Christmas Special

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
I own nothing.

"A little to the left, Flygon!" (Y/N) called out as her dragon adjusted the bright red tinsel on the massive Christmas tree set up right at the end of Main Street.
Considering all of the adjustments the Pokémon trainer and her Pokémon had to adjust to in this literally alien world, she was grateful that somehow, her two favorite holidays were celebrated in Twisted Wonderland with very few differences. Despite the ache of not being able to see her family during the holidays was undoubtedly there, the fact she could still celebrate the season made everything easier to swallow. Evidently, her innate homesickness was noticeable as seeming from nowhere, Crowley declared the school would be having a campus wide Christmas festival right before break. According to the older students, this wasn't a normal occurrence, so perhaps the crow had decided to show some seasonal generosity. Of course, the students were tasked with decorating and preparing food, games, etc for the event, so things were balanced out.
"That's perfect, buddy!" (Y/N) called out again as the dragon landed and admired his handy work."
Nearby, Grim, bundled up in a scarf and mittens, was making little decorations with the baby Pokémon, Weavile, and Glaceon.
"Nya! Why do we have to do all this work just to decorate a stupid tree? It's going to die anyway!"
"Because it's Christmas, Grim." (Y/N) answered back as she saw the various decorations they had managed to produce. "We want the tree to look nice when everyone comes to visit."
"Candy is for eating! Not for sticking on trees!"
The trainer chuckled, picking up one of the aforementioned candy canes wrapped in a bow, patting Cufant, Jangmo-oh, and Applin for their wonderful team effort.
"You'll get plenty of gingerbread and other goodies tonight, Grim. Just be patient. Glaceon, Weavile, ready to dust the tree?"
The two ice types looked up from their ice ornament carving to nod. Vulpix then ran up to her trainer.
"Vul! Vulpix!"
"Oh, so you want to help them too, Vulpix?" The little fox nodded. "Okay, but do exactly as they say."
She leapt for joy and padded over to the older ice types. Glaceon kept a paw on her back and used a weak Powdered Snow to demonstrate how delicate they needed to be. Vulpix took well to the instructions, being as delicate as she could be as the two circled the tree and dusted it in light snow, and though one could tell which portions were done by the more experienced Glaceon, Vulpix did a great job herself. Once the snow layer was set up, Weavile dashed around the tree, using Ice Shard to make it seem like there were gems embedded into it. At the end of it all, even though no ornaments had been hung yet, it looked spectacular.
"Excellent work, you three!" The trainer praised as Weavile and Glaceon praised the younger ice type especially. "All right, I think I'll leave you guys and Flygon to oversee the ornaments while I go check out how everyone else is doing. Grim, don't eat any of the ornaments."
"Nya! Why am I the only one getting a warning!?" The cat protested as the girl walked away to see how everyone else was doing.
A little ways away from Main Street, Savanaclaw was setting up an ice skating rink with the assistant of Swampert and Tyrannitar, whose physical strength was necessary for setting up the railings around the edge of the pond due to frozen ground, and Arcanine keeping the weakened beastman warm. Swampert, seeing his partner coming up to them, immediately abandoned Ruggie to run to her side.
"Wow, guys, the rink looks very nice."
"Thanks." Ruggie said through bundles of clothing. "We wouldn't have been able to manage it without your Pokémon though. The headmaster is insane asking us to do this after the ground froze over! It's like digging through rock! Never mind that most of us are freezing our tails off!"
"I know the feeling." The tropical native said emphatically as she scooted closer to Swampert. "But, you seem to be having an easier time with Arcanine here."
The said Legendary Pokémon was laying on the snow nearby as several members of Savanaclaw were draped on him, as if attempting to sink into his warm fur, especially Leona, who had all but claimed the fire type's fluffy tail as a napping spot.
