Part 11/ Friday...

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I woke up to the room being lit up by the grey sky outside, heavy rain hit the window loudly echoing through the room. I groaned and sat up in the bed, Danny was still asleep beside me. "What day is it?" I whispered to myself and checked my phone. Friday. The phone read. "Jesus this week went fast" I sighed and took a drink of the water sitting on his bed side table, i decided I'd wake up Dan. "Dannyyy." I whispered and then got louder. "Dan!" I almost yelled and still no movement. I kissed his cheek softy. Still no response. "Fuck this." I shook him till he woke up. "What th-. Oh hey Maddiee." Danny answered tiredly and yawned. "Hey dan, you know you're a very heavy sleeper." I teased. "Nah i don't think so." He joked. "What time is it?" He stretched out and stood up. "Like 11am?" I replied unsurely. "DANNY!" Kassie yelled from down the hall. "Ugh." Dan grounded and opened the door. "WHAT KASS!?" Danny yelled back. "DONT YELL JUST GO TOWARDS EACHOTHER!!" Ellie screamed to them. "Jeez." Dan sighed and left the room with me trailing behind him. "What do you want?" Danny asked Kassie as he entered the sitting room. She smiled sweetly at him and responded. "Nothing. Just wanted to know if you and Maddie were awake." I looked at Danny while he stared blankly at his younger sister. "You serious?" He looked absolutely done with her. "Anyways. We going to school today?" He turned to me and asked. I could really tell he was pissed off by Kassie and its honestly hilarious. "Half day? I wanna go back too sleep for a bit. Not feeling like school right now." I smiled up at him. "Okay, let's go back to bed then for a bit, you go ahead of me. I'll tell my mum we're going to school later so she doesn't go try get us up for school thinking we slept in or something." Danny put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me in for a side hug. "Sounds like a plan then. Also, is it okay if i smoke in your room?" I asked him as i pulled away. Kassie ran off to the kitchen for her breakfast excitedly. I think this weekend will be the longest I've ever been away from my sisters. For some reason it's stressing me out more than when i had to take care of them. "yeah, knock yourself out. Just open the window. Bridgett hates the smell." Danny lightly chuckled and walked off to the kitchen. I headed back to the room, excited at the thought of a cig. Walking back to bed the hard wood floors were cold and rough under my feet, I noticed Bridgett rushing around while on the phone. Obviously running late for school. Almost immediately after shutting the door, i leaped for my fags and lighter. Opening the window, the harsh cold air hit me straight away and i shivered slightly.  I opened the carton and took out a cigarette and put it between my chapped and cracked lips. I lit my cigarette and took a drag. Exhaling out the window my phone beeped with a notification from the bed. I walked over and picked it up. Aunt Sarah had sent me the cutest picture of my two sisters posing for a picture in the park. I missed them more now but i know there in good hands. I went back to the window to stop the smell going anywhere but out the window, remembering what Dan had said. Speaking of he came in and closed the door behind him. "You okay?" He asked me slightly worriedly. I thought for a minute and decided not to go into all that this early in the morning. "Yep." I lied. "Good, now come back to bed I'm tired." Danny smiled at me and got back into bed. I Took one last drag and put it out on the windowsill and hopped back into bed getting comfortable. "Couldn't have closed the window?" He joked and pointed towards the window. "No and I'm comfortable now so I'm hardly gonna walk all the way over there." I looked at him and he looked at me.  Neither of us spoke and the open window with cold city air was sending shivers and goosebumps all over me. His eyes looked into mine.  You know i really do think i like this one. With my luck i know he'll leave. Fuck me , waste my time, pretend to care, get to know me  and then leave. They all do it. He will too. I just really hope he doesn't. My wondering mind was stopped when Danny kissed me. I kissed him back and let all my thoughts wash away. His hands wandered to the string on my shorts,

I woke up to my head on Dan's chest as he scrolled on his phone. "What time is it Danny?" I sat up and pulled the blanket up with me to cover myself. "Ehm, 5:56...I've been awake for like two hours." He looked over at me. "You let me sleep the whole day away. How did i even sleep for like half a day?" I rubbed my head confused. Who sleeps for nearly a whole day? "I didn't wanna wake you up, plus school was already done when i woke up you know i just thought. Why bother you when you're comfortable?" He put his phone down and turned his full attention to me. "How do u know i was comfortable? Could've been uncomfortable." I shrugged teasingly. He smirked. "Dunno. You seemed pretty comfortable to me." I rolled my eyes and got up, putting on some leggings and a jumper that were shoved nearly under the bed. "Do we have to get up Madz?" He groaned. "You've been awake two hours, you'll live." I threw a t-shirt on his face and i grabbed my phone before leaving the room and sitting on the couch with Bridgett. "Hey Maddie." She said to me without turning her attention from the tv. "Hey Bridgett, what you watching  today?" I asked the short haired girl. "I've no clue and it's actually kinda shit. i don't know why I'm so invested." I laughed. "Wanna do something else then?" I offered her. "Depends what it is." She immediately turned her attention. "Roof?" I pointed up. "Sure, let's go!" She hopped up to her feet. "I'll be back in a minute, just got to get my shoes." I went into the room, put my shoes on and grabbed my fags and a lighter off of the windowsill. "Where you off too?" Danny asked me, catching my attention. "Roof, the sun will be setting in a few minutes so it's the perfect time to go up." Danny nodded his head and got comfortable in bed. 

We talked for a while up on the roof and enjoyed the sunset but it began to rain really heavily and we had to go back to the apartment. I went back to Danny because Bridget said she was sorting something for some labor day protest tomorrow. I opened Danny's door to him standing there with headphones on blasting music full volume. "Danny?" He didn't respond. i poked his shoulder and he jumped scared. "When did u get here?" He seemed so taken a back. "Just now, i wont bother you. Go back to your music Dan." I pushed his shoulder teasingly and sat on the windowsill for a smoke, the window still open from earlier and the rain pelting down from the sky as it was when me and Bridget were on the roof. He returned to his music happily. until Bridgett came in all of a sudden, slamming the door behind her. "Get out Bridge!" Danny yelled. 


Shud i kill him? both? just Maddie? Let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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