Shenanigans 18

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Sorry guys, but I needed a bit of a break. I own nothing
Baby Genius

Somehow, (Y/N) didn't even need to see who was at her door when panicked knocking came one early morning. The Pokémon trainer simply opened the door and motioned for the person outside to come in.
"Just put him in the living room, Ortho."
The robot boy, clutching a tiny version of his brother with Porygon2 (who had been affectionately nicknamed Popo by the Ignihyde Dorm) hovering over them, rushed inside.
"Thank you, Ms. (Y/N)!" Ortho then tilted his head at her. "Though, I must inquire how you knew we were coming and what had happened."
"Consistency." She answered back without further elaborating. "And just (Y/N) is fine, Ortho. I'll keep an eye on him while you keep Ignihyde running. The reverse potion should be Professor Crewel's specialty at this point, so he shouldn't be too long."
"Affirmative!" The robot boy agreed as they walked into the lounge area. "Brother, (Y/N) will watch you until the effects of the potion can be cured! Popo will also stay to keep you company."
Popo beeped happily in agreement as little Idia began to fidget uncomfortably. He kept glancing around the room nervously before looking at (Y/N) and immediately looking away. Sensing his discomfort, Popo flew next to him and nudged his cheek, humming comfortingly, and though this Idia had no memories of the Virtual Pokémon, his presence was still a comfort.
"O-okay..." Idia mumbled softly as Ortho set him down.
The robot boy then turned to (Y/N). "Thank you for your assistance, (Y/N)! If I am able to, I will return to help further!"
She waved him off. "Don't worry, Ortho, I'll keep an eye on him. Just focus on your tasks for the day. He'll come back to you in one piece."
Relieved, Ortho took his leave, leaving a still nervous Idia alone with (Y/N). Sensing this, the girl smiled, knowing exactly how to cheer him up.
"Idia, there's a game system hooked up to the TV. Why don't you and Popo play while I make us something to eat?"
The boy's eyes sparkled as he immediately rushed over to the TV, not even flinching as he was surrounded by the baby Pokémon. (Y/N) heard him gasp in delight as he booted up the game with Popo as his player 2. Content, she began to walk towards the kitchen to make breakfast before stopping, seeing Ampharos curled up in her bed, looking uncomfortable.
"Hey, what's wrong, girl?"
"Ros..." The Light Pokemon responded weakly.
(Y/N) quickly placed her hand on Ampharos's forehead and studied her face.
"Warmer temperature than I'd like and a flushed complexion. You have a fever, girl?"
The Pokémon shivered before the light on her tail flashed erratically. (Y/N) then pulled her hand back as she felt contracted jolts of electricity coming from the electric Pokémon.
(Y/N) rubbed her neck. "Ah, so that's what's wrong. Hang tight, girl, I'll get the current machine."
Placing a blanket over the sick Pokémon, the trainer ran upstairs to her room, quickly grabbing a small device from the back and ignoring the still snoozing Grim. Running back downstairs, she set the device on the ground and connected two cables to Ampharos, one for her tail and one for the gem on her forehead.
"All right, you're all hooked up, Ampharos! Let it rip!"
The electric type sat up weakly, letting off a powerful Thunderbolt. However, the small device sparked and began smoking, immediately causing the Light Pokémon to stop and break into a coughing fit.
(Y/N) clicked her tongue. "Shoot, fried. Looks pretty bad. I guess I could grab some jumper cables and hook you up to a ground type, but I don't know how comfortable that would be. Not to mention if they could handle the high voltage..."
"Is it sick?"
(Y/N) jumped, forgetting that baby Idia was there. She turned to see he had abandoned the game and was now standing there, staring curiously at Ampharos and the machine. He fidgeted as her attention turned to him.
"Yeah, she's not feeling well, little guy." (Y/N) answered.
Popo floated towards the electric type, worried, only to be pulled back by Idia, who didn't want him to catch the sickness.
(Y/N) chuckled. "Don't worry, this isn't a sickness that you, I, or Popo could catch."
He tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
(Y/N) placed a comforting hand on Ampharos, ignoring the sharp jolts.
"Well, you see buddy, Ampharos is an electric type, and electric types have this very specific condition they can get. We call it electrical build up. Most of the time, electric types want to store electricity to help power up their attacks. Usually they get it from static, taking it from plugs or other electronics, or they even go looking for thunderstorms and use specific parts of their bodies to act like lightning rods. All of that helps the Pokémon utilize their electric moves better. However, every once in a while, it becomes a problem. Come here." She moved over so he could get a better look at the sick creature, pointing out her flashing tail. "See that? Ampharos has built up so much electricity that she's having a hard time controlling it."
"And it makes her sick?" Idia asked.
"Yup. You know how when you eat way too much and it makes your belly hurt? That's what electrical build up feels like."
"W-will she get better?"
"Of course she will." (Y/N) assured. "In the wild, eventually the Pokémon is able to dispel the excess electricity, but that takes time. Pokémon trainers use this device to help speed up the process, but as you can see, mine is...busted. I could try to have her drain the excess on a Pokémon that isn't hurt by electricity, but it's very hard to control its direction without a conductor, and any one I use could end up being fried."
Idia looked at the tiny machine before immediately snatching it up, fiddling with it.
"Hey, Idia!"
He looked back at her. "The circuit board has plaque on it and some of the wires are frayed. I can fix that."
She blinked at him. "Um...okay? Are you sure?"
"Where are the tools? Also, I need a toothbrush."
Ignoring his disregard for her question, (Y/N) quickly gathered the tool bag and a spare toothbrush from the guest bathroom. Idia immediately snatched the tools from her and began tinkering away at the device, the Pokémon watching him with great interest. Not wanting to get in his way, (Y/N) kept watch over Ampharos, grabbing a few berries from the kitchen, and mashing them into a paste. After the electric type downed the concoction, Idia placed the device back on the ground in front of them.
"Done!" The small boy then hooked up the conductors exactly as the trainer had done before. "Try it now."
"You heard him, Ampharos. Use Thunderbolt."
Once again, the Light Pokémon fired off the attack, though this time, the machine held firm. Eventually, the electrical current stabilized to a more manageable level. Ampharos, looking a bit better, stopped and let out a weak, but happy coo.
(Y/N) patted Idia's head. "Nice work, kiddo. Looks like Ampharos is gonna be just fine thanks to you."
The boy blushed, quickly pulling up his hood. "I-it was nothing! I just fixed the machine."
"A machine I wouldn't have been able to fix on my own." She pointed out. "You did a great job! If you came to my world, I bet you'd make plenty of machines to help out people and Pokémon! You'd be famous in no time."
" you think it could make me a hero?"
"Of course!" She insisted. "Not all heroes wear capes. In my opinion, the true heroes are those who strive to make the world better using their talents."
Idia fidgeted a bit before looking up at her. "D-do you have heroes where you come from?"
"Well, not superheroes if that's what you're asking, but we have some amazing people and Pokémon who worked together to protect our world. But," She leaned in towards him. "Wanna know who I think are the coolest?"
"Pokemon Rangers."
He blinked. "Who are they?"
"Only the coolest bunch of people there are! Their job is to travel the world, stopping crimes, protecting the environment, and saving people and Pokémon! Growing up, everyone wanted to be a Pokémon Ranger, even me."
"Why didn't you?"
She sighed, giving a sad smile. "Well, you need to go to this fancy Ranger school in order to become one and that...well it wasn't in the cards for me at first, and by the time it was, I already decided to focus on becoming a trainer, and I never regretted my decision. I even get to work with the rangers on occasion. Still, sometimes I wonder what it would be like."
"Could I really become a Pokémon Ranger? A hero?"
She smiled at him. "With how smart you are? Of course you could! And they're not just field agents, there are also tons of scientists and mechanics who help keep the rangers running! With your skills, I bet you could run a base all on your own!"
"Could it be me and Ortho?"
"Of course!"
Idia had stars in his eyes and (Y/N) decided to feed into his new passion by showing him some photos and videos of her working with the elite squad. That sealed the deal for Idia and they spent the entire afternoon playing Pokémon Ranger, saving her Pokémon from "natural disasters'' (small gusts of wind being whipped up by Corviknight and small waves made by Swampert) and defeating evil poachers (Grim, who come downstairs for lunch). Somehow, with just the photos and videos, Idia was able to build a model Styler using some spare parts, and he likely could've made a working one if given the schematics, which both impressed and terrified (Y/N). Fortunately, unlike her other experiences with de aged dorm leaders, Idia lost energy pretty quickly, deciding to snooze the rest of the day with Ampharos and Popo.
Ortho eventually returned to reclaim his brother and their Pokémon, and (Y/N) handed the boy off.
"Thank you again, (Y/N)!"
She smiled. "No, it was my pleasure, Ortho. He actually really helped out here today. I don't know what I would've done without him. Oh! Don't forget this!"
She placed the model Styler into the sleeping boy's hands and he immediately clutched it to his chest.
"What is that?" Ortho asked.
(Y/N) rubbed her head. "Let's just say Idia might have a new obsession even when he turns back to normal."


