Chapter 49: A New Beginning

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We've finally reached the end of the book folks, meaning it's Shenanigans time next time. I own nothing.
Chapter 49: The Weight of Guilt

The memory realm swirled around her, flickering and blacking out randomly, like a film reel with corrupted frames. (Y/N) could only guess it was because of their plunge into the Underworld.
[My life has been set in stone even before I was born.] Idia's voice lamented. [The Isle of Woe's Gatekeeper. That was the path laid out for me. All those born in the Shroud Family have been cursed to burn blot away. Our unique magic allows us to open and close the Gate to the Underworld.]
The frames finally seemed to refocus, illuminating one of S.T.X.Y.'s many monitor rooms, two employees conversing with each other as they eyed a much younger Idia working nearby.
"Master Idia shows exceptional talent for academics as well as for magic. Experts have vouched for his skills in magical engineering. He is a born genius, indeed."
"Yes, S.T.Y.X's future is in good hands."
Despite their praise, the young male seemed despondent, almost nauseous with their words.
[What do you want to be when you grow up? It's a question adults ask most children. Just once is enough. Someone please ask me what I want, too.]
(Y/N) let out a sigh. "No one ever did, did they? Everyone just assumed what your path was going to be because of who your family was."
The trainer rubbed her arm, hearing words she had longed thought gone echo in her head once more.
"As if someone like you could ever be something, (Y/N)! You should go find some ditch to crawl into like your mom!"
"(Y/N), perhaps you should consider a career path more suitable for someone of your...background?"
"You and I were born to be nothing."
The last voice hit her like icy water, nearly making her break out in a cold sweat. Metagross nudged her softly, letting her lean her full weight against him.
"I-I'm fine. It''s all behind me."
Composing herself, she turned her attention back to the memories as the image changed to a bedroom decorated with posters, toys, figures, and every other piece of memorabilia you'd expect to find in a young boy's bedroom. Two boys sat in front of a TV, a controller in the older one's hands as it gave a joyous jingle.
"Blast through the distance like the shooting star you are!" Younger Idia and Ortho cheered.
(Y/N) blinked as she saw memory Ortho. Though like the other memories, his image was blurred out at best, it was clear he was human here, not at all robotic like the boy she had come to know at the NRC. Deep down, there had always been this unspoken question about Ortho's origin, not just for her but everyone who met the Shroud brothers. It was a dreaded topic nobody wanted to broach, yet it was always at the back of their minds: why was this robot boy referred to as Idia's brother? Given everyone that had happened during this mission, the way Idia spoke to and about Ortho during the fight, and this memory of a clearly not robotic Ortho, the answer became much too clear.
"Oh, Arceus..."
"You can do it, Big Brother!" Little Ortho cheered. "The Chronos Force is no match for you!"
Idia grinned as he cleared the level. "Yay! That's a perfect record! Take that, hard mode!"
"Way to go, Big Brother! Hah, bow before him, Chronos Force!"
"Hah..." Idia then sighed. "I want to go on an adventure like the hero in Star Rogue, too..."
"Me, too! I wanna go on an adventure with you! We'll defeat evil and become heroes!"
"Heroes, huh..." The older brother ruminated. "You have a good shot, but I don't think I'm cut out for it..."
Ortho tilted his head. "Why not? I wanna be heroes together."
"I have to inherit the lab when I grow up, so I can't..."
"How about before you grow up?"
Idia blinked. "Before I become a real adult, you mean?"
His younger brother nodded, smiling. "Yeah! We can go on a journey before you're all grown up, right?"
Idia's face broke out into a similar smile. "Yeah...! I think we can make that work. If I disable the security system, we can leave the island through Okeanos Hall. After that, we can...Let's go on an adventure."
"Yeah! I wanna go!"
"All right! Let Big Brother handle this!"
[It was just childish curiosity. We just wanted to go on a little journey. I didn't think of the consequences. I didn't know that would happen–]
(Y/N) didn't want to look as the memory changed to a hallway in the HQ. Idia was gleefully messing with one of the monitors.
"Hee-hee! Disarming the security system's a piece of cake.Hey, hey. You guys should revamp your whole system!"
"Whoa..." Ortho beamed, looking at every little corner of the room. "This is my first time here."
"Stay behind me now, Ortho. We'll need an amphibious vehicle if we want to leave through Okeanos Hall. Give me a sec. I just need to hack into the hangar's system, and then-"
Warning lights began to flash dangerously as a siren shrieked in a menacing tone. A robotic voice sounded over the speaker.
"Emergency alert. HQ security system is being hacked by an unknown assailant. Shutdown is imminent. All Tartarus asylum locks have been disabled. Subject ROS-3367A has escaped from the lab. Charon Units have been deployed to Tartarus! All non-combat units, please evacuate to the shelters!"
"Wh-what's that sound, Big Brother?" Ortho whimpered as he clung to Idia.
"W-wait... Did I turn off the wrong security system...?" Idia panicked as he began to type away furiously, "I– I need to fix this...!"
Ortho's eyes widened in terror as a shadow began to stalk towards them. "B-Big Brother!"
"I-it's alright." Idia assured, not seeing the creature. "I'm right here with you."
"Idia! Turn around!" (Y/N) shouted futilely.
"I–I know, but... Th-there's something over there, Big Brother!"
Idia swung around as the beast pounced, the memory fading with sounds of growling and screaming. (Y/N) covered her mouth as to not throw up as tears rolled down her cheeks
[I don't remember much after that. Ortho was already gone when I woke up.]
The two researchers from before reappeared.
"Unbelievable... A 10-year-old managed to hack into the world's most reinforced security system."
The other one shook his head. "He was too smart for his own good. His intellect brought such tragedy about."
"The escaped Phantom was apparently sent to the Underworld. Sadly, the inevitability of the event can't erase the tragic truth..."
The scene then flashed to younger Idia, now alone in his room, curled up in a ball and crying. (Y/N) wanted to run to him, to calm the boy and reassure him, but this was all just a memory. She couldn't do anything here.
"It was my fault. If only I didn't suggest going. What kind of genius can't even protect his own brother...? I'm no hero! Give him back... Give Ortho back to me... I want him all back... His body, his personality, his memories... GIVE HIM BACK!!"
[I know... If they won't give him back, I can just make a new one. It's all right... I remember everything. I can perfectly create a new Ortho. I promised that we would go on an adventure... Let Big Brother handle this...]