Ruggie said. "I don't know. I feel like I have to drag each one off of him every time something needs to be done. I don't even bother with Leona. To be frank, Tyrannitar's been more useful than any of them, except Jack, of course."
Jack was currently on the ice, likely testing the durability of it.
"How's it looking, Jack?" (Y/N) called out.
The wolfman's ears twitched and he skated over to the girl and his upperclassman.
"It's very sturdy, so I doubt we'll have anyone fall through. I think that second layer using Swampert's Ice Punch was the right call."
"Shi shi shi!" Ruggie chuckled. "Same old Jack. Always so careful!"
Jack crossed his arms. "Falling through the ice is no joke, Ruggie. We should still be careful that not too many people get on the ice at the same time."
"Yeah, yeah, we'll have the Octavinelle students enforce the limit." Ruggie waved off before shivering. "They're much more suited to the cold than us."
(Y/N) chuckled before Jack held out a hand for her. "Want to try it out, (Y/N)?"
"I probably shouldn't." The trainer declined, rubbing her head. "Given I was raised in a warm climate, I have no sort of coordination on ice."
"Oh? The fearless trainer is scared of slipping?" Ruggie teased.
Jack rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall."
"I don't-hey! Swampert!"
The water type nudged his trainer forward, enough so that Jack was able to take her hand. Carefully, he guided her on the ice, given she didn't have skates on. She nearly tumbled a few times, but Jack kept his promise and not once did she fall. He was blushing the whole time as the girl clung to him for dear life. Leona, having been woken from his nap, decided to be his usual charming self as he caught sight of the freshman.
"Geez, Herbivore, you look like a newborn fawn taking its first steps!"
She glared at the lion beastman. "I'm sorry, do you want to get out here and show off your amazing skating talents, Kitty?"
Leona huffed a laugh, settling back down for a nap. "I never claimed to have any."
The fire type immediately stood and kicked Leona with his back paw, making him fall face first in the snow. Everyone else, besides those who were still clinging to Arcanine for warmth, laughed as Jack brought (Y/N) back to Swampert. Leona sat up, a malicious look on his face.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that, Herbivore."
In response, she jumped on to Swampert's back, who bolted off. "Keep up the good work, guys!"
The water type darted through the snow, leaving the cursing cat behind them. Heading towards the main buildings, Swampert walked between stalls of food which were starting waft with the aroma of holiday foods and treats, making both of their bellies rumble.
"Shrimpy!" A voice called.
Looking up, (Y/N) spotted Floyd waving her down from one of the stalls. Inside, his brother was also manning the stall.
"Hey guys." She greeted and Swampert stopped in front of the stand.
"Good afternoon to you as well, (Y/N)." Jade said with his usual smile.
Floyd sighed loudly, draping himself over the stall's ledge. "Shrimpy, I'm bored! Let's do something fun!"
"Floyd, everyone has to pull their weight for the festival and Octavinelle's contribution is food."
"Aw, no fair, Shrimpy! You're not working!"
"I'm inspecting, like usual."
"Oh woe to the poor trainer, the only one the Headmaster trusts to keep us males in line." Jade teased.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "The only one he can try to withhold living privileges from anyways. So, what are you guys making for the festival?"
"Takoyaki." Floyd said with a lazy grin.
Both trainer and Pokémon felt a cold sweat and subtly looked around, calming down when they caught sight of Azul doing an inspection of his own. Jade smiled deviously.
"You wound us, you two. As if we would ever do something so heinous out in the open."
She clicked her tongue. "As if I'd put anything past you two."
"You're not wrong to." Floyd teased as the girl urged Swampert on.
"Try to behave, you two. It is the season for it."
Jade placed a hand over his heart. "You have my word, there will be no mischief regarding our food."
(Y/N) laughed as Swampert turned away. "Cute, Jade. You think I trust you to cook more than your brother."
(Y/N) could hear Floyd laughing as Swampert ran down the line of stalls, feeling Jade indignation as they left. Their next stop was at the end of the line of stalls where a bright red sled was set up along with lighting, making it a perfect photo shoot. In the absence of reindeer, Rapidash was nearby in a dashing bridle and sleigh bells, waiting for the start of the festival to be hooked up to the sleigh. The Pomefiore students had unsurprisingly done an excellent job of making a wonderful photo shoot for the families.
