sleepless, neteyam

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"can't you sleep somewhere else?"

beneath the moonlit sky, one could hear love's melody softly sigh upon your inquiry as the forest was bathed in its usual nocturnal glow, and you found yourself nestled in the embrace of your comfortable hammock, watching lo'ak's silhouette as he prepared to settle in the hammock beside yours. the night air was crisp, yet a subtle tension lingered between the two of you, and not the good kind.

lo'ak, it seemed, had been plagued by restless nights for quite some time, his limbs flailing about in chaotic patterns. the stories shared by kiri during the evening meal about how she always ended up with his elbow in her face, revealed a comical yet somewhat bothersome side to his nocturnal escapades. you had no desire to witness his flailing limbs firsthand or become an unintentional victim of his sleep-induced antics for you had just recently learned about that, and as much as you loved your friend, that was a line you didn't wish for anyone to cross. you were definitely not interested in learning this side of him.

"oh, how fucking mean!" lo'ak exclaimed in a characteristically loud manner, his words echoing through the stillness of the night.

"language!" a distant voice reprimanded him with a stern reminder about his choice of words. though you couldn't discern the exact source of the admonition, it bore a familiar tone, possibly belonging to his father. the forest seemed to hold its breath, as if even nature itself acknowledged the significance of the moment.

your resolve remained unyielding as you asserted your position. "no, really," you persisted, your voice firm, "i'd rather not sleep next to you if you're going to be so weird and punch everyone in your sleep."

"hey, everyone is different," lo'ak, ever the rational thinker, offered his defense, reasoning with you as a hint of mischief danced in his eyes. "i mean you're a sleep talker, but do you see me causing a fuss about it? no."

"because i don't sleep-talk," you retorted, your voice laced with a touch of defiance as a flicker of annoyance crossed your face.

"how do you know?" a smug smile crept upon lo'ak's face as he crossed his arms, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "the things these innocent ears have heard throughout the years, and yet i've never once complained."

your eyes rolled in response to his teasing remark, "fine, if you say so. but then again, you don't have to sleep here. swap places with kiri."

lo'ak's reply came swiftly, accompanied by a hint of false regret. "can't do that. tuk can only sleep next to kiri."

"poor you," you said with sarcasm dripping in your voice, "then why not switch hammocks with neteyam?"

"he probably wouldn't want to," he assumed, shrugging his shoulders.

"we both know that's a lie," you asserted with a gentle conviction. neteyam possessed an adaptability unmatched by most, his unassuming nature allowing him to find comfort in the simplest of circumstances, be it sleeping in a different hammock or on a branch or the ground. you had never known him to complain, his unyielding resilience serving as a source of admiration. it was one of the many reasons why your fondness for him ran deeper than mere affection, however, that was something you'd never dare to speak out.

"yeah, but i'm so comfortable here," lo'ak protested, "why don't you swap with him, hm?" the flickering shadows played upon his face revealing the mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"then i'd still be next to you, you skxawng,"  you defended your stance, refusing to yield to his suggestion, "besides, i'm comfortable too."

"that's your problem," a sigh escaped lo'ak's lips as he turned away, bidding you goodnight.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍, A:TWOW imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now