♡{°•.Chapter 10.•°}♡

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Hyunjin pov:

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Hyunjin pov:

I walked towards the front door with Kim seokjin the mother of my mate.

He ringed the doorbell, and not even a second later the door opened, like someone was already waiting at the door.

"Youre here" A male said hugging seokjin before breking the hug and looking at me.

"So you're the mate of Felix" he said smiling as he looked at me.

"Hello, my name is Hwang Hyunjin" I said nervously while bowing as a sign of respect.

"Ahh right my name is Min Jimin" the male said, smiling.

"Come inside" Jimin said stepping to the side giving us space to walk inside.

"Hubby, you better get you're b*tt over here in 10 seconds!" Jimin yelled as he looked towards the stairs.

And within 10 seconds another male stood besides Jimin, holding his waist.

"Hello, my name is Hwang Hyunjin" I said while bowing as a sign of respect.

"Hmm" he said nodding, looking uninterested.

"Introduce yourself" Jimin said looking at the male next to him.

"I'm Yoongi, Jimins husband" The male said grabbing Jimins waist tighter.

"Ahh right, you came because something was wrong with youre wolf right?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, that's right" I responded feeling slightly nervous again.

"Does Felix know?" Jimin asked.

"No-" I said but got interrupted.

"Ofcourse Felix doesn't, otherwise he would be here" Yoongi said.

"I didn't ask you" Jimjn said glaring at Yoongi.

"Let's sit down" Jimin said walking towards the living room.

I sat down on a chair, sitting up feeling nervous.

"So what's the problem with you're wolf?" Jimjn asked.

"My wolf doesn't seem to have any interest in my mates wolf he does have some interest in Felix, but none to his wolf" I responded nervously, not knowing what Jimin would say.

"Mhm, something must have happened between the wolfs then, did you're wolf tell something that happened between him and the wolf of Felix?" Jimin asked as he picked up a notebook from the cofee table.

"my wolf said that he didn't feel the need to spend time with my mates wolf" I responded still feeling slightly nervous.

"I think I know the reason, but the answer might be hard to take.." jimin said looking slightly down.

"It's okay I want to know not only for me, but for Felix I want to know if he'll be okay and safe" I responded feeling nervous and anxious for the answer of Jimin.

"Mhm..there is a possibility that you aren't the mate of Felix, and that you're wolfs got mismatched with eachother" Jimin said seriously looking slightly down.

"What-" I heard a familiar voice say.

Then my nose caught a scent..Felix.

I looked back and I saw Felix standing there his eyes starting to get watery and red.

"Felix.." I said as I quickly stood up running towards him, but he had already ran away.

"Dont" Namjoon said slightly growling.

I was too busy with noticing Felix that I didn't see Namjoon the father of Felix.

I stopped and looked at Namjoon who had a serious and cold look on his face.

"Go home" Namjoon said coldly as Jin walked out following Felix.

Felix pov:

I ran out feeling tears run down my face.

The sentence 'Mhm..there is a possibility that you aren't the mate of Felix, and that you're wolfs got mismatched with eachother' kept repeating itself.

"Darling" My mother said as he ran up to me and hugged me softly.

"Mom..is it true?" I asked as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"We don't know darling..it's still unsure" My mother said as he looked at me with soft and gentle eyes.

"Darling I want you to know that just because you're wolfs don't like eachother you can still be mates" My mother said in an reassuring and soft tone.

"I don't know what to do" I said as I broke down in tears feeling confused and sad.

"Everything will be alright" My mother said softly as he hugged me gently as he caressed my hair.

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