"The light should be a bit softer." Vil noted.
Rook nodded. "Oui! We're evoking the warmth of Christmas time! Monsieur Crabapple?"
"On it!" Epel shouted. "Can you give me a hand, Gardevoir?"
The Embrace Pokemon happily readjusted the lights as Epel softened the glare until Vil nodded in satisfaction.
(Y/N) whistled. "Everything looks wonderful here, guys. The kids are gonna love it."
"Merci, Madame Dompteur de Bêtes." Rook thanked. "Though I would argue Rapidash is the true star of this attraction!"
"Rap!" The fiery horse neighed in agreement.
"I do think we need a few more touches to tie the pictures together." Vil then sighed heavily. "Not to mention we'll need to find a way for the younger children to calm."
(Y/N) nodded. "I'll send over some of the parent Pokémon. That should keep the peace long enough to get a few photos."
"That would be greatly appreciated."
As (Y/N) and Swampert were leaving to let the Pomefiore boys put the final touches on the site, they saw Ortho, Poyo, and Idia setting up the sound system to play Christmas music around the campus.
"Hey guys, need a hand?" She offered.
Ortho enthusiastically waved her down as Poyo did some happy flips in the air.
"Hi, big sis! We have everything under control!"
(Y/N) smiled. "I'm just glad to see you out and about, Idia. Getting into the Christmas spirit?"
"Hardly." The older Shroud mumbled. "I could've done this from my room, but Ortho insisted I enjoy the nice weather. What's so great about snow? It's cold and wet."
"Aw, don't be like that, big brother!" Ortho insisted as Poyo beeped in agreement. "Let the good tidings of Christmas cheer wash over you!"
"That is the corniest thing I have ever heard, and I have heard (Y/N) give hero speeches..."
"I heard that." (Y/N) shot back as Swampert growled.
Idia didn't bother with a response and began playing the track to test the sound system. It worked, immediately playing 'Home for the Holidays'. Both brothers and the Porygon2 looked at the girl, giving awkward  smiles before Idia punched the computer to play the next song...which was 'No Place Like Home for the Holidays'. Ortho then smacked it to start the next song which was the much gloomier 'I'll be Home for Christmas'. Poyo just straight up Thunderbolted the computer, causing it to short-circuit and for the music to stop. Everyone just stared at the smoking piece of equipment.
"I'll get another one." Idia blurted out before they all scrambled away.
(Y/N) stood frozen for a bit before Swampert nudged her side.
She patted his head. "Let's...just check on everyone else."
Quick to move on from that nonsense, the smell of freshly made gingerbread lured the two Hoenn natives to the cafeteria. Inside, Heartslabyul and Scarabia students were either setting up gingerbread house decorating stations, or were baking the gingerbread itself or making the decorative sweets.
"(Y/N)! Swampert!" Kalim shouted happily as they walked in.
Unsurprisingly, everyone agreed he was not allowed anywhere near the kitchen, so he, Riddle, and Cater were setting up the stations.
"Hey, (N/N)." Cater greeted as he photographed Riddle and Ace icing one of the houses together. "Is the tree on Main Street set up already?"
"Yup. I've got the Pokémon and Grim putting on the ornaments."
"Aw! So cute!" The orange head squealed. "I should go take pictures of that before they finish! My Magicam followers would die seeing the little ones getting into Christmas."
"Cater, we have enough to do without you running off to take pictures!" Riddle scolded.
Kalim waved him off. "Oh, it's okay Riddle, I can cover for Cater!"
Right at that moment, the house Kalim had been making collapsed in a pile of crumbs. Ace clicked his tongue.
"I think that's your answer, Cater. Also, (Y/N), you seriously left Grim unsupervised with candy canes? There's not gonna be anything to put on the tree!"
"Relax, Ace, Flygon's watching him."
"Like that's gonna stop that gluttonous furball."
The girl chuckled before looking at the gingerbread houses. "Those are looking great, guys! I always loved decorating gingerbread back home."
"We can't take much credit." Riddle said humbly. "Trey and Jamil have been working nonstop in the kitchen and making sure each piece is perfectly presentable. Deuce's icing is also impressively sturdy for the houses."
