Lost in Briar Valley AU Pt 2

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This is my personal AU but I still do not own Twisted Wonderland. Also, I said I was breaking up the first visit into two parts, but that just shows how much I vastly underestimated the length of this section. 3 parter, I promise.
Lost In Briar Valley PT 2

Lilia and Baul acted differently for the rest of the day, something (Y/N) was not used to. Most adults who had seen her scars either pretended like nothing was wrong or scolded her for being so friendly with wild Pokémon. However, the two males seemed to be a bit more...delicate with her. Baul still made snarky comments about humans, but now it was more in general than directed at her, while Lilia seemed to be sticking a little closer to her. That was a little awkward due to Manectric wanting to stick by Lilia, so Marshtomp was glaring at him every time he got too close. (Y/N) felt bad. Manectric had never hurt her before, but just looking at any electric type made her think of her mother's Magneton. Arceus forbid they run into one of the species out here. Despite that, she felt a bit of relief with this situation. It felt nice for once having what happened to her not be blamed on her. As evening approached, the sound of bells filled the air as tiny, winged creatures suddenly circled the group. In a turn of events, (Y/N) had no idea what they were and the fae were comfortable with them. The Pokémon seemed a bit uneasy, pushing closer to the human as Lilia communicated with the tiny creature.
"I see. We'll clear them out. The rest of you should stay hidden."
The tiny creature let out a jiggle before it flew over to (Y/N) with a curious look. (Y/N) held still as it flew around her, letting out another light jingle as sparkles filled the air.
"Lilia, what's happening?"
"It's the blessing of the pixies." Baul explained. "There's another Silver Owls camp ahead, so they will lend us strength. Odd, usually they wouldn't dare show themselves in front of a human."
"Oh." She smiled, cupping her hand so the pixie could land on her palms. "Thank you. We'll get rid of those dumb knights for you."
The creature let out another happy noise as Comfey, still wrapped around the child's head, let out a coo back.
Lilia chuckled. "They said you smell more like the forest than a human, so they'll trust you."
"You should feel honored, human." Baul stated as they continued on.
They came upon the camp quickly by the river. It was bigger than the Hunters' camp with plenty of tents and a big roaring campfire in the center. Lilia and (Y/N) were again perched in a tree, scooping out the camp, Lilia once more wearing his mask.
"I smell at least 30 of them." He said. "The Dawn Knight doesn't appear to be among them, nor any captured Pokémon, so this should be fairly simple."
"The Dawn Knight?" (Y/N) repeated. "Who's that?"
"I'll tell you another time." Lilia promised as he and her got down from the branches.
Baul looked disgusted with this whole ordeal. "Look at them, setting up these tents as if they own this land!"
(Y/N) could almost hear the smirk in Lilia's tone. "How kind of them to set up this camp for us. Once we secure this location, we can sleep right away. (Y/N), can your friends assist again?"
She turned to the Pokémon. "You guys want some payback on these knights?"
The Pokémon called back eagerly as Comfey again hid in (Y/N)'s shirt.
"You stay here, (Y/N)."
She shook her head at the General. "Someone has to organize the Pokémon so they don't set the camp on fire!"
"Baul and I can't stand close to protect you. It's too dangerous."
"What's a little danger to a future Pokémon trainer?" Suddenly, Lairon stepped forward and nudged the girl's leg, softly calling. Smiling, the girl suddenly mounted the steel type. "See? I'll be on Lairon the whole time. Not that Marshtomp would ever let anything happen to me."
"Marshtomp!" The water/ground type called eagerly.
Lilia sighed, but nodded. "One foot off that beast, and I drag you out. The rest of you, we're taking this camp! Attack!"
Lilia let out a hiss as the fae and Pokémon swarmed into the camp, catching the knights off guard. Like before, the Pokémon backed up the fae, further frightening the Silver Owls as the Altaria blasted them with Dragon Pulses, the Swablu swarmed and pecked at their heads and everyone else barreled into them to knock them over. Lairon was especially good at this with (Y/N) steering him and Marshtomp aiming Mud Shots at the Silver Owls eyes. From the corner of her eye, (Y/N) saw several knights preparing a net to slow them down. She gripped Lairon's neck as he charged at them.
"Really hope you know this move. Lairon, use Roar!"
The Iron Armor Pokémon opened its mouth, letting out a sound so piercing, it knocked the knights off their feet. Unfortunately, it seemed to have a nasty side effect on the fae, who looked a bit dizzy after that.
"Human!" Baul yelled.
"Sorry!" She turned back to see a knight standing in their path about to swing a hammer. "Protect!"
A barrier immediately surrounded the two as the weapon was knocked from the attacker's hand. However, the odd angle the swing had come from, it did cause Lairon to slip a bit, but he recovered quickly.
"You thieves!" The knight spat. "Come to steal our ore mines? You've even subjugated the monsters!"
"You're the thieves!" (Y/N) shot back. "This forest doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the fae who live here! And Lairon and the others are helping us all on their own!"