The years flashed forwards as the researcher pair stood outside a door.
"Master Idia's locked himself up in his room for over two years now."
"He's closed his heart ever since he lost Master Ortho. He's been ordering a lot of magical circuits and parts lately. What in the world does he need them for...?"
A now adolescent Idia came out, humming a familiar tune.
"Pa-pa-pa-pam! HAH! I did it!! It's complete! I've finally got him back!"
One of the pair blinked at him. "M-Master Idia!? Wh-whatever do you mean by that?"
"Hihihi~! Ortho, of course!"
Idia stepped aside, allowing the newly built Ortho that (Y/N) was familiar with to step into the hall. The robot boy waved.
"Hello, everyone. I am Ortho."
"Whatcha think!?" Idia asked with a mad scientist's grin. "I managed to recreate Ortho's memories and thought patterns completely. His AI is also equipped with self-learning algorithms. It's a magical humanoid capable of individual growth. It's the only one in the world, and I call it ORTHO!!"
The researchers were stunned with horror at the sight.
"Y-you created your own brother...?"
"That's taboo, Master Idia!"
Idia crossed his arms, offended. "Excuse me? A hero diving into the Underworld to save his girlfriend is celebrated, right? If he can do that, then why can't I save my own brother?"
He rolled his eyes. "Ah, whatever. Normies wouldn't understand. How about you stop judging me and take your subjective ethics and sentimental arguments somewhere else? Even without an intangible thing such as a soul, my little brother is here. He's stronger and sturdier than any living human, so he won't get destroyed that easily. I'm sure he can go to the ends of the galaxy with enough improvements! Isn't that right, Ortho?"
Ortho nodded and smiled. "Yeah! 'Blast through the distance like the shooting star you are!'"
"That's right...! Hihi~ The Chronos Force and even the Phantoms are no match for Ortho now. Ortho can become a hero now, too... Fuhihi..."
Idia then broke down in full sobs, Ortho standing above him unable to comprehend the deep sadness in his creator.
"Your prefrontal cortex is active and is affecting your autonomic nervous system. Moderate rest is recommended."
[Where did I go wrong? If only we didn't leave that day...No, if only I didn't admire heroes so much. If only I hadn't been born into the Shroud Family in the first place.What if... What if we were born into a normal family...? We'd be playing games, hanging out with friends, maybe even start talking about our future together. I could have been a real hero someday. How did things end up this way? I...We just wanted to be like everyone else.]
The memories stopped as (Y/N) faced the Overblotted form of Idia, his back to her as he wept bitterly. Idia...he had suffered so much in silence, and no one knew. To everyone else, he was a recluse, a rude shut-in not believing anything else besides his own interest was worth his time. In reality, he was just a broken, grieving boy, trapped in an endless cycle of guilt, regret, and resent. Tears still falling from her eyes, (Y/N) held out her hand.
"Idia, it's time to go."
"I can't leave him alone again..."
"Idia." She fought to keep her voice from cracking. "It was an accident. No one meant for it to happen."
Flames swirled around them as his hair flared crimson. "I brought him there! It was my fault! I couldn't protect him!"
"You were just a kid, Idia. There was nothing you could've done."
"I should've never tried to be something I'm not! Some hero! Why did I think I could be!?"
"Humans dream, Idia. Even when we know our dreams are impossible, it doesn't stop us from trying."
"I know what it's like, to have the world against, to be judged for things out of your be told you'll never be anything more than what you are." She took a deep breath. "Idia, you've tortured yourself long enough. It's time to forgive yourself. It's what your brother would've wanted."
"No, but I saw your memories. I saw enough to know that he cared about you, and so did the other Ortho. Neither of them would want to see you suffer. You don't have to bear the weight anymore Idia, you are allowed to forgive yourself."
Idia clutched at his head, steam rising from him as his tears seemed to evaporate the second they touched his skin.
"Big brother?" A softer voice asked, making Idia pause.
The world around them turned white as the robotic Ortho, his face completely uncovered, appeared behind them, Rotom at him side.
"Thank you for looking out for me. You've made me so happy, but (Y/N) is right. You can't be here yet, Big Brother."
"Ortho... Why? I want to go with you. We made a promise, didn't we?"
The boy smiled sadly. "Yes, but it can wait. You still have comics to read, concerts to watch, and new games to play, don't you...? You love this world too much to give up on it completely."
"What!? Who said I loved this rotten world!?" Idia snapped. "All that nonsense can just disappear!"
"Not everything has to make sense. You shouldn't have to give up on anything ever again. You have your future ahead of you, Big Brother. You see, I want you to fulfill the dreams we talked about that day."
"Our dreams...?"
"I'm sure it will take a long time. You might feel like giving up along the way, but... I know... I'm sure you can go anywhere, Brother. It may be long and tiring, but you'll get there someday. It's okay. I'll be right there with you always. Please, don't give up yet."
Ortho then began to fade away.
Idia's eyes widened as he reached out to his brother. "Wait, Ortho...ORTHO–!!!"
"Idia." (Y/N) said softly, her hand still out. "It's time to go."
"...I know."
The dream world faded as (Y/N) seemed to crash back into her own body. Unlike her more smooth awakening, she was still in mortal peril when her eyes opened again. Metagross was still mega evolved and Vil was dangling above the maw of the gate, clinging to both Idia and Grim who were unconscious. Feeling the gate draining her strength, (Y/N) screamed as she grabbed hold of the third year and somehow yanked all three of them onto Metagross.
Metagross zipped away, crashing onto a stairwell some levels above the pit, immediately reverting back to his original form the second the danger passed and fell unconscious himself. (Y/N) patted him softly and returned him to his ball before looking at Vil, who was trying to revive Idia.
"V-Vil!?" She shouted, completely shocked by his appearance.
Vil was now a haggard looking old man, his form completely unrecognizable, save for his Pomefiore outfit. He brushed her off.
"I'm aware." His voice matched his new appearance. "Now is not the time."
A bit of time passed as (Y/N) and Vil worked to wake up the two unconscious males, the rest of the teams joining them. Eventually, Idia's eyes fluttered open.
"IDIA!" Vil shouted.
He groaned. "Huh...!?"
"I see you've finally come to. Go on and restart the Cerberus System."
Idia sat up, confused, "Wh-what in the world did I... Wait, where's Ortho...?"
Vil hung his head. "I'm so sorry, but we couldn't save Ortho. All we could manage was save you and Grim from falling into the Underworld."