Ace smirked. "Turns out our Deuce is an icing making machine. Though I can hear him thanking God for Alcremie every once in a while."
"Hey, be nice." (Y/N) warned. "It's Christmas time. No teasing, or you're getting coal."
"What am I? Seven?"
"You certainly act like it from time to time." Riddle said as (Y/N) slipped into the kitchen to check up on the others, leaving Swampert in the cafeteria.
Boys were running like madmen, delivering several pieces of cookies or decorations where they needed to be at any given time. Trey and Jamil were at the center of it all, working like well oiled machines in perfect rhythm. Shaymin and Gengar were nearby, either offering an Aromatherapy every once in a while, or in Gengar's case, keeping the boys cool with his natural aura.
"Looking good, you two!" (Y/N) shouted, not wanting to break either of their focus, but getting two thumbs up in return. "Gengar, Shaymin, don't let them overdo it."
The two Pokémon saluted as their trainer searched for Deuce. Eventually she spotted the blue haired male efficiently stirring icing...while Deuce was sitting in a nearby chair looking weak as Roserade was using Life Dew on his arm.
"Excellent assist, Zoroark." The trainer complimented as the disguised fox barked and let her ear show. "You good there, Deuce?"
"So...much...stirring..." He moaned back.
(Y/N) nodded, feeling bad for her friend. "Keep him from passing out, Roser- is Typhlosion cooking gingerbread over there?"
Sure enough, the badger was lounging under what looked like a makeshift hot stone with trays of holiday sweets baking on top.
"One of the ovens gave out." Deuce explained. "Jamil figured we could make do."
"Typical Scarabia." (Y/N) said before turning away. "Get plenty of rest, Deuce. You've earned it."
"Thank you..."
Picking up Swampert, (Y/N) made her way back outside, mentally going over if she had spoken to everyone.
"Greetings!" Lilia said, appearing from nowhere per usual.
(Y/N) yelped, glaring at the old fae when her heart stopped beating erratically. "Lilia, stop doing that!"
Lilia laughed, landing in front of the girl. "Fufufu! But it's not often that I can catch you off guard! I couldn't resist!"
"Still. Has Diasomnia finished their tasks?"
"Indeed. Not surprisingly since we were given such a minor role in setting up lights." The old fae feigned hurt. "Are we truly not to be trusted?"
"I think the crow doesn't think you fit the aesthetic of Christmas." The trainer said bluntly, making the third year chuckle.
"Perhaps so. Still, as you seem to have completed your tasks, care to join us for the festival tonight? I'm certain he'd appreciate the company."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "No need to butter me up, Lilia. I'd be happy to."
Lilia gave her his arm like a gentleman, getting an evil eye from Swampert, and led her outside. Night had fallen and by now, the guests were starting to arrive. The two walked over to the remaining members of Diasomnia.
"Child of man." Malleus greeted, seeming gleeful.
"Hey Tsunotaro." She greeted back, causing Sebek to huff. "Sebek, Silver."
"Hi, (Y/N)." Silver waved, before yawning.
"I've asked her and Swampert to accompany us tonight." Lilia explained.
Malleus looked quite pleased while Sebek was not.
"Hm! You better feel honored that Lilia would think you worthy of our time, human."
Swampert immediately shoved the green haired male into the snow and then proceeded to sit on him. As Sebek's screaming was muffled, Silver offered an apology.
"Just ignore him. We're happy to have you."
By the time Swampert allowed Sebek to get back up, the festival was in full swing, with family members and visitors walking around. There was a noticeable gap that everyone gave them, but Malleus was unaffected, too engrossed in his conversation with his friend to care.
"I'm shocked that your world also celebrates the winter season in a similar fashion. It's baffling to think that two worlds can be so similar in some aspects and so different in others."
"Maybe it's the cold weather?"
Silver looked at her. "What do you mean?"
"Well, back in the day, when people didn't have means to comfortably survive the winter, maybe they celebrated holidays during those times in order to give a morale boost?"
Lilia nodded. "I can see that. I certainly feel happier at this time of year."
