Part 6/"All you can eat?"

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Tuesday, after school.

I walked home with my two sisters walking a bit ahead of me. I stomped my cig under my shoe as we entered the lobby of our apartment building. "Careful Izzy!" I scolded the girl as she nearly fell down. "i'm being careful Maddy!" She argued. We all entered the elevator that brought us to our floor. The girls were just chatting about some toy as i unlocked the apartment door. "Girls get a start on your homework. I'll put dinner on." I told them. I put my school bag down on the floor and began to make pasta. My mum won't be back till eleven tonight so i have to do everything for the girls tonight. When the pasta was done i mixed sauce in and put it in bowls for my sisters. "Izzy, Olivia. Dinner!" I called for them as i set the table. "Yayyay." Olivia came running out of her room. It was now nine and i began to clean up the house until the girls finished the dinner. I got them ready for bed and tucked them in. "Love you guys!" I smiled as i turned off their light. "Love you too!!" Olivia said loudly. "I love you maddie." Izzy yawned.

I sat on the couch and texted Kit.
Kit: You should come to the party tonight. It's so much fun. Dans here!"
Maddie: No ty! Mums not home till eleven.
Kit: Finee!
My phone rang and i answered it. "Heyy." I greeted Danny on the other line. "Madz!" He yelled into the phone. "You okay?" I asked. "Uhm, can i come over? I don't wanna be alone right now." He asked. Immediately i said yes. We hung up and i turned off my phone. I sighed. The house was a tip even though i cleaned it barely changed. I just waited till he texted me. "I'm in the lobby. Can you come get me?" He texted. I put on my slippers and come down to him.

"You alright?" I asked sympatheticly . Danny hugged me. "Wanna come up?" I asked . He nodded his head. We didn't talk until we were in my room. "Dan...Are you okay?"I ran my hand down his arm. "I'm just feeling really lonely right now." Danny admitted looking down. "Aw dan." I pulled him into a hug and dragged him down onto the bed. We were now lying down. "Do you mind if...i slept over. Is that okay?" He asked me. "Of course!" I smiled and hugged him tighter. He shivered. "You cold?" I asked. He simply nodded. I brought him under the blankets with me and we layed in the bed. "Thankyou." He whispered to me. "No worries." I ruffled his hair. The blonde haired boy tested his arm on my waist as he looked me in the eyes. "Do you wanna tell me what happened at that part?" I asked him curious. "Not right now." He smiled.

Hour later-
We had been talking in bed with music playing lowly for ages now. We weren't talking about anything in particular. Dan was flirting here and there and of course i returned it. "No seriously. You looked hot." I reassured him. "You think i'm hot?" Danny raised his eyebrow at me and smirked. "Obviously. You're a hot lad." I told him. His smirk only growing wider at my words. "I think you're hot too." Dan pulled me closer by my back. "Well... i know i'm hot anyways." My face grew crimson red as he looked at me after i spoke. "Yeah?" He asked with a low voice. "Yeah." I came closer to his face. There was an undeniable tension between the two teens. Danny smirked at me wider and kissed my lips pulling me under me as he dangled over me, kissing my lips. I kissed back toughly. Our tongues danced like two burning flames. (i cringed as i wrote that ong.) Before i knew it our shirts we're already tossed messily around the room and Danny began to kiss down my neck and stomach. "Is this okay Mad?" He asked as he held onto the zipper of my jeans. I nodded my head and smiled as he unzipped my jeans and threw them onto the floor. "All you can eat?" He said as he read my thong. I giggled a bit. "I didn't expect anyone to see them today." I said to him. (i actually saw a thong that said that today. 😍) "" He said more like a question. I shrugged. "I like em."

Danny kissed my thighs, sucking and leaving hickeys that i knew wouldn't last very long since it was my leg. His finger rubbed against the fabric of my thong. I laid back and let him do what he wanted.
He pushed the fabric aside with his index finger and rubbed the sensitive spot. I saw Danny smirk as he pushed his finger into me. I muffled my moans as he pumped in and out faster. He pushed in another finger and pushed in deep but slow. I couldn't help it and I let out a moan. "You like that?"He asked. I nodded my head yes. I put my hands round his neck and kissed him as he continued pumping his fingers. I felt myself on the verge of finishing. Dan could tell and pushed one more. if his fingers in and thrusted them. I moaned into his lips as i tried to muffle it. I finished and Danny pulled them out. I caught my breath as Dan layed next to me. I let him calm his breathing down and then i began to play with the button on his jeans. "Can i?" I asked him innocently. Danny smirked and nodded as i unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. His dick hard through his boxers. I smiled at him and rubbed my palm against his underwear teasing him. Dan groaned in frustration which made me smirk. I pulled his boxers down to his ankles and kissed his tip. I took his length into my mout as the song Long way to go by Cassie began to play. I bobbed my head up and down swishing my tongue around his length. The song lyrics rang through the room.
Wanna love me, wanna touch me
Think twice 'cause you got a long way to go
Don't know how to act, better fall back
It's like that 'cause you got a long way to go
It's not that deep, take it easy (ooh, you got a long way)
You wanna please me? You got a long way to go (yeah)
Said you got a long way to go
Danny groaned and whimpered as i sped up. "Maddiee." He whines as i sat up, taking him out of my mouth. I leaned over to him and picked something up. "What?" He asked me. I showed him the pink durex packet. Danny grinned wide and nodded.

I woke up to the song Sweet by cigarettes after sex playing lowly in my room. I looked over to Danny. The boy laid in my bed, messy hair and no clothes. I checked the time. 6:14am. My phone read.  I sighed deeply and got up putting on a clean thong and and crop top i found on my floor.

I climbed out my window and sat on my fire escape balcony thing

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I climbed out my window and sat on my fire escape balcony thing. I took a cigarette out of a carton sitting on my window sill and a decorative lighter. I put it between my lips and lit it. Kelly always said "There's nothing better than Cigarettes after sex." She wasn't lying. The first smoke of the morning was always something i looked forward to. I took a long drag from the smoke and exhaled into the bitter morning air.

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