"WHOA!?" The Shroud boy did a double take as he saw Vil. "Who are you!?"
Vil huffed. "My, how rude. It's me, Vil Schoenheit. Do you not see the tiara as proof of my Prefect status?"
"Wha... Huh...? Why do you look so wrinkly?"
The blonde smacked him on the head. "How unbelievably rude of you! My body has simply aged gracefully with tradition and history."
"Vil-san and (Y/N) jumped into the Underworld to save you guys, so he ended up looking like that and (Y/N)..."
Fortunately for the trainer, she and Metagross were mostly unharmed. However, the shock of it all made more than half of her hair turn white and she was forced to lean against Swampert to stay standing. Maybe she would get tips from Professor Crewel on how to style it later."
Idia blinked at the two of them. "You jumped into the Underworld after me? Why would you do that...?"
"Because you can close the gate, and we need you to activate the Cerberus System." Vil said sharply. "I fished you out of the Underworld for that purpose.
IDIA: Sir Vil's CG-suitable face is all wrinkly now... His hips look fragile, and his hair is so dry..."
Vil looked ready to kill him. "Hmph, and what of it? I may be covered in mud and dirt, and my face may not be as young and fresh, but I am the fairest of all as of this moment."
Epel and Rook looked at each other, worried for Vil's health. Not wanting to see him have a heart attack, (Y/N) stepped in.
"Idia, you lost the fight. You have to clean up your mess."
He nodded slowly. "I understand. We admit defeat...Game Set Match... Gate to the Underworld."
Slowly, the gate sealed itself, finally putting an end to the nightmare.
(Y/N) sighed in relief. "It's over."
"When I leaped in after you, Ortho detached his crumbling self from you and Grim." Vil explained. "I was able to save you both because of him."
"'You can't be here yet, Big Brother.'" Idia repeated. "...We'll meet again someday, Ortho."
"And that's the end of it." Leona groaned. "Good god."
Jamil nodded. "That stopped all the blot from advancing, too. One more thing left."
"Idia, hurry and restart the Cerberus System– Ugh...!"
Vil stumbled, his legs seeming to give out. His dormmates ran to stabilize him. Vil brushed them off.
"You exaggerate... I just stumbled a little. My feet slimming down made my boots feel looser.
Azul gave him a hard look. "You've exerted a lot of magical energy despite changing appearance, too, so it would be best if we could take you to a healer quickly."
Riddle, who had also been unconscious, chose now to wake up, "The same goes for you, Azul..."
"My, good morning, Riddle-san."
"Yeah... But my head's still spinning... I feel ashamed to let you see me in such a graceless state..."
Vil shook his head. "Has Grim regained consciousness yet?"
(Y/N) looked down at the little cat who was laid out on Swampert's back. He was completely motionless.
"Come on, Grim, you need to wake up!"
"Grim's been trapped in the Underworld longer than we have." Vil noted. "He might be in need of urgent medical attention."
"Hm... Please let me take a look at him." Rook stepped forward, placing a hand on Grim's chest and placing his ear over his mouth. "He's not breathing spontaneously, but his heart is still beating. Hm? What is this...? There's something hard lodged in his throat!"
"What!?" (Y/N) shouted.
With a burst of strength, she placed him facedown, his head above his chest, and struck his back to dislodge whatever was stuck in there.
"Come on, Grim! Spit it out! GRIM!"
Grim hacked violently suddenly as something shot out of his mouth and onto the floor.
"He finally spit it out!" Epel yelled as the cat continued to cough.
"Great job, (Y/N)." Rook praised. "Grim-kun, please breathe in and out slowly!"
Slowly, but surely, the feline regained his breath. "Ugh..."
Epel clapped. "He's awake!"
"(Y/N)...? Swampert...?" Grim's eyes suddenly filled with tears. "I've failed as your boss...(Y/N...I'm sorry for hurting you the other day...I'm so sorry, (Y/N)!"
Grim broke out in a full sob as (Y/N) hugged him, also crying.
"You think I care about that, you darn furball?! I was so scared that I had lost you!"
"Can I still... go back to Ramshackle Dorm with you...?"
"Of course, you're stuck with this monster house, you little menace!"
Epel teared up. "You two are one in spirit, after all. I'm sure that Ace-kun and Deuce-kun are waiting for you to come home, too."
Vil eyed the thing Grim had tried to swallow as he cried. "Really, now. How could you think of chomping into something so big at a time like this? You're such a glutton, you know that?"
Rook just smiled softly, "Grim-kun will be alright now. We just need to figure out how to help Vil..."
Idia glanced down guiltily. "The system's been completely fried. We can't give Sir Vil the care he needs here. The Sage's Island is well known for their medical facilities. They've already provided you with exceptional treatment, but let me take you back to school first..."
"We've made contact with the outside." An operator reported on the radio. "We're repairing the magical aircraft as quickly as we can."
"Wh-what about the Lethe River?" Idia asked.
"We don't have the full crash reports yet, but it looks like ORTHO deleted all of Lethe River's composite programs. He seems to have manipulated the Charon arms in termination mode to destroy all the hardware and software."
"Ortho did...?"
"We cannot determine how long it will take for us to fully restore the system."
"The Lethe River is a prototype from the age of antiquity that has been constantly improved. I don't know how much we can restore and if it will be as effective as before..." Idia then stopped himself, shaking his head. "No... Sir Vil and the others' treatment should be top priority. I'll let Mother or Father take care of this matter."
"We have a magical aircraft ready for departure on Dock 1." The operator announced as the Chariots came for them. "Everyone from Night Raven College, prepare to depart. We'll use the Chariots to transport you to the boarding gates."
Idia then rubbed his arm bashfully. "O-oh, um... P-please get on, everyone..."
Vil sighed in relief. "We can finally go home."
"Yes, let's all head back together." Rook announced.
Epel nodded. "Yes, let's go!"
"Hey, you're not stuffing me back in an economy class flight, are you?" Leona complained as Jamil facepalmed.
"I couldn't care less... I just want to get back and sleep on my own bed."
"Agreed." Azul said wholeheartedly. "I've worked so hard with no Madol to gain. Truly a nightmare of the worst sort."
"Yes, but our nightmares are finally over." Riddle then turned to the Ramshackle residents. "(Y/N), Swampert, and Grim, board the Chariot, too."
