♡{°○'•.Chapter 2.•'○°}♡

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Felix pov:

"Chan hyung can I leave early today?" I asked.
Chan nodded his head "sure" he said "Your'e the best hyung" I said as I gave him a hug before I got my stuff and left. I was running back home but stopped when my phone ringed, I picked up without looking who was calling. "Hello" I said waiting for the other one to respond. "Felix are you still at work?" I heard my mom ask "no I'm on my way home" I answered I heared him sigh in relief. I chuckled silently knowing he probably needed my help. "What can I help you with eoma?" I asked him with a smile on my face. "I forgot to buy carrots, can you get them for me?" He asked me "of course I can, I'll be back home in 10 minutes" I said "thank you darling" He said softly before he hung up.

I walked into the grocery store, I walked to the aisle of the carrots, I looked at the carrots carefully, wanting to bring him ripe carrots, I picked up the carrots that looked ripe, I payed and left.

I was walking when someone bumped into me. I immediately apologised "I'm so sorry"
I bowed down when the other pushed me "can't you see that I'm walking" he said with a angry tone in his voice. "I'm sorry sir" I said and looked down while rolling my eyes. "Bow down and beg me for forgiveness" The man said
"No" I said with a deep voice before the man pushed me to the ground "Bow down and beg me for forgiveness right now!" He said in his alpha voice, I whimpered and was about to Bow down when I smelled the scent I have been craving for the past few hours, my heart started racing as the scent got stronger and my wolf started screaming "mate!" I was smelling the scent when the other kicked me "I said bow-" he said in his alpha voice and I started whimpering but he was interrupted by another male "The one that needs to bow down and ask for forgiveness is you" My wolf kept saying "mate, That's our mate!" My legs felt weak and my heart was racing, I looked at my mate and he looked handsome, but I'm wearing scent blockers he won't smell my scent I don't know if I should feel sad or relieved about it, I was in my thoughts when the other male started yelling "Why should I, he's an omega he should listen to alpha's" The male said in his alpha voice trying to scare my mate as I started whimpering "Leave him alone!" My mate said in his alpha voice, his voice was strong and I started whimpering before the other male left.

"Are you okay?" My mate asked with a cold tone in his voice I nodded before he helpt me get up
He was about to walk away, but I pulled his sleeve and he stopped walking and turned around "Thank you" I bowed. He nodded and walked away. My heart calmed down, and I ran back home.

"I'm back" I said as I walked to the kitchen to see my mom cooking, I placed the groceries on the counter "it smells good" I said as I walked up to my mom and gave him a back hug, my mom smiled and turned around "did something happen dear?" He said softly as he held both of my hands in his, "No I'm just tired from work" I said not wanting her to know what really happened as I don't want to worry him. "Get some rest, I will wake you up when dinner is ready" He said as he kissed my cheek, "thank you mom" I said before I gave him a hug and walked to my bedroom to get some rest.

I kept turning as I couldn't sleep, if I can't sleep I normally go to my mom to ask if I can lay on his lap but he's cooking and my dad is busy with work, so there's only Jisung left but he's with his mate, and I don't want to interupt them.
I turned a few times when I got a headache.

I walked downstairs, wanting to hug my mom.
I hugged my mom from behind, as he looked at me, and quickly turned around.
"Honey!" He yelled out as my dad came to the kitchen. "What's wrong babe?" My dad asked wondering what happend. "Look at his eyes"
My dad looked at my eyes as he started smiling. "Isn't it great" My mom said as he started smiling, before my brother came to the kitchen with Minho "What's wrong?" Jisung asked. Before he looked at my eyes.

"I think I know who you're mate is" Minho said and my parents and brother looked at Minho "It's my friend's birthday today, he's turning 21 today there's a high chance he's you're mate" Minho said while looking at me, he picked up his phone and showed us a photo of his friend. My heart started racing again as his friend was my mate.

"I'm going to his birthday tonight you can all come if you want?" Minho asked. And my parents quickly agreed. "But he's probably not even my mate" I said "Felix what's wrong dear?"
My mom asked me softly "nothing, I just think we should stay home" I said hoping they would agree but they didn't "Don't you want a mate?"
Jisung asked me softly while smiling "I do but.."
I answered but I stopped. My mom looked at the others, before they left. "Your'e scared aren't you?" He asked me I nodded as he hugged me. "You know when I met you're father I was scared, he was known as a player, and I thought he didn't want me as his mate, but when he found out I was his mate he didn't let anyone near me and brought me gifts everyday"
He told me "dad was a player?" I laughed.
"Yes he was" My mom started laughing
"So do you want to go see if he's you're his mate?" My mom asked me "mom I have to tell you something..." I told him as I looked down
"What is it dear?" He looked at me softly.
"The friend Minho showed I already know that he's my mate" I told my mom as he was schocked "how did you find out?" He asked me while he was smiling. "An alpha bumped into me and yelled at me in his alpha voice when I smelled a scent and my wolf kept saying mate over and over again. He came over and helped me" I told her what happend "That's amazing" My mom started jumping around. After 2 minutes she stopped jumping. "So do you want to get you're mate?" He asked me and I nodded.


Words: 1159

○ What will happen at the party?

○ Will they accept eachother?


Hi! This was chapter 2 of "Found you"

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