The next day, Ortho let (Y/N) and Ampharos into Idia's room, much to his horror.
"Gah, here to make fun of me?" The teen sighed.
(Y/N) chuckled. "Maybe if you weren't the sixth time I had to babysit a de-aged individual. No, Ampharos wanted to say thanks for helping her."
The electric type waddled up to the elder Shroud and gave him a big hug, making his face go red.
"Ah! Hey! Don't just do stuff like that!"
Still, he could help but pet the friendly creature on the head. (Y/N) glanced back at his desk, seeing a certain model device now displayed there.
"Hey, you made a stand for the Styler!"
"Er...well, it's a pretty clunky toy, and I could make an even better one now...but yesterday was kinda fun." He said that last part in a whisper. "Of course, I could build a real one if you'd give me the plans for it."
She crossed her arms. "While I'm sure you could, it's actually very illegal to manufacture a Styler outside of the proper channels."
"Lame, we don't have those laws here!"
"You don't have Pokémon here, and I'm not exactly comfortable with you testing it's effectiveness on Grim or other monsters."
Idia grumbled. "Lawful good character..."
(Y/N) laughed. "Well, you'll just have to come to my world and get certified to be a ranger."
Idia rolled his eyes. "Typical protagonist suggestion. Whatever, Ortho and I will just make a game where you can play as a ranger. Though, I will need plenty of data on Pokémon to code them properly."
(Y/N) held out the Dex. "Tell you what? You can keep the Dex for your research and I get to be the first person to try out the game."
"Bribery, huh? Maybe you're more neutral good."

Okay, we're doing Glorious Masquerade next, so get your team suggestions down bellow. Roserade and Swampert are a given.

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