Shenanigans 16

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I own nothing.
A Visitor from Beyond the Screen

Ignihyde was...well it was in complete chaos. The residents of the dorm were running back and forth in a wave of panic as all of their computers and monitors were seemingly freezing and crashing at random intervals, which of course stalled the many different mechanical tests being performed in different sections of the dorm, namely the much anticipated upgraded Magical Wheel test and VR set. Idia, per usual, was barricaded in his room away from his panicking dormmates. Granted, he was furiously typing away on multiple computers, trying to discern the problem.
"Ugh! This makes no sense! The virus isn't latching onto anything, it's like it's bouncing from system to system, but it keeps moving so fast I can't study it! It's like one of those annoying RPG bosses that keep running away instead of fighting!"
"Brother?" A voice called before entering the room.
"Ortho, how's the mainframe holding up? Was any of the data hacked or rearranged?"
The robot boy sighed and shook his head. "No, it's the strangest thing. This virus is clearly causing system errors, but then immediately puts everything back and moves on. It doesn't even damage any of the code. I have never seen or heard of a virus that acts this way."
"Because that's not how they're supposed to act. We're sure this isn't a series of brownouts or hardware overheating?"
"No, I checked. No records of system reboots and the temperature readings have remained stable."
Idia groaned. "I have a raid with CrimsonMuscle tonight. It's a limited time quest and the rewards are essential for crafting the weapon set I've been after! Ortho, try accessing the network through my computer. Maybe you can find the problem through there."
"On it!"
Idia rolled around from the setup, allowing Ortho to access the system directly. For a few minutes, there was silence before the robot boy yelped and jumped away.
"That wasn't a virus!" Ortho stated.
Looking at the screen, Idia saw that the document app had been opened. To his horror, the cursor moved on its own as a message was typed out without the keyboard being touched:
Hello. I am lost. Can you help me?
The shriek that Idia let out was heard from even the farthest corners of the dorm, only further sending the Ignihyde students into a spiral.
Once Idia had stopped rocking back and forth in the fetal position, Ortho left to go get back. This error was more than likely of supernatural origin rather than digital, he went to the only person he knew who could probably be able to handle ghosts: (Y/N).
"In here!" Ortho urged as the Ramshackle Dorm Leader entered his brother's room.
Rotom, Gengar, and Marshadow followed closely behind her, each seemingly with their guards up. Idia yelped and quickly his some of his stuff under his bed as he wasn't used to having a girl in his room...or anywhere near his for that matter.
"(Y/N)! Why are you here!?"
"Ortho said you guys had a ghost problem in your computers." She explained. "He figured since Rotom can possess electronics, we could try and draw it out."
"Oh, right...but why are they here?"
Idia had heard horror stories about the monstrous strength of the tiny Marshadow, and he did not like the idea of the little guy going full shonen protagonist in his room. Gengar, while having a more playful reputation, was still frightening to say the least.
"They're only here in case the ghost gets hostile. I find having ghosts deal with ghosts is the best solution."
"I don't think it's hostile." Ortho explained as he led her to the monitor. "It was asking us for help."
The trainer quickly read the message and turned to Idia. "That's all it wrote?"
"Y-yeah. It's been randomly jumping systems and freezing everything. It's been a real pain to deal with."
(Y/N) pursed her lips. "Okay. It hasn't been causing damage, so it probably was just trying to get someone's attention. It seems like it's actually stuck in the system."
"I've heard of ghosts possessing computers, but never being trapped in the actual system." Ortho said. "How did it breach our firewall and get in there?"
"Well, we're about to find out. Rotom, get in there and see if you can communicate with our friend here. Maybe if we talk to them, we can figure out a way to free them."
The Plasma Pokémon whistled in agreement and shot into the screen. The device glowed in the usual manner of Rotom's other forms and hummed and whistled as the little ghost did his job. After a few minutes, the Pokémon re-emerged, zipping back and forth.
"What did you find, little guy?" Rotom beeped and whistled several times, making the trainer's eyes widened. "What!?"
Idia jumped. "W-what's wrong!? Is it bad."
(Y/N) tilted her head. "It's not...bad, per say. It's no ghost...well, kinda depending on how you look at it. It's just really weird."
"Can you fix it?" Ortho asked, not following.
She smiled and pulled out her Pokédex. "Actually, it's a really easy fix. Idia, think you can find a way to hook up my Pokédex to your monitors?"
He looked at her, baffled by the strange request.
"Uh, sure?" He said, taking the device from her and beginning to tinker with it.
