♡{°○•.Chapter 8.•○°}♡

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Hyunjin pov:

I stopped rubbing my body against his, after I smelled my scent all over his body. I wanted to mark him so bad but I knew he wasn't ready for that yet, so I won't mark him.

I was about to say something before I got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Lix are you okay?!" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I heard the voice somewhere but I can't recall the owner of the voice.

I got off of Felix before he stood up and opened the door, i immediately held his waist and kept him close to me, before Felix blushed.

It was Jisung and Minho, felixs brother and My best friend. Jisung was about to come closer, but Minho stopped him and held Jisung tightly. Before he whispered something, Jisung pouted.

Minho quickly kissed the pout away, before Jisung slightly smiled. "Did we interupt you two?" Minho asked with a smirk while looking at me. I glared at him before saying "you did" still slightly glaring at him.

Felix put one of his hands over mine. Drawing all my attention to him. I looked at felix, his face told me to calm down. Felix looked away after a   few seconds. Before he said "You didn't, don't worry" with a light/small smile.

Just then Bangchan slowly stood next to Minho. "I closed the Cafe, you can stay here for a while, or go home" Bangchan said in a soft like voice.

Felix pov:

"Do you want to go?" Hyunjin asked me softly.

I nodded and before I could say anything he was already softly dragging me away.

"We took the wrong turn" I said almost turning back. Hyunjin stopped me before saying "I know, I'm taking you somewhere else" while holding my hand.

I don't know why, but I'm feeling anxious. Is Yongbok making me feel like that? I thought before talking to Yongbok.

Felix: Yongbok is something wrong?

Yongbok: What if he's taking us somewhere scary, and rejects us. Or if he forces us to do something.

Felix: Hyunjin won't do that..

Yongbok: We don't know that what if-

I shut Yongbok off, as I was starting to get anxious myself. When I suddenly started to feel less anxious.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked me softly. Before softly caressing my hand.

"Nothing, it's just.." My mind went blank, I didn't know how to answer him. Do I not trust him? Do I not like him? Is it just Yongbok that's making me feel like this? That's all that was going on in my mind.

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