"(Y/N)!" A voice called out.
The group turned to see a woman with a familiar head of blue hair walking towards them. (Y/N) recognized her right away.
"Oh, hi Ms. Spade!"
The two hugged a greeting.
"How are you doing, dear? My boy causing you any trouble?"
"He's one of my less problematic friends, ma'am. Don't worry. If you're looking for him, he's half passed out in the cafeteria's kitchen. His Vice Dorm Leader really put him to work tonight."
Ms Spade's eyes widened. "Oh boy, I better go rescue him. But before I forget, I've got a little something for you, me and my mother put together for you."
(Y/N) gasped as a brightly wrapped package was passed to her. "Oh, you really didn't have to-,"
The blue haired woman held up a hand. "Nonsense. Honey, your family isn't here with you, and after everything you've done for Deuce, this is the least we could do. Go on, open it up! You look like you could need it now with this weather!"
Force to comply, (Y/N) removed the wrapping paper, revealing a well knitted (F/C) colored scarf. It looked very warm. Just then, the girl shivered and immediately wrapped herself in the scarf.
"Thank you. I trained in a cooler region for a while, but I guess I'll always be used to warmer weather."
Ms Spade smiled and ruffled her hair. "You take care of yourself, honey. Happy holidays."
"You as well."
With that, the joyful woman was on her way. Lilia grinned mischievously at the trainer.
"My, someone's popular."
"Trust me, I'm aware. Crowley has not let me forget Family Day." (Y/N) then turned to Malleus. "By any chance, will your grandmother be making an appearance?"
The tall male shook his head. "Unfortunately not. Though she does send her seasonal greetings to all us, you included, (Y/N)."
She sighed in relief. "Good to know. I'm pretty sure she and Leona's mom are not allowed on campus at the same time after what happened last time."
"Oh, what's a little diplomatic incident between queens?" Lilia joked.
Not wanting to bring up 'the incident' again, the group of five began browsing through the bizarre. Silver and (Y/N) hung back as Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek began to peruse for treats, though it was more Lilia ordering for Malleus as Sebek yelled at their disrespect towards his young master.
Silver sighed, shaking his head. "He really cannot talk normally."
Swampert grunted in agreement as (Y/N) looked at Silver. "I'm curious, Silver. What was Christmas like with Lilia?"
The pale haired male rubbed his chin as the two of them leaned against Swampert. "I wouldn't say they were too different from normal Christmases. We decorated the house with ornaments we had, played in the snow, got a tree, though we always ended with a family of birds or squirrels living with us for the rest of winter."
(Y/N) smiled. "And Christmas dinner-?"
"Was spent strategically with Lord Malleus."
The girl laughed. "Well, good to know you learned how to avoid being poisoned quickly."
The two chuckled before Silver felt a tug on his pants. He glanced down and saw a small girl looking up at him expectantly.
"Um, hello?"
"Are you a prince, Mr.?" She asked.
The boy nearly fell back, not expecting this. " Are you lost?"
The girl pouted. "But you look like a prince!"
"He's a knight, sweetie, not a prince." (Y/N) corrected, trying to help the awkward teen out.
"Then are you his princess, Ms? If he's a knight, he needs a princess, and you're really pretty!"
That caught both of them off guard and as they tried to correct her again with their cheeks red, Lilia returned and mischievously began to spin a tale.
"Of course she's his princess, dearie! They're just shy about it."
"Lilia/Father!" Both shot at the fae as the little girl giggled.
"If she's a princess, that means she can sing, right?"
Lilia nodded, smiling. "Of course! I'm sure if you ask her, she'd be happy to sing something for you."
The child immediately gave the older puppy eyes. "Please, Ms Princess! Can you sing?"
(Y/N) glared at Lilia, who was unsurprisingly shameless, before forcing a smile for the young girl. "Well, sweetie, t-thing is..."
"She doesn't know what to sing about." Silver tried to help.
"Yes! That's it!"
"What about your favorite things?" The child innocently asked.
"My favorite things..." (Y/N) pondered. "Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on Littens..."
She then remembered a song she and Steven had enjoyed during the holidays.

