♡{°•.Chapter 9.•°}♡

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Hyunjin pov:

I grabbed the handle of the door, pulling it down, opening the door and walking inside, before closing the door, as I let go of the handle once I closed the door.

I turned my face to the right, there I saw my mate, Felix sleeping. A smile automatically crept onto my face, I took silent steps not wanting to wake Felix from his sleep.

I layed down next to him, as I looked at his face. 'Youre so beautiful' I thought as I looked at him with adoration. 'Youre eyes shine as bright as the sun, it could light up the entire world, you're hair it's soft and fluffy like cat fur thatyou could touch the whole day just because of how soft it is, and youre skin its as soft and squishy like a pillow.' I thought I could go on and on, but I was stopped by my wolf.

"Then we should mark him, don't you think"

"We can't, we don't have they're permission, and we can't just mark felix when you and his wolf don't get along" I said in an annoyed tone.

"We are the alpha, and we're they're mate if we want to mark them we can they don't have a say in this. They are just weak omegas they don't stand a change against us" Sam said clearly annoyed, starting to get angry.

I layed there in pure shock. How could Sam say that like it was nothing. I did research about wolfs, and mates in hope to find some tips on how to find youre mate quickly. While doing this research, I read that alpha's are very protective and don't do anything that could bring their omega/beta in danger. Sam wasn't like that at all. I started to worry, not only for the wolf of Felix, but Felix himself I waited for him since the day I found out I had a mate. I didn't kiss, cuddle or have s** (18+ activities) with anyone, as I wanted my mate to have my firsts.

I turned Sam off, and slowly got out of the bed making sure to not wake Felix up. I tiptoed to his desk, before I grabbed a sticky note and a pen.

"Don't worry, I didn't run away from you because I don't like you, I will be out for a bit I have to do something for work. I will pick you up from youre shift, my cute mate."


I quickly wrote it down, drawing a heart where there was space left, and put it on his drawer that was standing next to his bed.

I looked at him for one last time, before walking out of his bedroom.

I was about to grab the handle of the front door, but stopped when I saw Jin, the mother/father of Felix.

"Youre leaving? Did something happen?" He asked worriedly.

I hesitated for a moment, not sure whether to tell him about my wolf, but after thinking for a moment I decided that I should tell him.

"I-I.. I have to tell you somehing" I said getting nervous for his reaction.

"Hmm, let's sit down on the couch" he nodded walking to towards the couch as I followed.

We both sat down once we arrived at the couch.

"So what is it you want to tell me?" He asked, as I heard the curiosity in his voice.

"It's.. it's my wolf, he's.."

"Acting weird?" He said causing me to look at him confused..

'Did he know about it? How did he know? How long did he know? Was it just a guees?' The questions jept appearing in my mind.

"So I was right.." he said sounding proud of himself.

"How-" i asked but was interrupted.

"A friend of mine is specialised in wolfs, and he thought me some things" he said, smiling.

"He's free tomorrow, and I'm going to visit him why don't you come with me?" He suggested.

"I don't want to be a bother" I responded.

"You won't, he wanted to meet felixs mate anyway" he responded happily.

I eventually agreed, and went home.


I wanted to make it longer, but I decided that I'll upload this,it's short I'm sorry for that.

I'll upload the other one I hope tomorrow depending, on how much time I have tomorrow and today.

I hope you liked this chapter^^

Feel free to leave a comment.

Have a nice day/evening!^^

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