In truth, Idia had been dying to get ahold of the Pokédex, not only for the information it held to help put an end to the numerous debates being held by the students of Ignihyde about who would win in a fight, but also so he could take it apart and reverse engineer his own so he could study (Y/N)'s world further. Of course, he would never be able to ask the Pokémon trainer for such a request, but it still lingered. Eventually, he was able to find the right set up (when the port said 'universal', they really weren't kidding), and stepped aside to allow the girl to do...whatever it is she needed to do.
"(Y/N)." Ortho spoke up. "I don't understand how this will help."
"Just watch." She smiled and tapped the monitor. "Hey, little guy, my Pokédex is all hooked up. Think you can get out through there?"
The monitor gave a low hum as a bright light traveled up the cable to the Dex. At once, something materialized above it. The creature was small, about the same size as Marshadow and it was primarily pink with light blue accents. To Idia, it looked like an origami bird or one of those drinking bird desk ornaments, but made up of low rendered polygons. Its limbs appeared disconnected from its main body as they spun 360 degrees. Its speech patterns were low to high pitched hums and clicks. It seemed happy enough as it closed its eyes, let out a bright hum, and circled in the air.
(Y/N) grinned. "You're welcome. Not sure how you got stuck in there, but you're free now."
It beeped joyful and nudged the girl's cheek, the Shroud brothers still stunned in shocked silence.
"(Y/N), what is that?" Ortho asked, scanning the small beast. "I can't pick up any heat or vital signatures from it."
"Boys, this is a Porygon. A completely artificial Pokémon from my world."
Excited by this prospect, Ortho grabbed the Dex and pointed it at the Pokémon.
"Porygon, the Virtual Pokémon. The world's first artificially created Pokémon, Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying."
"Amazing!" Ortho said, circling the Pokémon. "Your world's scientists were capable of creating a sentient life form using only computer data? I didn't even think that was possible! Brother, think of the possibilities!"
Idia seemed a bit more skeptical of this whole mess, which was fair. "Seems like a science project waiting to go wrong. How did it get isekaied into Ignihyde's network?"
"If I had to take a guess, the same way Gyarados got here: an Ultra Wormhole. I've never heard of them opening in cyberspace, but we admittedly know so little about them that it's entirely plausible. Once he got here, he must've gotten turned around in the system due to the technological difference. That's what all those freezes and brownout were. Poor thing was just trying to get out. Luckily, my Dex is hooked up to my PC boxes, so it made a little back door for him to escape through."
Porygon seemed a bit ashamed of the trouble and floated over to Idia, head hung and giving a low hum as an apology. Idia flinched, being approached by the strange being. On the one hand, it was an entirely alien creature likely fully capable of beating him up. On the other hand, some part of him was absolutely fanboying at the prospect of a fully artificial being capable of traversing cyberspace! Awkwardly and hesitantly, he patted Porygon's head.
"Um, it's fine...I guess. Whatever."
The Virtual Pokémon perked up and flipped in excitement, now becoming very curious about the various equipment around Idia's room. (Y/N) chuckled at his excitement before pulling a spare Pokeball out of her bag.
"Well, Porygon, we're kinda stuck here until we figure out a way back to our world. Why don't you come with me and we can get you settled in."
"Can't he stay here, (Y/N)?"
"Wha-!?" Idia yelped.
The trainer looked at the boy. "Ortho, he might be a digital Pokémon, but he is still functionally a wild animal. I don't know how I feel about leaving him here with you guys."
"Please! I promise to look after him!"
"Ortho, what are you doing!?" Idia demanded.
"Brother, he's a completely artificial animal capable of traversing cyberspace! Think about how helpful he could be around the dorm! Also, it might be nice for us to have a pet around the dorm that can be careful of electronics."
"Err, well, I guess that's true...I've been meaning to get Ortho a friend also."
The robot boy gave the female the cutest pair of Rockruff eyes he could manage. "Please, (Y/N)! I promise we'll do whatever training or schedule you want! Please, can he stay?"
She looked at him and then turned to the Digital Pokémon. "What do you think, Porygon? Where do you want to go."
Porygon rocked its head back and forth for a second before it flew into Ortho's arms, rumbling as if to imitate a cat's purr. The trainer shrugged with a smile.
"Well, guess it's decided. He can stay."
Ortho cheered in excitement, flying around with his new little friend as (Y/N) returned her ghost type to their balls.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Keep him out of trouble, you two. And I expect you to drop by Ramshackle so I can give you some lessons on how to take care of him."
"We'll be there!" Ortho answered.
"Wait, go there!?" Idia repeated as the girl exited.
"Yes, and I expect you to be there in person, Idia."

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