♡{°○'•.Chapter 6.•'○°}♡

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Felix pov:

"I don't like your'e brother, I love him. Yes I accept him as my mate. I will make sure no one touches or hurt him, and I won't force him to do anything. I am a true blood alpha, and no I didn't date anyone before him, as I wanted to wait for my mate." Hyunjin said with a serious tone in his voice before he looked at me and intertwined our hands.

Jisung nodded and looked at hyunjin for a few seconds.

"Make him cry once and your'e dead." Jisung said while glaring at hyunjin.

"I won't." Hyunjin said with a serious face as he looked at jisung.

"Alright Alright, that's enough talking let's eat the food is getting cold." My mom said while smiling.

We all started to eat before I heard someone's phone ringing.

Hyunjin looked at his phone before asking "can I pick it up?"

"Of course" My father said.

"Thank you"

"What is-" That's all I heard before he walked away.

We all started to eat again. But I couldn't help but to look at the direction hyunjin went hoping he finished the phone call.

After a few minutes he finally finished the phone call and walked back to the table. He had the same cold face he had when he helped me on the street.

"I have to go to my office there are some problems. I'm sorry" he said with a cold and serious tone before bowing.

"Oh don't worry, we understand." My mom said with a smile on his face.

Hyunjin gave me a piece of paper before saying
"Thank you" before he walked away.

I looked at the piece of paper. It was a phone number. It was probably his.

I don't know why but my mood dropped after he left. All I wanted to do was cuddle with him while burying my nose in his scent gland.

"Are you okay darling?" My mom asked me.

I nodded before eating.

"Ah right I completely forgot to ask you" Jisung said while looking at me.

He paused for a second before asking me. "There is a new flower shop, do you want to look at it with me." He asked me with an excited tone in his voice.

I nodded before saying "yes" with a smile on my face.

When I was upset my parents and brother always took me to a flower shop. It always cheered me up.

After we ate we helped clean up before we played just dance.

"Felix won again" jisung said with a pout on his face. Before his mate pecked his pouty lips.

Jisung smiled shyly before hugging his mate.

"We should go now" jisung said whole looking at me.

I nodded before running to my room to wash up.

After a few minutes I ran back downstairs and held Jisung's hand.

"Let's go" I said with a smile on my face.

Jisung nodded before pecking minhos lips.

We both ran to the flower shop.

"Were here" jisung said while pointing to the shop.

I walked inside with a smile on my face.

I looked at the flowers and one flower caught my eye.

I walked towards the flower and looked at it.

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