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ME AND MY BOYFRIEND walked down the hallways holding hands, we made it outside to where our group sits and that's when i saw the ugly ass orangutan looking ahhh girl at our groups seats.

Me and robin sighed as we looked at each other, already annoyed at her presence. "here we go" robin muttered as we walked up to the group. me and robin greeted everyone, lisa (the fake friend) was still talking to poor finn who looked like he needed help.

"Oh my god! robin!" lisa squealed as she ran to robin, i watched as she went to hug him, my hand ready to slap her but then robin put his pointer finger to her forehead pushing her back "woah gremlin, leave room for jesus" he said eyeing her before walking back over to me.

I laughed as robin looked at me smiling proudly, we both high fived as she glared at me, i smiled sarcastically at her as we all took a seat down at the bench, and of course. she sat next to robin.

"so robin, i heard you work out" she smiled as she adjusted her posture, her back arched so her ass poked out "yeah" robin said not looking over at her "i was thinking maybe you could give me a lesson" she smile innocently.

Robin frowned looking over at her "why would i do that" he said before she shrugged "i'd be more fun, you know" i watched in disbelief, but i knew robin would turn her down anyways.

"keep running your mouth and you won't need a workout" he said before turning to me "what's up beautiful" he asked smiling, i smiled knowing what he was doing.

"nothing" i replied, lisa cleared her throat making me and robin roll our eyes before looking at her "so y/n how was you and bruce's little hang out" she smiled, i knew what she was doing.

"we weren't hanging out i ran into him at the mall" i said eyeing her, this was true, i bumped into him and she saw us and immediately jumped to conclusions.

"you looked super close" she frowned "i know what your doing at it isn't gonna work, robin knows about how i bumped into bruce, cause robin was with me when it happened, you aren't slick so shut the fuck up" she gasped dramatically looking at robin.

"your gonna let her talk to me like that!?" she said to him "yep" he smiled.


i have a friend like this and omg i wanna bash her head in every time she does shit like this, she flirts with our friends boyfriends while she's also in a relationship like wtf? if she goes for my man's (he isn't my man yet☹️ but he will be) istg i will throw hands 😒

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆 𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙎 2Where stories live. Discover now