"Time to go home, boys." (Y/N) said as her starter helped them in.
"Bwaha!" Grim cheered. "We can finally go back to Ramshackle Dorm!"
"Farewell, Idia." Vil bid. "See you back at school."
Idia blinked at him. "Huh...? U-um... We haven't erased your memories yet, but..."
Leona tilted his head. "What was that?"
"Ah, um... It's nothing. I, um... I just joined the Problem Children gang, too, so... The entire world will probably hold me accountable for masterminding this whole thing, and uh... I'm prepared to repent for everything, so... I probably won't be going back to school...I mean... I'd probably end up expelled for trying to end the world."
"Huh? What are you saying!?" Epel shouted as (Y/N) crossed her arms.
"You still have a mess to clean up at the school."
"You completely wrecked Ramshackle Dorm!" Epel pointed out. "Please take responsibility and fix everything!"
"Yeah, he's got a point!" Grim shouted. "We just fixed all the leaks on the roof, yanno!"
Rook chuckled. "Yes, indeed. They might end up using their share of winnings just to fix their dorm."
"I'm willing to bet 5 million Madol isn't going to be enough." Jamil teased. "We're counting on you to fix everything."
Idia hung his head. "S-sure..."
"The greenhouse is wrecked, too." Leona growled. "That's my best napping spot, so get to it."
"Huh...? Napping spot...? Sure..."
"Please repair the stables and the lawn, too." Riddled added.
"Y-you and that unicorn burned that yourselves." Idia pointed out. "No, sorry... Yeah, I'll do it."
Azul adjusted his glasses. "Ah, yes. We couldn't finish our little game due to the sudden invasion. I believe I was winning, too. Please don't try to run away now."
"Excuse me?! I was winning, mind you. Please don't play me for a fool."
Vil smirked. "You heard them. You have a lot to make up for back at school. Listen to them, and don't try to run away."
"See you at school." (Y/N) said.
"Ah! Fine, I get it. See you at school..." Idia watched as they sped off. "Back at school, huh...DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME!? I'm not sure I can even go back yet! They never listen! Why are they like this!? They're so obsessed with their little promises that they become so insufferable sometimes. This is the worst! If only I could've used the Lethe River to wipe their memories, I wouldn't be in this situation... Ah. I see...They'll remember all of this. Everything that happened here, and all those little promises, too...That's just normal, right...? Ortho...I need to fix everything I can while I'm here."
A loud beep sounded and Idia shrieked as he turned around with a jump. Rotom was behind him, seemingly carrying something.
"W-why are you still here!? Your master just left and...wait, that's the thing Sir Grim spit out...AH!"
Idia snatched the device out of the air as Rotom cackled knowingly, zooming off once his mission was complete.
"Wh-what...?! Why did he swallow this!? How...? Wait, never mind! If I use this, then maybe...!"
(Y/N) was half conscious by the time the group broke to the surface.
"Ah!" Rook gasped as the sun was rising. "What a beautiful dawn! Daybreak that cuts through the darkness. I feel as if we've been blessed by the gods."
"It's really beautiful..." Vil then broke out an ear piercing wail, startling (Y/N) awake as Swampert nearly fell out of the ship. "I-I'm only 18 years old, but I've turned into such a wrinkly grandpa! What in the world should I do!? I'll definitely lose a lot of roles this way.
VIL: I wanted to follow in Dad's footsteps and act a respectable middle-aged character, but now... Now...That's impossible now!!!!"
Grim covered his ears as Swampert immediately chose to return to his ball. "M-my ears are ringing, yanno!"
"What happened to all that confidence earlier, huh?" Leona challenged, also trying to shield his ears.
"Wasn't it obvious that I only said that to defuse the situation!? WAAHHHH!"
"An ad-libbed performance." Azul sighed. "I should have expected as much."
"There, there, Vil." (Y/N) tried to reassure him. "We'll find a way to turn you back."
"Oh, my dear King of Poisons." Rook said, a hand over his heart. "Your lamentations make my heart ache. Even if you do not return to normal, you are still the fairest of them all..
Vil sniffed. "I know, but that's not the problem here!"
"Mr. Driver! Please hurry and get us back to school!" Epel pleaded as Vil wailed the whole way home.
"We're finally here." Leona said the second they touched down on the field. "Sitting in a cramped vehicle with someone suffering from hysterics is enough to make me go crazy."
"He isn't a world-renowned actor for nothing." Jamil pointed out. "His vitality and vocal capacity are truly... world-class."
Grim looked ready to claw off his own ears. "Ack... I keep hearing Vil's crying in my ears, yanno."
"He's just shocked after experiencing such a drastic change." Azul assured them. "I can't say I blame him..."
Riddle nodded. "Agreed. Let's hurry and take Vil-senpai to the infirmary so they can look after him."
"Can you walk, Vil?" Rook asked as they all got out.
Vil sniffled. "P-please don't treat me like I'm senile..."
"We meant no ill by it." Epel quickly corrected. "Please hold on to us for support."
(Y/N) climbed out, but stumbled, her own legs going weak for a second. Luckily, Leona had his arm outstretched to keep her steady.
"You're stumbling like a newborn fawn, Herbivore." He teased. "Don't forget you took a plunge into the Underworld too."
She smiled at him. "Thanks, Kitty."
"LEONA-SAAAAANNNNN!!" A voice shouted.
The two turned to see Ruggie and Jack racing towards them.
The poor hyena looked exhausted. "You're really alive and back in one piece! All that ass-kissing I did would've been for nothing if you ended up dead... I'm so glad you're back!"
Leona clicked his tongue. "Hey, hey. Is that your idea of a warm welcome, Ruggie?"
Ruggie grinned shamelessly, "Oh, how rude of me~ All my nerves started relaxing the moment you got back, Boss!"
"Yeah, keep that up."
Jack took over helping (Y/N) stay on her feet, glancing at all of them. "It looks like you're all safe and accounted for. What happened to your hair though, (Y/N)?"
"It's a long story." She answered.
The wolf nodded before taking another glance around. "Hm? Where's Vil-senpai? Who's the old man and why's he wearing Pomefiore's uniform?"
Epel eyes widened. "Jack-kun!! It's– Don't say that word!"
Too late as Vil began to sob again. "I am not old! I am only 18 years old!"
Jack's ears went flat. "Huh...? W-wait, are you Vil-senpai...?"
"Can you not tell!?"
