Chapter 1

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This is part 3 of this series, and I would recommend to read part 1 (Louder than Bombs) and 2 (An unwanted one year anniversary) first before starting with this one. Or at least part 2, since most injuries are from part 2 :)

Here's a quick summary of everyone's injuries or problems:
Namjoon: he is suffering with signs of depression and self-doubt if he should be the leader of BTS
Seokjin: he is suffering from a bad depression and he using medication for it.
Yoongi: left shoulder injury after his shoulder was dislocated during their capture. And he had multiple panic attacks and he's anxious around strangers (because they remind him of the kidnappers)
Hoseok: he got a burn wound on this other thigh, it got badly infected and he is suffering from PTSS with nightmares of Jungkook dying in his arms
Jimin: he got a broken ankle after being beaten by the kidnappers and he is using anti-psychotics because of acoustic hallucinations/hearing voices
Taehyung: he got multiple wounds on his back that got infected and while being sick he got visual hallucinations of seeing bugs crawling over his skin. He is using anti-psychotics as well
Jungkook: he got a bad pulmonary infection after swallowing dirty water and he had multiple seizures because of his high fever. During the seizures he didn't got enough oxygen for a couple of minutes, resulting in brain damage with having problems to focus and concentrate. And he got a wound that says 'RM' on his back

It's set during the period when Seoul had heavy rainfall in august and tormented with floods because of it. First of all: I hope everyone was safe and well <3 If you live in South Korea (or somewhere where) and you have bad memories of the floods, please don't read this story because I don't want to bring up unwanted memories or emotions.

Enough introduction, let's read!
I hope you like it <3


It had been 5 weeks since the members had been discharged from the hospital and brought to their new house. Sejin had found the place when the boys were admitted in the hospital after being rescued from the kidnappers, and after making a few phone calls and offering a large amount of money he received the keys a week later. But getting the key wasn't really cutting it, since the place needed to be furnished and adapted to the boy's needs. Apart from buying 7 beds, a few couches, chairs, tablets etc. he also went to a medical equipment store and bought stuff to help the less mobile members move around. Jimin's ankle was broken and in a cast, so the boy would need to use a wheelchair or crutches, and Hoseok would need crutches as well so he didn't strain his burn wound too much. And nobody was surprised that Sejin had decided that those two would sleeping in the bedrooms downstairs, along with Jungkook. The youngest was recovering well, but he still needed to use his inhalers frequently and going up and down the stairs multiple times a day would be too intensive for him. Seokjin had asked to get the only private bedroom upstairs and despite many protests of the others, he eventually got what he wanted but on one condition: the lock from the door would be removed so the rest of the group could check in on him when needed. And since the oldest member was asking for favors, Taehyung started as well and asked for fitness equipment and soon Namjoon and Yoongi followed with requests for a laptop and recording stuff. But let's talk about the past 5 weeks first since a lot has changed in the meantime.

Starting with the oldest and the member that everyone was the most worried about when they first arrived at their new house. Seokjin was still suffering from a bad depression and even though he was taking medication, they needed to wait before it would start working. So the first two weeks were awful and draining for the others. During the day Seokjin refused the leave his bed, his room was dark and he didn't bother to change his clothes, because why should he? Hoseok had tried to cheer him up by cuddling him and showing affection, Yoongi tried to keep him hydrated by bringing his favorite drinks, Namjoon sat down quietly next to him while working on a new song to make sure he wasn't feeling alone but also not to bother him too much, the 95-liners were the ones who tried to entertain him by watching a movie together even though Seokjin would just sleep or pretend to sleep until the movie had ended and Jungkook had visited him a few times as well to ask how he was doing but other than that he didn't know what to do. And slowly when the house became more noisy when everyone was starting to recover and getting back to their usual selves again, Seokjin started to feel some emotions again. For example how he felt less heavy when one of them was getting back from an appointment to tell that the doctor was satisfied with the recovery so far, or how he felt the need to check in on his donsaengs when it was too quiet. It were small things, but it felt like a big change compared to the past couple of weeks when he felt completely nothing and death inside of him. So step by step he was getting more out of bed, he was taking showers everyday and he was starting to enjoy his favorite food again. Hell, every food would tast delicious right now because he was starving, but Yoongi kept cooking his favorites despite of that. He still had a long road ahead of him to get back to his own cheery and carefree self, but he was sure he would get there eventually.

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