha do u want to eat?" I asked Izzy. "Toast pleasee." She smiled and went to sit with her sister on the coach. I made her toast with nutella and gave it to her as she watched her tv show. I took the spare time to pick out the girls outfits and then my phone rang. Kelly x read the screen. "Hey kell!" I said cheerfully. "Hey, wanna go out in an hour or two with a few friends?" Kelly asked me. I checked the time and it was already 12pm. "Yeah deffo. Lemme jsut wake up my mum. Who's gonna be there?" I asked her. "Me, you obviously then Avery, Danny and Alana." She listed the friends. "Sure okay." I said. "Meet us at the park." and with that my best friend hung up.
I sighed and went into my mums room. "Wake up lexie!" I borderline yelled at my mum. She shifted a bit. I gave her a nudge with my foot and she didn't move. "I don't have fucking time for your bullshit mum!" I picked her up and threw her on the bed. Mum woke up and began to sit up holding her probably aching head. I wasn't gonna put up with her shit today. I turned on the shower and told my mum to shower. "Sober up and come mind your kids." I simply said and left her room. I got my two small sisters dressed and ready. I left them to play barbies and i did my makeup and packed my bag.

(That's ur outfit and things in ur bag x)Once i were finished i cleaned up the kitchen and watched as my mum walked out of her room, dressed and looking a bit more sober

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(That's ur outfit and things in ur bag x)
Once i were finished i cleaned up the kitchen and watched as my mum walked out of her room, dressed and looking a bit more sober. "Mum im going out, i'll be soon. Byee girls!" I said by to my sisters and grabbed my bag and house key.
I'm on my way i texted kellie.
I began walking down the street towards the city's old park . It's not a playground kids play in because it's rusty as shit and teens just drink here and shit. I saw a used condom there one of the days. lost for words fr. I plugged in my earphones and shuffled my playlist. Who's your money on- inhaler began to play throughout my ears. I began to speed up my steps as i could see the park and two of my friends coming more and more into my sight.

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