(Y/N): Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
          Brown paper packages tied up with strings,
          These are a few of my favorite things!

The child squealed in delight as the older felt compelled to finish the song now, much to the smugness of Lilia.

(Y/N): Bouncing Ponytas and crisp apple strudels,
          Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles,
          Swannas that fly with the moon on their wings,
          These are a few of my favorite things!

(Y/N) then caught sight of a blue ribbon on a stand nearby and grabbed it, twirling it around the girl as she began to get into the tune.

(Y/N): Girls in white dress with blue satin sashes,
          Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,

She then lobbed a snowball at Lilia, who fell back in surprise, making Silver and Swampert laugh.

(Y/N): Silver white winters that melt into spring,
          These are a few of my favorite things!

Lilia got back to his feet quickly, and in a vengeful mood, pushed Silver towards the girl, almost forcing them to begin dancing together. Silver gave the trainer an apologetic look as they did a simple twirl, which made the child squeal again.

(Y/N): When Grandbulls bite,
          When Beedrills sting,
          When I'm feeling sad,
          I simply remember my favorite things,
          And then I don't feel so bad!

The two broke apart as the song ended, and a small crowd which had gathered to see them began clapping. Silver and (Y/N) bowed as the child's mother found her and apologized for the ruckus. As the little girl waved goodbye to the princess and knight, (Y/N) glared down Lilia.
"I will remember this."
"Oh I'm sure you will." The old man said nonchalantly. "Good luck catching me though."
Silver had to hold the girl back from launching at his dad, who looked all too pleased with himself. Eventually, the group reconvened and walked to Main Street. Flygon, the baby Pokémon (who immediately latched on to Lilia), Weavile, and Glaceon all ran to them to show the completed tree.
"Nyahaha!" Grim laughed. "Looks like all my hard work paid off! Try to find a better tree than mine!"
Glaceon bit his tail, causing him to yelp as (Y/N) admired the work.
"I'm very proud of all of you, you did an amazing job!"
The Pokémon all cheered as (Y/N) felt something cold and wet fall on her. Malleus opened his hand, letting a few snowflakes fall onto his palm.
"It appears to be snowing."
"So it is." Lilia said as Sebek shivered.
A lightbulb suddenly went on in (Y/N)'s head. "Guys, wait right here and try to clear out a big space!"
The Diasomnia boys looked at her confused as she ran off, but did as she asked. After a bit of time, the boys felt something big coming and the crowd gasped as the trainer returned, trailed by the large Aurorus.
"Human, what are you doing!?" Sebek shouted, worried for the safety of his master.
"Just watch!" She assured. "You ready, Aurorus? Aurora Veil (how is this only an egg move for Aurorus)!"
The large fossil Pokémon let out a cry as her sail began flittering with color as the sky changed to match it. The crowd was in awe at the display, cheering for the trainer and the Pokémon. (Y/N) smiled brightly as the colors danced in the sky.
"Merry Christmas, everyone!"

Silver has stealthily moved up my list of favorite characters, so I wanted to give him some love too. Happy holidays, everyone!

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