"WHAT!!??" Ruggie shouted. "NO WAY!"
"Ah, shut it." Leona ordered as he began to walk off. "I don't need you guys wailing in my ears, too."
"Explain yourself, Leona-san!" Ruggie demanded. "They just took you and now they're just giving you back? What gives?"
"I'll explain later. I just fought my ass off all night. I wanna sleep."
"What did you fight that took all night...?" Jack asked, setting (Y/N) down as Ruggie looked ready to explode.
"I'm even more confused now."
Leona sighed. "I just want to eat, bathe, and go to bed. Go make somethin' to eat, Ruggie. I want lots of meat."
As the Savanaclaw students walked off, a scream was heard in the distance that drew closer at an alarming rate.
"GWAH!!!" The poor boy grunted as he was tackled to the ground by a crying Kalim that refused to let him go.
"I'm so glad you're safe! I've been worried sick! Are you hurt? Let me see you up close!"
"My back hurts after being tackled, so there's that." He moaned.
"I'm sorry!" Kalim apologized. "Wait, you're all scratched up! What happened?! No, you can explain later! I'm gonna call home and ask them to send us the best doctors!"
"No need!" Jamil insisted with a sigh. "Really, you...Who knew I'd feel so relieved seeing your face like this. Anyway, you're heavy, so please move.
Kalim paused for a moment. "Sorry... I feel so relieved that I can't move an inch."
"I've been soooooooooo worried since they took you away. Jade was all "We might not see them return alive..." too!"
Right on cue, the Tweels arrived, quite amused.
"I was simply trying to state the possibilities." Jade insisted. "I never meant to cause you such worry."
"My, my. I wish you wouldn't kill me off just like that." Azul sighed.
"Pardon me. I'm so glad to see you're back home safe, Azul."
Floyd grinned. "Aha~ Hello, Azul! That was kinda fast. Did you all beat the bad guys up so you could go home?"
The octo-mer adjusted his glasses. "It's quite a long story, but that's a good way to summarize it, Floyd. Have you been managing the Lounge while I was away?"
"Ugh... I knew he'd ask..."
Jade smiled. "Yes, we opened the shop, but the whole school was in such disarray that we barely had any customers."
"That means two consecutive days with no income!" Azul shouted. "What a travesty. I must request S.T.Y.X. to compensate us for this loss. I must hurry to the lounge and check..."
"Hold on, Azul." Riddle interjected. "You must head to the infirmary to get treated."
"Whoa!" Floyd shouted. "The Goldfish turned into a white killifish! And Shrimpy, you've gone half white too! Whassup with that~?"
"Killifish...?" Riddle repeated. "Azul already said so, didn't he? It's a really long story."
"Riddle!!" Trey shouted as he and Cater joined the party. "I'm so glad you're okay– HAH!!"
Both boys did a double take as they saw their friends' states.
"Why's your hair so white, Riddle-kun!?" Cater asked. "And (Y/N), You're rocking Professor Crewel style! What did you do?!"
Riddle sighed. "Sorry for worrying you two. It's a long story, so can it wait until after we've finished with treatment?"
Trey nodded. "Y-yes, of course. You're covered in scratches, so let's go to the infirmary."
"What a shocker." Cater teased. "I thought you turned into a grandpa."
Riddle gulped. "Indeed. If Azul hadn't kept us on our toes, I might've turned into an old man, too."
""Too"...?" Trey repeated. "What do you mean...?"
"Ugh..." Vil moaned. "I've had enough. What if I never turn back?"
The two Heartslabyul boys blinked at their unrecognizable classmate.
"Huh...?" Cater said. "Wait, what...? That uniform... Vil-kun, is that you!?"
Riddle nodded. "Yes, he's in much worse shape than (Y/N) and I. Let's hurry and escort him to the infirmary."
Just then, two more people joined them, this time being Lilia and Malleus.
"I was wondering what all the noise was about." The smaller fae greeted. "It seems like our friends are back! I'm so glad to see you're all okay."
"Okay!?" Vil shouted. "What part of me looks okay?"
Even those two were stunned at the sight of Vil, not believing their eyes.
"I thought only a couple of days had passed, but my, these 80 years sure passed me by." Malleus seemed to joke. "I was aware of the transient nature of human life, but this is certainly surprising..."
Vil glared at him. "Do not say such ominous things! Not many people would appreciate your fae humor... Ugh..."
"Pray, Vil. Have you entered the Underworld, by any chance?" Lilia asked. "A live human cannot stay in it longer than they should. Magic and life get drained until you succumb."
Rook nodded. "Ah, yes. We just thwarted a plot that would've brought the world's destruction at the hands of Phantoms and their blot."
"My word!"
"To help save the world, Vil and (Y/N) jumped into the Underworld despite the dangers."
"...I've done something very foolish." Vil lamented. "I worked very hard so we could return to our old lives, and this is what I got for it. I definitely had my priorities backwards. I couldn't help myself back then."
"Now, now. You did well coming back alive." Lilia praised as Malleus, seeing (Y/N) slumped over in exhaustion ran to help her.
"Ah, so time had not taken its toll on Schoenheit yet. He had been simply drained of his life and magical forces, I see. You as well, child of man."
"Yeah." She admitted. "We really didn't have better options at the time. Compared to Vil, I got off lucky."
"My, the youth of today are so compassionate..." Lilia then smirked at Malleus. "Say, Malleus. Had these malicious spirits been released from the Underworld, our hometown would have surely suffered, too. Now, as the Valley's heir, should you not reward him for his sacrifice?"
The larger fae smirked. "Hm, I know just what you have in mind, Lilia. He does owe me a favor for the help I provided during the VDC, but he has certainly gone over and beyond to repay me.
MALLEUS: Very well. Your hard work deserves a reward."
"A reward...?" Vil repeated as (Y/N) smiled.
"Tsunotaro, you absolute softie."
"I cannot turn back time itself. However, I can share some of my powers with you, both of you."
"What...?" Vil said as magic swirled around him.
"I speak a blessing unto you, Schoenheit. Return to who you once were!"
In a flash, Vil, (Y/N), and Riddle were returned to normal, feeling refreshed.
"Huh...?" Vil touched his face. "I'm... I– No way!! Am I back to normal!?"
"Yes, you look 18 once again!" Rook cheered.
Epel smiled. "I'm so happy for you, Vil-san!"
"KYAAAAHHH!" Vil shrieked with joy. "YAY!"
