sky full of stars, neteyam

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the sun had begun to set, and the sky was painted a brilliant blue-green, deepening to orange and pink. i watched as the colours flattened, as if they were being drained of their lives. i held tightly to the reins of my ikran, feeling the creature's strength beneath me as it glided through the air.

neteyam rode besides me, his own ikran gracefully uncoiling and stretching as it flew. he glanced over at me, his eyes meeting mine, before he gave me a slight smile and a nod. i knew what he meant without having to say a word. he had something to show me.

i gave him a soft smile in return, and then we were off. neteyam nudged his ikran in a new direction, and i followed close behind, the two of us soaring through the night. the stars glittered in the distance, the constellations seeming to whisper secrets as they twinkled and shone.

i felt my heart soar with my ikran, my soul swelling with an eagerness to explore. i could feel the anticipation in neteyam as well, and i knew that whatever he wanted to show me was something magical.

the night flew by, and soon i could see a dark shape looming up ahead. as we drew nearer, i realised that it was an island, the land rising up from the sea like a sleeping giant. neteyam gave me a grin, and i felt a thrill of excitement course through me.

neteyam guided our ikrans closer until they were hovering just above the shoreline. i looked around in wonder, taking in the sight of the shadowy trees and the beaches that seemed to stretch out forever. and then, in the trees, i saw a faint light.

neteyam seemed to know what it was because he led our ikrans in its direction. as we drew nearer, the light grew brighter, and i realised it was coming from a village.

the ikrans descended and touched lightly on the grassy field in the centre of the village. neteyam jumped down and then offered his hand to me, helping me down as well.

we stood in the centre of the village, the air shimmering with light and music. i couldn't believe my eyes. the buildings were made of wood and stone, each one unique yet somehow fitting together like the pieces of a puzzle. the streets were cobbled, and the nature was bright with colour.

neteyam took my hands and led me to the edge of the village, where there was a tall, rugged mountain. he pointed up, "let's go up there. i want to show you something special."

i nodded, and they began to climb the mountain. the night was calm and still, with the stars shining down on them like a blanket of light. we climbed higher and higher until i could see the stars above me like tiny sparks of fire.

at the top of the mountain, neteyam led me to a wide, flat area where they could look out over the whole village. i gasped. the village was like a miniature world, with the stars twinkling above it all. i could see the sea beyond, stretching towards the horizon. and then, as if in a dream, i saw the most beautiful sight i had ever seen.

the sky was alive with stars—millions of tiny points of light in every colour and every size. i stood in awe, feeling peace, and wondering how i had never experienced this before. neteyam took my hands in his and spoke softly, "this is my gift to you. a night under the stars."

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