𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝟐 | 𝐦.𝐜.𝐦

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MOOD: fluff
AGE: 15

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I HAD A PLAN, everyone hated y/n and i knew that, but i didn't care i wanted them to at least give her a chance, soo. i booked us a table at this restaurant so we could ALL hang out, maybe they'll actually see that y/n isn't as bad as what they think.


i had just gotten out of the shower, a towel wrapped around me as i walked into my hotel room "oh my god!" i heard someone yell, i looked up seeing miguel standing there covering his eyes "what are you doing here?" i said with wide eyes.

"i uh! didn't know you were showering!" he said, his hands still over his eyes
"i'm covered miguel i'm not naked" i chuckled "i-i know" he stuttered making me laugh.

"s-so you just gonna stand there or are you gonna tell me why your sneaking into my hotel room at 6 pm?" i said teasing him at the start, he uncovered his eyes scratching his head with a chuckle.

"well i mean if you put it like that-"   "miguel."    "sorry, uhm we are going to dinner at 7 be ready, ok?" he said "we?" i said raising my eyebrow.

"we..the cast...you know" he said, i shook my head "i'll just order room service" i said as i went to walk back into the bathroom "fine! just us then" he yelled out making me turn around.

"just us okay?" he said, i smiled faintly nodding my head, he smiled, i could tell he was nervous, i dropped my smile "okay you can get out now" i said
"right! bye!" he said as he jogged out of the hotel room.

I shook my head smiling as i got ready, he was such an idiot.

I WALKED DOWN TO THE HOTEL LOBBY, i saw miguel standing there on his phone, i walked over to him before flicking his forehead making him look up "boo" i said smiling "finally" he chuckled.

"you gave me 1 hour to get ready miguel, it takes longer then that to look this good" i said smiling, obviously joking. He chuckled shaking his head as we began walking out of the hotel onto the cold streets.

"didn't realise it was gonna be this cold" i said rubbing my arms, i heard a zipper undo next to me, i looked over seeing miguel unzipping his jacket before draping it over my shoulders.

"no miguel" i said as i was about to take it off but he stopped me "i've got a long sleeve shirt on y/n, i'm fine. you have it" he said, i smiled, my stomach felt like there was bats flying around in there or something "thanks"

"god what would you do without me" he joked shaking his head "freeze to death" i chuckled "lucky you have me" he said shrugging, i smiled letting out a little chuckle.

We soon made it to the restaurant, that's when i felt my stomach drop to my feet, the whole cast was sat at a large table in the restaurant "miguel" i said as i nudged his shoulder.

He looked over to the table before looking at me "i-"   "why are they here?" i said "okay i may have lied!" miguel spilled "what!?"  "i'm sorry! it's just i want you guys to get along!" he said.

"i'm leaving" i went to walk off but i felt miguel grab my hand "please y/n i really like you and i want them to realise how cool you are!" he whined like a child, his grip on my hand was tight like he really wanted this.

I sighed before walking into the restaurant, he followed behind me with a large smile "sorry we're late" miguel said to the cast, they all looked at me like i didn't belong "what's she doing here?" mason said.

"she is coming to dinner with us, because SHE is also apart of the cast" miguel said as he sat down, pulling the chair out beside him for me to sit down, i sat down not making eye contact with anyone of the cast members.

"just cause you like her doesn't mean we have to" i heard mason mumble to miguel, i let out a small sigh as i went on my phone ignoring everyone.

i felt miguel grab my phone and hide it behind his back "hey!" i whisper shouted, to which he ignored me "we're leaving" i heard mason say as he stood up "have a little date night with her for all we care" mason snapped.

Miguel stood up grabbing masons shoulders and pushing him back down into the chair "no, you aren't leaving, not until you guys get along" miguel said.

"fine! we're besties! yay! is that what you wanna hear!?" mason said, the rest of the cast sat there silently, "i just want you to get along with her! is it really that hard!?" miguel yelled drawing attention from everyone else in the restaurant.

Mason sat back in his chair shaking his head "i'm sorry if you guys don't like me, but i didn't do anything wrong" i finally spoke "oh my god she speaks!" mason chuckled sarcastically.

"you're such a dickhead mason" miguel said "she's tryna be nice!" miguel defended. "once you get to know her she's like really fucking cool! but you wouldn't know that because you don't even give people a chance"

"i did give her a chance and she ignored me!" mason said "i didn't ignore you im just shy!" i said in a stern tone, i saw mason look over at me before sighing "still, you could've said something!" mason said.

"okay i should've and im sorry i didn't but it doesn't give you the right to just neglect me the way you did." i said, i looked over at miguel who was smiling at me, he was probably proud i stood up for myself cause it's very rare for me to do that.

Mason sighed in defeat "fine, i admit i was being a dick" mason said "thank you." i sighed "yay! you guys are besties now!" miguel smiled.

"not yet, i need to get to know her more" mason said, the rest of the night we talked and talked, we didn't get back to the hotel until 12.

"you're actually cool what the fuck!?" mason chuckled "i know right!" miguel said, i smiled finally feeling a sense of belonging.

"well i'm getting tired i think i'm gonna go get some rest" mason said, miguel and me nodded as we watched him walk away.

"that was really brave of you" i heard miguel say, i turned to him seeing him smiling "thanks" i chuckled "well i'm gonna go get ready for bed" i said.

He nodded i went to walk away but i felt him pull me into a hug, it shocked me at first but i hugged back soon after "i'll take you to dinner just the two of us, for real." i heard him whisper to me.

" i heard him whisper to me

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stop they're so cute what the fuck?

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆 𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙎 2Where stories live. Discover now