He then tumbled over, shocking his dormmates.
Rook rushed to him, "Oh, dear...! He's collapsed on the ground... Are you still in pain!?"
"Oh, no." The blonde insisted. "I felt so relieved that my legs gave in... Ahahahaha!"
"Geez, don't spook us like that!" Epel laughed. "You scared me half to death!"
Grim shook his head as the Pomefiore boys laughed. "Crying and now laughing. You can be such a handful, yanno?"
(Y/N) chuckled before half hugging Malleus. "Thank you for the help, Tsunotarou."
He was quite pleased with the affection. "Welcome back, (Y/N). Good...It looks like you are completely healed."
"(Y/N)! GRIM!" Ace and Deuce shouted as they came running over the hill.
Grim waved. "Yo, Ace! Deuce!"
(Y/N) joined in. "We're back."
All of sudden, the two Ramshackle students were headlocked, getting firm noogies from their friends.
"'We're back!' my butt!" Ace shouted. "You big dummy!"
"Ow!" Grim yelped as (Y/N) broke free from Ace. "Stop it with the noogies, man!"
"Shut up! You should be glad this is all you're gettin' from us, idiot!"
Deuce let go of Grim. "The whole infirmary was in an uproar when Epel and Yuu disappeared with Hunt-senpai..."
Ace sighed. "We figured you'd all be together, but we couldn't reach you by phone, and the teachers couldn't locate you with magic either..."
"These past two days have been an anxiety rollercoaster...!"
(Y/N) rubbed her head, feeling guilty. "Sorry for worrying you guys."
"Geez!" Ace complained. "Didn't you already learn your lesson during the winter holidays?"
"Hey, I have to clean up your messes every other day. This isn't even half of what I have to deal with with you two."
Deuce just sighed with relief. "You two look okay, so that's a huge relief...
"Nyahahaha!" Grim laughed.
"Whatcha laughin' at, Grim!?" Ace demanded. "This ain't funny!"
The cat grinned smugly. "You two must've been so lonely without me, huh!"
"Geez, you two are hopeless without me. Don't be shy. I'm willing to listen, yanno!"
Deuce gritted his teeth. "You're really letting this get to your head– Huh?"
Tears filled Grim's eyes. "I... I'm really back...! I couldn't bear not seeing you two again, so... I...!!"
He broke out into hysterical sobbing, hugging the boys around their necks.
Ace was taken aback. "Whoa, dude...! What's wrong?"
"Don't get your snot on my uniform, Grim!" Deuce complained.
"Geez, look who's eating their words now...? Your ears better be ready for Professor Crewel's hounding."
Lilia chuckled at the sight before him as he and Malleus gave the first years space. "Ah, youth.
Malleus just stared. "Lilia?"
"Schoenheit's condition was due to the "exhaustion" he experienced after getting too close to the Underworld. Thankfully, we were able to resolve it with my magic, but do humans really change that drastically in more or less a hundred years? How fragile.
"Yes, indeed." Lilia answered with a nod as they watched everyone be reunited. "Human life is thin and fragile like the threads on a spindle. They are weak and fragile on their own, but for countless eras, they have sought companionship in each other to make themselves stronger. We are creatures of the night, and we share the world with these wonderful people."
Malleus said nothing, mulling over the words as he watched (Y/N) laughing without a care in the world.
(Y/N) and Grim had to spend a few nights camping in biomes before bunking in Pomefiore because the Pokémon were so happy to see them again. Rotom seemed very secretive about something, but his lips were zip shut. Thankfully, Coach Vargas and Professor Crewel insisted on biome maintenance while (Y/N) recovered and the dorm was being rebuilt. Eventually, the time came to move back in, and the dorm looked better than ever.
"Nyahah!" Grim cheered. "Ramshackle's back in business!"
"Home sweet home." (Y/N) said, Swampert at her side and Crobat on her shoulder.
"Hah! It's been suffocating staying at Pomefiore, yanno!" Grim complained. "Vil doesn't allow midnight snacking, and he keeps yappin' about, uh... "tuh-reat-ment" after baths, too. He keeps telling me to brush my fur, too, yanno. Welp I guess we have him to thank for my silky fur and your smooth skin! Nyahaha!"
"Oh, there they are!" Kalim shouted as he opened the door. "Hello, (Y/N)! Grim!"
Vil also stepped forward as the baby Pokémon and ghost types raced inside. "The star has arrived, I see."
Epel also appeared. "It's so pretty inside, too! Come on in."
The group stepped forward, gawking at the fully furnished house as the Pokémon explored every knew detail. The ghost then appeared.
"Little Grim! (Y/N)!"
Grim shrieked before calming himself. "Oh, it's just you guys! Don't spook me like that, geez!"
(Y/N) grinned at them. "It's good to see you guys."
"Hee-hee!" The big ghost laughed. "Welcome home!"
The lanky one smiled. "I'm so glad to see you both safe and sound."
The small one was stern looking. "How could you worry your elders like that? The place feels so dead without you guys around..
"Dead, you sat?" Grim repeated. "You guys are already ghosts!"
"Oh, yeah, we are!" They all laughed.
"Come on, now." Lanky insisted. "There are more surprises waiting inside."
They were led to the lounge which had been completely updated and was practically glowing. Luxray, Absol, and Shinx had already claimed the main couch as Ampharos led the little rooms through the rooms.
"Whoa, this is awesome!" Grim beamed. "It's all sparkly everywhere!"
"I was getting worried about the state of things after Charon's attack, but S.T.Y.X. took care of everything as promised." Vil stated as Jamil appeared.
"They replaced the flooring, and did maintenance to the water pipes in the shower and kitchen. You have new water heaters now, too. Now you don't have to worry about the water turning off when you shower."
(Y/N) smiled as Crobat hung from the new chandelier that suspiciously looked designed for something to hang or perch there. "We're gonna have to change this place's name!"
"Haha!" Kalim laughed as Rook walked in. "I'm so glad you like it! I personally wanted to install a flashier chandelier."
Jamil rolled his eyes. "Yeah, your chandelier would cost more than his VDC earnings, so don't even think about it. Besides, this one is more suitable for the Pokémon."
Rook grinned. "Ah, yes. There's something marvelous installed in your room, too. Go on and take a look."
(Y/N) raised a brow as she, Grim, and Swampert walked upstairs to their room. Opening the door, they found it completely redone. Roserade was already in there, a new garden style bed for her, a large nest for the Luxray family, a new perch for Crobat, and a much sturdier bed for the rest of them.