The knight suddenly reeled back, getting a good look at the child. "Wait, you're not one of them. What are you doing here, child?!"
"Protecting this place from you! Marshtomp! Knock him flat!"
Marshtomp leapt into the air behind the knight and smashed his head with a Rock Smash, knocking it clean off as it rolled to Lairon's feet. The man attempted to grab his hammer, but an Altaria landed on it, flanked by the Nidos who growled at him. He turned to (Y/N) with a fearful look.
"Leave, and don't come back. And tell whoever your leader is that if he doesn't leave the Pokémon alone, he'll be sorry."
The man nodded and bolted off as a retreat was sounded from the Silver Owls' side. The fae cheered as the knight retreated into the forest.
"Hahaha!" Baul laughed. "Flee back to your fortress, cowards, and tell your master this: so long as we, the Royal Kingsguard, remain in Briar Valley, we will not allow you to do as you please!"
The fae all cheered with him as (Y/N) got off Lairon, picking up the helmet and walking over to Lilia, Comfey floating back onto her head.
"You fought well." Lilia said. "What do you have there?"
"Marshtomp knocked a guy's helmet off, so I gave him a good scare. I made sure he knew not to mess with the Pokémon anymore!"
"A fine trophy then."
"General Lilia!" Baul called. "Their wagon is filled with magical stones and Mistium!"
"What's that?" (Y/N) asked.
"Powerful ores with magical properties." Lilia explained, removing his mask. "The abundance of them in our land is likely the reason the humans are encroaching on our territory. We'll have to drive them all out."
"Gah!" Baul suddenly yelped. "Human! The purple imp is eating the ore!"
"Sableye!" (Y/N) yelled back as Lilia held up a hand.
"Let him. I'd say the imp has earned a treat for how well he battled."
The two looked over to see the Darkness Pokémon munching happily on the magical stone before burping...and letting out a stream of fire. Ignoring that, Lilia walked over to a pile of supplies, smirking.
"Oh look. Those Silver Owls left plenty of grub for us. Grains and meats...haha! Even fat rats and lizards! Perfect! How about we roast them whole?"
The rats scattered as (Y/N) gagged at the thought. "Lilia, there's actual food here. We don't need to eat rats and lizards! We'll get sick!"
"If it's cooked and fills your stomach, I don't care what type of meat it is."
"That's gross! You can eat the rats, I can cook for myself! Come on, Marshtomp."
Somehow, the small child got roped into cooking for the whole camp while everyone else secured the perimeter. Fortunately, the human was used to fending for herself, and with the many ingredients and the noses of the Pokémon, she was able to whip up a decent enough stew and vegetables to go with it.
"Dinner's ready!" (Y/N) called as she set aside several bowls for the Pokémon.
The fae curiously came around, attracted by the pleasant scent. She handed a bowl over to Lilia, who took a hesitant bite and was pleasantly surprised.
"Oh, this is good. What is it?"
"Just some stew and veggies. I...don't know how to make a lot of things, but it's filling enough and good for you."
"Who taught you how to do this?" Lilia asked as she rubbed her arm.
"I taught myself. I was really bad at first, but I got way better with practice. Helped that I learned what ingredients go with what. Admittedly, fish is easier for me to cook, but you cook with what you've got.
The General grunted before calling the rest of the fae to eat. During their meal, Baul and another fae, accompanied by Baul's ever faithful Swablu and Carbink, appeared.
"General, I have a report. The Silver Owls have retreated to the Wind-Swept Canyon, but their obsession with the ore should not be underestimated. They may very well return with reinforcements."
Lilia nodded. "Good work. Grab your meal while you still can."
"No, I should ready the weapons in case-," Baul's stomach growled loudly, cutting him off.
(Y/N) snickered as Lilia laughed.
"I think your stomach says another thing." Baul looked embarrassed. "You're the biggest eater out of the camp, Baul. Don't be so proud. I kept telling you you can't battle on an empty stomach."
Baul still attempted to refuse, especially when it was revealed (Y/N) made the dish, but eventually, he got a spoonful shoved into his mouth, courtesy of Sableye, who got tired of his screeching. That shut him up, and Baul ended up scarfing three more bowls of the stew, much to Lilia's amusement. Eventually, things settled down as (Y/N) began to ask about the Silver Owls and why they were attacking the fae.
"About a 100 years ago, a single ship of humans landed on Cape Light, and in the blink of an eye, they multiplied and outnumber the fae of this land." Lilia explained, Manectric's head on his lap. "Now, the Wind-Swept Canyon to the east has completely become their domain."
"Humans." Baul growled. "We should've driven them out to begin with."
"Hey!" (Y/N) said.
"Not you. You're from another world, you don't count."
Lilia sighed. "Our queen couldn't have predicted at the time it would've gotten this out of hand. If they had respected nature and lived modestly, we would have left well enough alone, but they kept digging up mountains and forests. In truth, we were locked in combat for quite some time before you and the Pokémon appeared. Both sides attempted to drive them off, but they fought back."
