Part 5/"You're rlly pretty!"

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Lunch x
"Heyy Madz!" Alana greeted me as she sat beside me. "Hey Lana!" I side hugged her and continued to drink my water. "Maddie, Danny's looking at you." Kelly teased. I looked up and Danny was standing at the canteen door. I smiled at him and he nodded his head towards the door with a smirk. "I'll see you guys later! Have funn." I said to my friends as i grabbed my bag and water, standing up and heading over to Danny. "Hi Dann." I hugged him. "Hey Madelyn!" He teased as he hugged me back. "How did you know my full name?" I asked confused as i hadn't even told him my full first name. "Kelly." He smiled. "Gonna kill her." I joked. "Wanna leave?" He asked looking at the exit door. "Yess." I followed after him as he walked out the door. "Teachers should really be monitoring these halls. They might be able to catch us then." Danny took out his phone and checked something. I pulled my cigarettes and lighter out of my bags side pocket. "Want one?" I asked him as i put a cigarette between my lips. "Of course. Give!" He smiled and took one. I lit my cigarette and held out the lighter for him. Danny just looked at me. I left it there for a moment before lighting the cigarette between his lips myself. "Thanks." Dan smirked. "You're welcome." I smiled sweetly at him while putting the cigarette carton and lighter in my back pocket. I took a drag of my cigarette and exhaled. "There's no where really to go. Wanna go over to mine?" He asked. "Yeah sure. Why not?" I agreed and blew the smoke out of my mouth. We began waking to his house.

"It's not very well um pretty but it's home." Danny smiled and opened the door. "It's cute! Way better than my apartment." I told him complimenting his home. "I doubt that." He laughed a bit. "We can stay here all's at because my mum won't mind."He said. "Yeah that's fine." I smiled. "Okay this my room." Dan slid open his bedroom doors and walked in. "Oo, it's so cool!" I looked around at his posters and records. "Thanks." He took off his shoes and sat on his bed. "Wanna listen to some music?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I smiled as he stood up and walked over to his record. "Okay soo, Cage the elephant or Queen?" H turned around to me and held up the Albums. "Cage the elephants!" I smiled and pointed at the record in his hand. Danny turned around to his record player. "You can sit on the bed if you want. Make yourself comfortable." Dan said with his back turned to me. "Okay."I took off my shoes and sat on his bed with my legs crossed. Music began playing from a speaker. Danny turned around to me and sat on the bed. We began to chat for a while. We were just asking each other random questions. "So how many siblings do you have?" Danny asked me. "I have two sisters. You?" I returned the question. "Same, both younger." He answered. "Stop same." I laughed. "Parents?" He said to me. "Just mum." I gave him a small smile. "Same, since last month." He returned the smile. "Aw dan." I gave him a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry. I'm over it." Danny said. About ten minutes later we decided to watch a movie. Danny turned off the music and we sat on the coach in his sitting area. "What movie?" Dan asked flipping through the movies. "Ohh go back one. Yeah that one there." I pointed to the movie i wanted. "Okay." He smiled and turned it on and we sat back in the couch. A half hour had past and Danny and i had gotten closer on the couch. "Are you cold?" Dan asked me. "Yeah a bit." I laughed nervously. He grabbed a grey fluffy blanket and put it over our laps. "Thank you." I smiled at him . "No worries." He smiled back. We sat looking at each-other for a moment or two. Danny moved closer to me. Our faces inching closer and closer to each other. He looked down to my lips and i looked to his. Our lips not only an inch apart. Suddenly the door swung open and a little blonde girl came running in with a woman with brunette hair walked in after her with hands full of brown grocery bags. We pulled away quickly. "Danny! Come help me with the gro- Oh you're here. Good! Come help." The woman began to say. He hopped up and helped the woman. The young blonde girl ran into a room and came back out with a book to show her mum. "Look Mum, this is the book i was talking about!" She yelled showing off the book to her busy mother. "Yes yes, one moment." Dans mum replied busily putting groceries away. "Danny, who's this?" She asked with a smirk. "This is Maddie." He introduced me. I stood up. "Hi." I smiled at the woman. "Hi Maddie, you're so pretty! I'm Ellie." She introduced herself. "Aw thank you!" I gave her a wide smile. "I'll get Kassie to help. You go on ahead with Maddie." Ellie smiled at the boy teasingly. "Thanks Mom." He replied. "Let's go to my room." He walked to his room. I followed sheepishly behind me. Dan shut his door. "Sorry about them." He chuckled nervously as we both sat on the bed with our backs against the wall. "No worries! You're mums sweet." I smiled. We both went quiet and looked at each other again. I looked into his blue eyes. He smirked and looked down to my lips before putting his hand on my waist and pulling me closer to him. "You're really pretty." He said quietly. I grinned and looked at his lips. Danny closed the gap between us and pulled me up to him. Our lips connected as my hands found there way up to his neck. We pulled each other as close as we could to one another. Danny pulled me up into his lap and his hands rested on the small of my back.
-10 minutes later-
My phone began to ring. I got off of Dans lap and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Oh, sorry. I'll be there as soon as!" I replied and turned off my phone. "Everything okay?" Danny asked me as he fixed his messed up hair. "Yeah um, i forgot my mhm was working late and i have to pick my sisters up from school." I answered. "Sorry, i'll text you later yeah?" I said. "Don't worry. I'll see you!" He smiled. I left his room and walked out. "Bye Ellie!" I smiled to his Mum. "Bye sweetheart!" She replied. I walked out with my bag on my back. "Shit." I muttered to myself as i got into the elevator. I had completely forgotten to even pick them up. The elevator dinged and the doors shook open. I took a cigarette out and lit it as i continued vastly walking towards the girls school.

Cigarettes after sex [Danny x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now