Part 7/ "Whats going on?!"

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As i got out of the shower i wondered if Dan was still asleep.To my surprise he was no longer in my bed and all his stuff was gone. I didn't give it a second thought and just quickly got dressed and ready for school before then waking my sisters up.

I grabbed my school bag on my way out the door with my sisters. "Madelyn. Is Daniela picking us up for school?" Olivia asked me. "Uh well she should actually be here right now but i don't see her." I replied looking around the street we were now standing on. "There she is!" Izzy pointed out as she jumped up and down. "Okay! Have fun girls. Bye Daniela." I hugged my sisters goodbye and continued my walk towards school. I forgot my headphones and so i was unfortunately left to my thoughts. Why did Dan leave? Didn't say anything to me either he just left. What am i to him, a bootycall whenever he wants someone? I took out my phone and text him.

Maddie: What happened at the party last night?
It took him a minute to respond but he eventually did.
Dan: my ex was chatting shit and trying to make me jealous w some guy.
Immediately there my thoughts were answered. I was just a rebound to him. To be honest i don't know why i acted this way but immediately i was so mad. I left him on opened and turned off my phone. I don't need this. I lit a cigarette and sped up waking.  I called Kelly, i needed to tell her. I told her the whole story and before i knew it i was standing beside her telling her in person at my locker. "What a dick!" Kelly yelled in a whisper. "I know." I sighed and took my Pink math copy out of my locker. "Don't even talk to him today. He doesn't deserve you. You're more than a bootycall!" She declared. The bell rang loudly throughout the corridors. "I'll see you next class." Kelly hugged me and walked the other way. "Byee!" I kissed her cheek. Walking into Math i sat in my seat. Danny was in this class. I hadn't talked to him ever before that party. Kinda wish i didn't. He came in and sat in his seat. Completely opposite side of the classroom thankgod. I could tell he was trying to make eye contact with me. I simply stared straight at the teacher who called out the role call for the day.
"Here." I called out.
"Not here!"
"Yep!" Danny called.
I looked at him as he turned around to me. Danny gave me an awkward smile but i brushed it off and looked down at my textbook.

After class i walked out of class hoping he wouldn't stop me and i could just go see Kelly in Science. I could hear him yelling down the hallway. "Madz! Maddie!!" Danny yelled hoping to get my attention. I didn't give in. I didn't look. I didn't stop. Eventually i couldn't hear him any longer and i sighed as i reached the class door. Kelly called me over to her. I sat down. "Did he go nuts. Did he talk to you? He better have not had the audacity to talk to you!" Kelly blurted out. "He called after me after i left." I said to her. "Ahh, don't give in girl, stay strong." She nudged my shoulder and we began to listen to our teacher.

-Class before lunch-
Dan: hey wha was tha bout?
Maddie: Wdym??
Dan: u literally blew me off
Maddie: did i?
Dan: uh ye
Maddie: hm reminds me of a certain someone
Dan: wdym by tha madz
Seen by Maddie
Dan: Maddie what are u talking about??
Dan: Maddie!
Dan: Meet me at the shop beside the park at 7 tonight.

At lunch I brought Kelly outside and showed her the texts. "Shit, you should go!" She exclaimed. "I don't know Kel." I admitted as I took my vape out of my pocket. "Uh Madz, when did u start vaping? Thought you said that was 'Basic'." Kelly asked. "It's cheaper plus smokings just as basic as vaping maybe even more considering it's been around longer. It doesn't matter. Shit there's Danny." I replied putting my vape back in my pocket and grabbing Kelly's arm and pulling her back inside towards the girls bathroom. "Why are we in here?" She asked. "He can't come in." I explained.
"You should go tonight." Kelly looked at me. I thought to myself whether i should go.

// should she go 💀

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