Shenanigans 17

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I said this as a joke, but you guys seemed to really want to see this.
Birthday Bash Blues

Per usual, the first year squad was grouped up together for lunch and Grim and Ace were locking horns, this time over the cat accidentally torching Ace's lunch. Grim was of course in the wrong, but he refused to take responsibility, choosing instead to blame Ace for leaving his food in the line of fire.
"Just apologize, you fleabag!" Ace demanded, trying to strangle their classmate.
Grim had his claws dug in. "Nyaha! Never! You should watch your food better!"
The other boys just watched this go down, none of them really wanting to break up such a stupid argument.
"Seriously, guys, knock it off." Epel pleaded. "People are staring."
Jack sighed. "(Y/N), can you maybe get in there?...(Y/N)?"
The wolf boy looked over at their female friend when she didn't respond. (Y/N) had a gloomy look about her, her head propped up in her palm as she picked at her food halfheartedly, occasionally glancing out the window with a longing look.
Deuce also took notice of their friend's distant attitude and nudged her on the shoulder to bring her back to reality. "(Y/N)."
She jolted, turning her head back to them sharply. "Hmm? Yeah?"
By now, Grim and Ace had frozen in their position of attacking each other, also confused as to why the girl hadn't already gotten between them.
"Are you gonna break them up?" Jack asked, now concerned.
(Y/N) blinked before nodding weakly. "Uh...yeah...Ace, just take my lunch. I'm not really hungry."
"Nya!" Grim cried. "But (Y/N), you barely ate this morning!"
"It's fine, Grim." She insisted, pushing her tray towards the red head.
Ace shrugged, taking the food. "If you're sure."
The others glanced at the girl worryingly, knowing something was very wrong.
"You okay, (Y/N)?" Epel asked hesitantly.
"I'm fine." She answered, getting up. "I have to help Professor Trein with the classroom. I'll see you guys later."
She hurriedly exited the cafeteria, leaving her friends to watch her go in silence, when she disappeared, Epel broke the silence.
"Okay, that was out of character, right?"
"Yeah." Deuce agreed. "She seems really upset."
Ace glared at Grim. "What did you do this time, Grim?"
The cat hissed at him. "Nothing! I thought she just had a bad night, but she's been like this since this morning, I swear."
"We should keep an eye on her." Jack suggested. "I don't like this one bit."
True to their word, they kept an eye on their female friend for the rest of the day to see if the pattern of odd behavior kept up, even roping Sebek into it. Needless to say, her gloominess remained constant as while (Y/N) continued to be a good student, she did it lacking her usual precision and energy, even causing the teachers to be concerned. However, when approached, the trainer insisted everything was fine. Knowing they weren't going to get a straight answer from her, Ace and Deuce headed to Ramshackle while Sebek, Jack, and Epel kept the girl preoccupied to see if they could find anything that would explain her gloom. The baby Pokémon greeted them when they walked through the door, along with Crobat and Ampharos.
Deuce patted the electric type's head as Crobat landed on Ace's shoulder.
"Hey, you two." The bluenette greeted. "Do either of you happen to know why (Y/N) seems so down?"
The two glanced at each other before nodding. Crobat flew upstairs as Ampharos led them into the kitchen, grabbing a calendar and placing it on the counter. A date was circled with a question mark inside it. It was only a few days away.
"Something's coming up?" Ace asked as Ampharos nodded. "Okay, what?"
Crobat flew back in, carrying (Y/N) photo binder. Placing it next to the calendar, the Bat Pokémon began flipping through the pages before stopping on a series of similar photographs. In each was (Y/N) with Swampert and Steven, all of them smiling brightly in front of a (F/F) cake. One of the photos was labeled with the same date as the one coming up in the calendar.
"Oh, (Y/N)'s birthday is coming up, isn't it?" Ace realized, not noticing the Pokémon giving him shrugs.
Deuce pursed his lips. "I don't get how that would make her upset."
"Because she's too broke to celebrate, duh!" His dormmate said. "Knowing the Headmaster, he probably wouldn't even give her the time to celebrate! No wonder she's down! Come on, let's get the others."

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