"WHA–!? What's this!?" Grim shouted. "It's like we're back in Pomefiore!"
Vil smiled. "Well, do you like it?"
"You guys!" (Y/N) said, touched. "How did you do this?"
"Well, we may have cut corners. The water system repairs and the common room renovation cost more than expected, so we couldn't improve your room too much. But, don't worry... Look."
Vil touched a nearby globe and the room reverted to its more plain version
"Wha–!?" Grim yelped. "It's back to the old design! What's going on!?"
"The previous room was just an illusion created by this magical projector." Vil explained. "Your room can look as elegant as you want if you use this. We live in an age where CG effects and projection mapping are the thing. The world of showbiz has utilized this projector more than you can imagine. I bought it from an acquaintance at a reasonable price. It may look like a toy, but it does help brighten the spirit, no?"
"Thank you, Vil." (Y/N) said. "I'll be sure to play with the settings though. Might try to make it look more like my old place."
Just then, the doorbell rang, making Grim's ear twitch.
"We've got a visitor."
They all walked down to the foyer to see Ace and Deuce being let by Weavile. Deuce pat the ice type in thanks as Ace waved at them.
"Heyo! Congrats on the brand new dorm!"
"Whoa!" Deuce let out a whistle. "It looked clean outside, but it's even more amazing inside."
"Haha! I can't believe this place was crawling with dust just a few months ago!"
The bluenette then held up a box. "This is a celebratory tart from Clover-senpai."
"This is from us." Ace added as he held up a box with various treats. "We bought some new snacks and juice from the school shop."
"Nyaha!" Grim hummed. "Way to go!"
"Hey, where are your manners?" Deuce scolded as Amapharos appeared to take the snacks. "Don't hand it over in the foyer."
Grim went straight for Deuce, getting a look at the tart. "Whoa, this is a huge strawberry tart! Lesgo eat it!"
"My, what a sound idea. May I join you?"
Everyone not named (Y/N) shrieked as Crowley appeared in the doorway.
"When did you get back, Headmaster!?" Deuce asked as Ace tried not to have a heart attack.
"Stop popping up out of nowhere, please!"
"How rude." The crow complained. "It was your decision to act surprised."
"Whatcha need now?" Grim growled.
"I was making my rounds to ask the Prefects about the whole S.T.Y.X. incident."
Idia then suddenly stepped into the dorm. "Um... H-hello..."
Sensing a talk, (Y/N) led them to the lounge. Crowley took a look around as Idia awkwardly froze as the baby Pokémon began climbing all over him.
"My, that was quite an ordeal, I must say." The headmaster explained. "I was called into Parliament, you see? S.T.Y.X. as well as high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic and the Ministry of Education interrogated me. 'What is the cause of all these Overblots in such a short period of time!? Explain yourself!' They all looked very frightening...How could I possibly know!?"
"Isn't that part of your job?" (Y/N) said flatly as she stopped a curious Applin from touching Idia's flaming hair.
"How is this my fault? I've been doing my best managing the school, you know?! The Ministry of Education has even stationed counselors and doctors at our school. I was only let off the hook because they couldn't see a problem with my guidance, but I never imagined that more students would cause trouble while I was away!
Idia tucked his head, not even flinching as Shinx nibbled at his fingers. "Sorry..."
The headmaster sighed. "Fortunately, our students proved exceptional and worked very hard to avert the crisis. It's thanks to their efforts that we were applauded for the quality of your education. Regarding Idia Shroud's situation, well his parents, himself, and I have come to an agreement that he will continue his education here. Please treat him nicely."
"...Thanks..." The flaming haired male mumbled.
Vil put his hands on his waist. "You've been avoiding our eyes, and you haven't been speaking up. You don't look like you're ready to make friends."
"Baby steps, Vil." (Y/N) said as the crow clapped.
"Ah, yes. I have a new student I'd like to introduce to everyone."
Grim tilted his head. "A new student?"
"Hello, it's been a while!" Ortho came in, his robotic form now sporting a school uniform. "I'll be joining Class 1-C starting today. My name is Ortho Shroud!"
"WHAAAAAAATTT!!!??" Everyone yelled.
"Wait, aren't you an android, Ortho-kun...?" Epel asked.
The boy nodded. "Yup, a magical humanoid, to be more precise."
Ace turned to the headmaster. "A humanoid's enrolling in our school!?"
"Ahem. It's true that Ortho Shroud isn't really human. However, he is the first ever magical humanoid with a consciousness of his own."
Kalim closed his eyes. "He has a consciousness of his own... This means, uh... What does it mean?
"Simply put, I'm capable of making decisions and feeling emotions like any other human." Ortho explained. "I was originally programmed with a pseudo-consciousness and personality, but I think getting hit repeatedly by lightning and experiencing a Psuedo possession by a ghost altered something within my circuits. As a result, my cores became bugged with a "heart"."
"Whoa..." Kalim said. "I don't really get it, but that sounds amazing."
"Yup! It's all a bit confusing, to be honest. Both Brother and I can't fully figure out what caused the whole thing yet either. As such, I've been allowed admission to the school as Brother's "research subject"! Of course, this is all possible because of chance. But, if we could research it and improve its reproducibility, then it will prove to be a huge breakthrough for magical engineering!"
Rook clapped. "How wonderful... I am awestruck, Ortho-kun. Pardon. You are Monsieur Wonder!"
"Monsieur Wonder? Is that my nickname?"
"Yes, indeed. Being bestowed with a heart must not have been mere coincidence. It is a miracle made possible by your strong feelings for each other as siblings! I am honored to have been witness to such a wonderful miracle."
Crowley nodded. "Many students from our school, especially those from Ignihyde, aspire to work in magical engineering. Ortho-kun's presence will prove to be a great motivation for all of them. Moreover the Shroud Family compensated us handsomely for the damage S.T.Y.X. caused...They even donated so much to help improve our school facilities...How could I deny them their request to let Ortho-kun study here...?"
(Y/N) facepalmed. "Bribery wins the day again, it seems."
Jamil sighed. "I figured there was a catch."
Vil then nodded. "Still, we can all agree that this is a win-win situation."
The headmaster then cleared his throat. "Ahem! There are classes, tests, and activities that he will not be able to join due to being a humanoid, of course. However, he is a full-fledged freshman starting today. Please treat him well."
