♡{°○'•.Chapter 3.•'○°}♡

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Felix pov:

"Were here" Minho said as we walked up to the front door and knocked. A women opened the door. "Hi, come inside" the women said with a smile on her face.

We walked inside, and I immediately smelled the scent of my mate, I was getting nervous and my mom probably noticed or as she held my hand and gave me a assuring smile telling me it would be okay.

Minho and Jisung were talking with eachother, while my parents were talking with other people. I stood close to my mom. The scent was getting stronger and stronger as I looked around and saw that my mate was talking with Minho and Jisung. My heart started racing again. My mom noticed and we went outside while my dad kept talking with other people.

"Are okay darling?" he asked me before he rubbed my hands. I nodded "mhm I'm just nervous, what if he doesn't want me as his mate?" I said and my mom pecked my forehead
"He made this party to find his mate darling, it will be okay, do you believe me?" My mom asked me softly, as I nodded, he smiled and we sat down on a bench.

Hyunjin pov:

I walked downstairs, and saw Minho with his mate. "Hi Minho" I said to Minho a he smiled at me. "You invited a lot of people huh" Minho said  as "Of course I did how else am I going to find my mate" I answered. "And you brought your'e mate again" I said as I saw that Jisung was hiding in the neck of Minho. "You will understand once you found Your'e mate, about Your'e mate, I think I know who it is" Minho said
"Who?" I immediately asked "There's a high chance it's Jisung's younger brother" Minho answered as he slightly turned his head "he was standing there with his parents" Minho said. "What does he look like?" I asked "can I show a photo of him love?" Minho asked his mate, his mate nodded his head, Minho got out his phone and showed me his photo. "I think I saw him yesterday" I said. "I'll look for him" I said "sure, I'll go to your'e guest room" Minho said and I nodded before walking around trying to find the boy Minho showed me.

I walked outside, and I saw him sitting on a bench with a male. I decided to talk with them for a bit trying to see his reaction, as I'm not wearing scent blockers so if he was my mate, he would know I'm his mate. The boy looked at me and said something to the male. They were about to go inside again when I approached them they stopped walking, and the male held the hand of the boy
"Your'e the birthday boy right?" The male asked me. "I am, you're the mother and.. brother of my friends mate named Jisung right?" I asked. "Yes we are" he said while smiling. "What's you're name? Minho never told me" I asked the boy, "F-Felix" he answered, as his mother rubbed his hands. Minho was right, there's a high chance he's mate, too bad he's wearing a scent blocker. "We will leave now" his mother said as I nodded and smiled. They quickly left. I smirked and walked off to talk to other guest's.

Felix pov:

It was almost full moon which meant that everyone had to remove their scent blockers, we all had to gather outside so that hyunjin could easily find his mate if he was there. My mom held my hand tightly and placed a quick peck on my forehead. There were 10 minutes left and I started gto get more nervous every second "mom.." I whispered "you want to leave darling?" he whispered, I nodded and we walked inside "I don't know what to do" I looked down. "What are you thinking darling?" My mom asked me softly "I want him to know I'm his mate, but I don't know if I'm ready to have a mate. I never dated before. He probably doesn't want a mate that never dated before. I never even kissed before." I said while looking down.
"Darling I think hyunjin will be happy you never dated anyone before and that you never kissed anyone before" My mom told me before hugging me tightly. "I have a idea, we can go to the front door and when it's time you take of your'e scent blocker and your'e eyes will get blue and hyunjin will start searching for you. If you're not ready yet you can run and put on your'e scent blocker again. That way hyunjin can't smell you anymore and you can text where you are. Is that okay with you darling?" My mother asked softly and I nodded "Thank you mom. I love you" I said as I gave him a peck on the cheeck "I love you too darling" My mom said and smiled. But his smile dropped "Darling your'e eyes are blue take of your'e scent blocker, and remember you can leave I'm not going to force you" My mom said as he smiled softly. I took of my scent blocker and immediately smelled the scent of my mate coming towards me. My heart started racing and I ran off I looked back to see hyunjin running after me.

Hyunjin pov:

My eyes started to turn red and everyone took off their scent blocker but I couldn't smell the scent off my mate I looked around, when I smelled a chocolate like scent and my wolf started saying mate over and over again. My mate wasn't outside I walked inside and saw Felix running away. I was about to run after him when his mother said "Go after him, just don't force him, please " he said while smiling I nodded and ran after him when he looked at me and started to run faster.

"Felix!" I yelled hoping he would stop running but he didn't. My wolf started to get crazy, while I tried to calm him down. "Felix! I won't hurt you just stop running!" I yelled, but he kept running and he didn't look back. He ran into a small alleyway. I cursed under my breath as I didn't see him anymore and he put on a scent blocker, so I couldn't smell his scent. I had one idea left.
I called Minho. "Minho give me his number" I said coldly. "The number of Felix?" He asked me "yes just give me it" I said "Babe can I give him his number?" There's was a few seconds of silence and I started to lose my patience "his number is ..." I hung up and dialed his number. I could hear a ringtone. And I immediately ran towards it. And I saw him standing behind a wall. When he saw me he tried to run away again. But I stopped him and pinned him against a wall.

When I pinned him to a wall his scent blocker fell off and I smelled anxious pheromones. I let out calming pheromones, and his anxious pheromones slowly started to disappear.
"Why did you run away from me?" I asked softly.
He didn't respond, I tilted his head so that he looked at me and saw that he had tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I panicked and hugged him tightly "why did you run after me?" He asked me. "Your'e my mate, I'm not going to let you go" I said and hugged him tightly "but I never dated anyone before" he said "me neither, I wanted to wait for you" I said softly, and I started to hear sobs I stopped hugging him and looked at him, to see him crying, I immediately released calming pheromones and wiped his tears.

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