"They were just protecting themselves." (Y/N) said, bring Marshtomp closer.
Lilia nodded, running his fingers through Manectric's fur. "I see that now. All creatures have a natural instinct to protect their own lives, and when fear settles in, we lash out. Originally, we were sent to delegate with the Silver Owls to cease their activities in our lands, but knowing they are attempting to enslave the Pokémon, I'm afraid we have no choice but to drive them back."
"Outside affairs have always been the tasks of nobles." Baul said. "Why must the General be saddled with this?"
"Because the humans outnumber us. We've had our hands full since the Silver Owls appeared. Plus, nobles are unreliable and would probably faint at the smell of iron. Initially, we were heading towards the human fortress in the Wind Swept Canyon to look for missing persons, but the Pokémon appearing made everything change. Hopefully, your presence could help us find a solution."
"If...if we can't find a way back to our world, I could teach you guys to live and work with Pokémon." She offered. "I mean, you guys are already getting along really well. It wouldn't be so hard. It might actually be fun!"
"I suppose these outside creatures are...more pleasant than the humans." Baul admitted. "But I wonder how Princess Meleanor will react."
"That will be my burden." Lilia said with a sigh.
"Is she scary?" (Y/N) asked.
The General snorted. "Scary? Try terrifying. I wouldn't be surprised if the castle was already in ruins due to one of her temper tantrums! The Draconia family that rules over the lands of Briar Valley descend from dragons, heralded as the highest creatures of the night."
"Hey, Altaria, did you hear that?" (Y/N) joked. "They think you guys are high beings!"
The cloud birds chirped in laughter as Lilia shook his head.
"Be serious about this, tiny one. It's best you recognize the strength of Princess Meleanor before you are presented to her. Her power is so great that even our combined strength would be powerless against her. She is hot tempered, rough, and vicious!"
"So she's like a Salamence."
Lilia blinked. "A what?"
"A Salamence! They're the biggest, strongest dragon types in my region. When they get made, almost nothing can stop them."
"Strikes fear into the hearts of those who see it?"
"More like curl up into a ball and pray to Arceus for mercy."
Lilia snapped his fingers. "Then yes, dead on comparison. Truly, she is the deadliest princess in the world. If you anger her, she'll burn you to a crisp, and I mean that quite literally. She will do it."
"G-general Lilia." Baul interjected. "Perhaps you've said too much."
The shorter fae just smirked. "We need this one alive. She's got an adventurous streak and we can't trust Meleanor not to try to eat her."
"I thought you said she'd burn me to ash."
"She may try both. Anyways, for the past 300 years, I've been pushed around by that princess, so I know what to expect."
"Wait...did you just say 300 years?" (Y/N) repeated.
"Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know." Lilia realized. "Fae have far longer lifespans than you humans."
"...Lilia, how old are you?"
He bumped her on the head, making her squeak. "That is a rude question to ask your elders. Do not ask Princess Meleanor that."
(Y/N) smiled mischievously. "Do you just want to give me a list of things I'm not allowed to say?"
Lilia laughed at her audacity. "It would be faster just to list what you are allowed to say, which is just politely introducing yourself if you are asked. Still, there is some good to her being stuck at the current castle than in the capital. I doubt she'll do anything too drastic until her precious egg hatches."
"Egg?" (Y/N) asked. "Like she has a sacred beast companion or something?"
"No, the egg is her heir."
"...you guys hatch from eggs?"
"Of course not! Just the Draconia due to their dragon heritage. The egg will only hatch when it is filled with the love and magic of its parents."
"Oh, that's kinda like Pokémon eggs." (Y/N) said.
Lilia scratched Manectric under his chin. "So these beasts hatch from eggs as well. They just keep getting stranger, don't they? Anyways, it's late. You should rest before we head out tomorrow. You'll be tiny forever if you don't rest properly."
"Oh, is that why you're a pipsqueak, Mr. Ancient Fae?" (Y/N) shot back, sticking her out at him.
Again, Lilia bonked her gently on the head. "Bed. We leave at noon."
"Okay, okay!" She stood up. "Good night, Lilia. Night, Baul."
The human slipped into a nearby tent, the wild Pokémon and Marshtomp filing in after her.
"Children." Lilia said, shaking his head, only to catch Baul looking at him. "What?"
"You would've knocked the head off of anyone else who'd dare insult you."
"That was teasing." Lilia corrected. "And she's just a child."
"A human child."
"A child nonetheless." Lilia stated firmly. "Let her be a child."
Baul crossed his arms. "General, it may not be my place, but you've grown a soft spot for that girl."
Lilia tended the fire. "I can relate to feeling alone in the world, having no one but yourself to rely on."
"You should remember that the goal is to return her and the beasts back to their world, where they belong."
He glared at Baul. "Don't insult me. I haven't forgotten."

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