Ace smirked. "An isekai'd beast tamer, a magical beast, and now a humanoid classmate? That's sick!"
Deuce laughed. "I think we're the only school who can brag about that.
"Well, I'll be." Epel said. "This is amazing."
Grim smirked. "I don't care who else joins! I'll be takin' the class valedictorian title!"
"Welcome to our crazy first year team, Ortho." (Y/N) said as the robot boy beamed.
"Please make friends with Brother, too!"
Idia immediately stopped playing with Shinx. "...Nah, I'm good... Please treat me like a fly on the wall..."
Ortho gave him a look. "Geez, stop saying that, Brother. Oh, that's right! Don't forget our present for (Y/N) and the others."
"S-sure... If you'd like, you can use this in your dorm..."
Idia walked out, only to immediately scuttle back in as Corviknight carried in a large box.
"What's with the big box?" Grim asked.
"Whoa!" Ace yelled as he looked inside. "It's a Wonder Link!"
"Wonder Link? Wazzat?"
"It's the latest game console." Deuce explained. "People are always lining up for it when it's in stock."
Idia began speaking softly. "...You know, if these problem children didn't resist in the first place, the roof and the floor wouldn't have suffered so much... T-treat it as my compensation for having you guys stay in another dorm during renovations... Y-you can recycle it or auction it off if you don't like it..."
"This is a great gift, Idia." (Y/N) thanked, causing the boy to go red and pull up his hoodie.
"It's been loaded with play store points, so you can buy up to 10 games you like." Ortho explained.
"For real!?" Ace shouted. "Must be nice being (Y/N)!"
"Well, I'd hope I gathered some good karma looking after you guys. Ortho, help me hook this up, please!"
He followed after her. "We already downloaded some of our recommended games, so please play them if you want. Let's play some games while we're here!"
"I will be taking my leave now." Crowley said as they got to work. "I still have a mountain of work to attend to. Grim-kun..."
The cat turned to him. "Yeah?"
"Have you experienced any sort of change while you were on the island?.
"Hm? Nope, not that I can think of. I'm feelin' really good! The medical exams said I'm good to go, too! I'm built tough, yanno?"
"I heard that you received state-of-the-art blot care back at S.T.Y.X. I was really worried for a moment there. I'm so glad to see that you're– No, that you are all back safely. Please excuse me now."
Grim gave him a look as he left. "What's up with him? He's really creeping me out, yanno?"
"Yay, we've finished setting it up!" Ortho announced as Vil scrolled through the games.
"I see all the 8-bit games we played are in it."
Ortho giggled as Rotom appeared, giving him a sparking greeting. "Ehehe~ I thought it'd be fun if we could play it again."
Vil smiled. "Now that you mention it, you never had your turn when we first played together."
Idia nodded. "We've cleared all stages in hard mode and we've fought all the secret bosses, after all."
"Hm." Vil hummed, taking a seat and letting Vulpix jump into his lap. "Well, show us what you've got then."
"Oh, great idea!" Ace said, sitting next to Luxray and Absol. "I learn better by watching someone, actually."
"I wanna try Star Rogue!" Grim demanded. "It sounds the coolest."
Ortho took a seat, letting Rotom hover on his shoulder. "Let's watch Brother play and clear the game in Meteor Mode without making any mistakes."
Idia sat down, not minding when Shinx jumped into his lap. "Huh? That defeats the purpose, doesn't it...?"
"Watching you play normal levels won't be as fun." His brother insisted. "You gotta show them what you're really made of, Brother! Game start!"
For the rest of the day, the gang played video games and ate the treats brought over. After downloading a new fighting game, Idia and (Y/N) got super competitive with each other, scaring everyone around them. Idia won, but he was pleasantly surprised to find a non-normie in school to game with. It helped that she had a few cats around to keep him calm. Ortho was all too delighted to let the Pokémon expect him and play around with him, even the ghost types. Eventually, everyone went their separate ways as night fell.
"I did it..." Grim mumbled in his sleep. "I'm number one..."
(Y/N) chuckled as she settled on the ground, her Pokémon wanting to sleep in a heap on the floor since she had been gone.
"Looks like things are getting back to normal." She then glanced at the mirror. "I haven't seen Mickey in days thanks to all this chaos."
Just then, the mirror glowed as a faint knocking came from it. Carefully standing up so as to not wake anyone, (Y/N) crept towards the mirror.
"Hey! Hello there!" Mickey called. "Are you there, (Y/N)?"
"Mickey!" She greeted.
He grinned at her. "There you are, (Y/N)! I've been worried about you since you said you'd go looking for your roommate. Did you manage to find him?"
She nodded. "We're all safe and sound."
"That's good!"
Grim suddenly murmured, waking up. "Who threw that item...? I was just... Wha–!? Wh-what's wrong!? Are we under attack again!?"
"Grim, come over here and meet Mickey!" (Y/N) called.
"Mickey...? In the mirror? What are you saying, Yuu? There's nothing there. Are you hallucinating? Geez, I was just about to beat Idia and Ortho in the race, too, yanno...Imma go sleep and continue my dream..."
The cat almost immediately began snoring again as (Y/N) tried to understand this.
"He can't see Mickey? I'm certain my Pokémon can see him. Could it be because we're from another world?"
"(Y/N)?" Mickey called. "Is there someone else in the room with you? Is it your roommate?"
"Yeah, that's Grim."
"It's always so foggy, so I could only see you clearly. Does this mean that I'm the only one you can see in the mirror, too? I'm in a room with a big sofa, a dog-like ottoman, and a table with a nutcracker on it. Can you see?" She shook her head. "Hm, that's strange and unfortunate. It would've been fun if we could've made more friends like this. Oh, that's right! Speaking of friends, I saw a strange person snooping around in your room while you were gone. He had silver hair and really strange-colored eyes. He left so quickly that I didn't have time to ask his name. It was my first time seeing another person here, so I was really shocked... It'd be nice if you could visit my world, too!"
Suddenly, an alarm began ringing, making the mouse jump.
"Oh! I need to get up now. See you... soon... (Y/N)..."
Mickey then vanished, leaving the girl to process the information.
"Silver hair and strange eyes...I've definitely met someone like that, haven't it?"

Fun fact, Glorious Masquerade is the next sequence on the translation site I've been using. Anyways, you all know the drill. Hopefully, we won't catch up with the main game soon.

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