Chapter 54: Early Squabbles

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I have to basically sell my soul to get Armor General Vanrogue and then I somehow pull SSR Floyd and Stitch second with the one free 10-pull key I got from Kalim's birthday. RNJesus, give me some constancy (I am really happy because I didn't have an SSR of Floyd or Jade for that matter). I own nothing.
Chapter 54: March Through the Valley

"So, that's Sebek's grandpa." (Y/N) said after Silver gave a little explanation to them as they marched.
Crobat remained perched on (Y/N)'s shoulder as Noivern lingered in the sky, close enough to Lilia, but never getting close enough to be noticed. The other's simply hovered by their trainer, eying the fae suspiciously when they felt they were too close.
The half-fae nodded vehemently. "I know this is just a dream, but I never thought I'd meet my grandfather in his prime!"
Baul was pretty much summoned at the sound of his name. "What are you dawdling around for, humans!? We're not going to wait for you. Make sure you keep up! Hmph!"
"Roger!" Silver and Sebek saluted as (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"Yes sir."
He narrowed his eyes at the girl. "And you, keep the beasts in check!"
"They're well behaved." She said as the fae stormed off.
Silver sighed. "I'm glad we managed to reach Father's dreams, but I don't think we can ask him about Lord Malleus at this rate. Father seems to be having quite an old dream."
"Lord Lilia mentioned first receiving his acceptance letter 500 years ago." Sebek noted.
"If that's the case, it's highly likely that Lord Malleus wasn't even born yet..."
"Oh, Young Master!" Sebek cried. "What could you be doing now? How could I have dared to raise my sword against you! I fear the day Grandfather learns of what I did... He would surely burst with anger."
His dormmate shook his head. "We don't have the liberty to feel down or to hesitate. Let's look for clues while we follow them around."
The students and Pokémon marched along with the soldier for a time, during which the name 'Silver Owls' came up multiple times. Silver, ever pragmatic, eventually grew brave enough to ask a nearby guard.
"If I may? You've been mentioning the "Silver Owls" for a while now, and I'm quite curious as to who or what they are." The guard spoke only in shrieks and hisses, making it very clear the pale haired could not understand it (and made (Y/N) wish that maybe one of her fairy types was with her). " I'm sorry. I know you're trying to explain, but I'm afraid I don't speak your language."
"He said, 'The Silver Owls are a group of ruffians who have been mining the Land of Briar's resources without permission.'" Sebek translated. "'Their members are often seen wearing iron armor, so we call them 'Iron Ones'.'"
A second guard joined in, looking especially insulted as he began to screech his misgivings about these trespassers.
"'They are outsiders who destroy our forests, deface our mountains, and steal our resources.'" The half-fae's knuckles turned practically white as he clenched his fists. "HOW DARE THEY!"
Silver nodded. "Father has mentioned them in his stories. The mountains surrounding Briar Valley used to be abundant with magical gems and ores."
"'The mountains now lay bare, and many of our kin have lost their homes'." Sebek continued to translate. "'We fae have suffered countless tragedies as a result of their actions'. HOW DESPICABLE!
The original guard screeched and growled in agreement.
"'General Lilia and his group of soldiers have been working hard to keep them at bay, but...It's quite a task due to their large numbers'....Unforgivable! LET US CHASE THOSE TROUBLEMAKERS OUT OF OUR LAND!"
"Sebek, not that I don't appreciate the translations, I truly do, but again, keep your voice down." (Y/N) asked. "We are right here."
"How do you actually understand what they're saying, Sebek?" Grim asked.
"It's not perfect, but I understand most of it." The green haired boy admitted as Silver clarified.
"They're speaking in an ancient tongue."
"Those were actual words? All I heard was screeches and growls, yanno!"
"Even Swampert and the others are having difficulty." (Y/N) said, petting her partner's head.
"Each fae clan have their own language and way of speaking, but they can easily understand each other with the help of a little magical energy. We speak a more common language nowadays, and only a few of us speak our native tongue, but we are proud of our language and its part in our history. My grandfather and my mother taught me all about it."
"Father tried to teach me as well, but..." Silver rubbed his neck. "I simply couldn't make heads nor tails of it."
"My father shared the same sentiments. Human ears aren't as sensitive as, say, other mammals." Sebek got a smug look. "I am part fae, so I can hear and pick up even the most minute of sounds. AMAZING, ISN'T IT!"
Noivern then swooped down, grabbed Sebek, and carried him off. Everyone just kinda watched it happen as Lilia appeared beside the girl.
"The beast won't eat him, right?"
(Y/N) crossed her arms. "No. Drop him from a height that may give a bruise, maybe, but he'll live."
"Fair enough." The general said, continuing the march.

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